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{{quote| ''This is a tale of heroes and princesses, of ears and tails, of hopes and dreams!''}}
The [[Edible Theme Naming|Republic of Biscotti and the Kingdom of Galette]] are [[Good Republic, Evil Empire|at war]], a literal battle of cats and dogs. Biscotti needs to tip the odds in their favor, and so they decide to summon a hero. That hero turns out to be 13-year-old [[But Not Too Foreign|Japanese-British]] [[Ordinary High School Student|middle-school student]] Cinque Izumi. While trying to cut class and practice for an upcoming athletic meet, Cinque ends up somersaulting into a magic portal that takes him to the magical land of Fronaldo, where he is the hero. Now he has to learn to be one.
''Dog Days'' is an [[Anime First]] series by Seven Arcs, better known for their work on ''[[Lyrical Nanoha|Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' and debuting in the [[Spring 2011 Anime|spring of 2011]].
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* [[Dynamic Entry]]: HERO KIIIIICK!
** Eclair does this to Cinque {{spoiler|in Episode 4 after he inadvertently accepts a declaration of war.}} [[In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You|In Biscotti]], [[Kick the Dog|dog kicks you]].
* [[Edible Theme Naming]]: [http://en.[ |Biscotti]], [http://en.[ chr(28)pastrychr(29)|Eclair]], [http://en.[ |Ricotta]], [http://en.[ |Galette]], [http://en.[ |Panettone]]... as if the show couldn't be any more sweet.
** Mixed with [[Gratuitous French]] and [[Colorful Theme Naming]]: Framboise (raspberry), Jaune (yellow) [http://en.[ |Clafoutis]], [http://en.[ |Brioche]] d'Arquien, Vert (green) [http://en.[ Breton|Far Breton]]...
*** [[Bilingual Bonus|Making this show incredibly hilarious to anyone who can speak French, Italian, or both]]; since it always seems like everyone is talking about food all the time.
* [[Expy]]: Millefiore, of Caro Lu Rushe of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Strikers]]'', also from Seven Arcs. She's pink all over, she's a wizard, and she [ sports a hooded cloak]. [ Some fan art ran away with this.]
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* [[Fridge Brilliance]]: You would think that Cinque, who seems to have no combat experience or training of any sort, would have difficulty attacking the citizens of a world where they train and fight most of the time. However the citizens know they won't die and don't receive bursts of adrenaline that would have saved someone who actually could die, and probably don't see the need to train as hard because of this.
* [[Gainaxing]]: Leonmichelle and Yukikaze.
* [[Genius' Sweet Tooth]]: Ricotta
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Leonmichelle ordering the cameramen to zoom on Eclair right before her [[Clothing Damage]].
* [[Godiva Hair]]
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* [[Mad Scientist]]: Ricotta, though she is nicer than most examples.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Just about any knight with a name is one of these.
* [[Magitek]]: In keeping with the show's [[Final Fantasy]]-esque setting. May also border on [[Schizo -Tech]], as video phones, giant floating televisions, and elevators exist in Flonyard but completely mechanical transportation does not.
* [[Meido]]: Rizel and her subordinates.
** [[Ninja Maid]]
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** This only applies to the battlefields, towns, and basically any civilized land. You can still die if you're attacked by monsters in the wilderness or roads. {{spoiler|Cinque himself can still get badly hurt, since he cannot change into an animal ball, but he does fine since he's [[Made of Iron]]. [[Informed Flaw|He has yet to be sufficiently injured anyway]]}}.
** This can also change depending on local conditions, such as {{spoiler|the presence of an evil entity}}.
* [[Non -Indicative First Episode]]: Episode one was low on action and fairly devoid of [[Fan Service]]. Cue episode 2.
* [[Non-Lethal KO]]: The combatants who are knocked out, or hit by a hero in the head or back, turn into super deformed [[Waddling Head|animal-head things]].
* [[Non -Lethal Warfare]]
* [[Normal Fish in A Tiny Pond]]: Cinque with Flonyard's magic.
* [[Odango Hair]]: Millefiore has the covered variation.
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* [[Scenery Porn]]
* [[Screw Destiny]]: {{spoiler|Leonmitchelli's ultimate goal is to avert Millefiore and Cinque's death. Turns out she needn't go through all the trouble: both took care of themselves just fine.}}
* [[Serious Business]]: Inverted; war is normally serious business, but here it's a [[Non -Lethal Warfare|harmless]] sporting event.
** At least Leo takes it very seriously.
** Later, it's revealed that one of the reasons they have these wars is to {{spoiler|keep their skills sharp in case of demon attacks -- it is ''sort of'' serious}}.
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** Heck, even Eclair's brother.
* [[Ship Tease]]: There's a fair amount of romantic undertones between Cinque and Millefiore -- hero and summoner -- Shiku and Eclair -- [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]/borderline [[Battle Couple]] -- and Cinque and Becky -- the [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]] -- as well as some Millefi/Leo and Millefi/Eclair [[Les Yay]]. But it seems as though Cinque and Millefi are now the [[Official Couple]].
* [[Shout -Out]]: Milhi's armor in episode 9 looks a lot like [[Fate Stay Night|Saber's]] armor.
** At the end of the 13th synopsis video, Cinque quotes a lyric from [[Nanoha the Movie First|PHANTOM MINDS]].
* [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]]: Name another series that thinks war can be turned into a ''happy and magically safe sporting event''.
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* [[War for Fun And Profit]]: Quite literally, the prize money one gets for successfully participating is enough to make a decent living out of it and, of course, the whole thing is more of an elaborated sports event anyway.
* [[Warrior Prince]]: Gaul.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: Leonmichelle is a big fan of wave attacks, and none too fussy about any damage to her own side that her attacks might cause. Of course, like most war tropes applied here, this is completely [[Played for Laughs]], because in such a [[Friendly War|war where]] [[Non-Lethal KO|nobody gets]] [[Non -Lethal Warfare|seriously hurt]], the only real casualty in a worst-case scenario would be [[Clothing Damage|the clothes]].
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: {{spoiler|Leonmichelle's harsh, militaristic international policy is part of a gambit to avert the prophesied death of her childhood friend Milhiore, as well as her Hero, Cinque.}}
* [[Wham! Episode]]: The ending of Episode 6 -- {{spoiler|Cinque and Millefiore are doomed to die in 30 days, and nothing can change this. [[Screw Destiny|Not if Leonmichelle has anything to say about it, though.]]}}
* [[White and Grey Morality]]: In any other show, warmongering [[The Empire|Galette]] would be pretty clearly evil, but given that "warmongering", in this case, means "healthily appreciative of sporting activities", we've just got a bunch of friendly, polite [[Worthy Opponent|Worthy Opponents]] instead.
** If anything it's probably a rare example of white and white morality, if there was such a trope.