Dohna Dohna - Let's Do Bad Things Together: Difference between revisions

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**Hisamitsu is usually polite and courteous, save for the time he rapes Mistress. {{Spoiler|Though he loses his cool once the good guys begin winning against the final boss, he recomposes himself and takes his defeat with grace.}}
**The Foreigner is always polite, soft-spoken and mild-mannered, and is unlikely to be any better than the primary antagonist.
*[[All Gays Are Pedophiles]]: Zappa, when asked what his type is, answers that he's gay, and "just happy ogling Joker", who appears to be no older than 14.
*[[Bad Boss]]: In contrast to Kikuchiyo and Shinazu, Tsuina treats her own subordinates extremely callously, even the ones who otherwise display no displeasure at serving her. She chops one subordinate's fingers off for failing her and has absolutely no regard for anyone's life.
*[[Always Identical Twins]]: Alyce and Yammy, though there is a twist that though they have the same shape, Yammy has completely different colors than Alyce.
* [[Anti Hero]]: The Nayuta Clan and the other Anti-Asougi clans are on the deep end on this trope. They do not murder civilians but have no qualms at kidnapping Asougi City females which had the bad luck of being on their way and basically [[Rape by Proxy|rape them by proxy]], including virgins, young teens. And unceremoniously kick them out if they become useless to them, or even if they don't. You can dump on a S+ talent, after all.
* [[Artificial Limbs]]: Shinazu had his limbs replaced with cybernetics.
* [[Bad Boss]]: In contrast to Kikuchiyo and Shinazu, Tsuina treats her own subordinates extremely callously, even the ones who otherwise display no displeasure at serving her. She chops one subordinate's fingers off for failing her and has absolutely no regard for anyone's life.
* [[Badass Adorable]]: Joker is cute and young, and he also can hit enemies straight to hell with his bat.
* [[Blatant Lies]]: When Kirakira question if Zappa wants to break into an Asoubi facility out of petty revenge for a dinner-and-dashing incident of the day before, he audibly stutters, negates it's about it, and all he does is from a place of "righteous anger", and he wants to "fix society".
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* [[Nipple-and-Dimed]]: Despite the fact the game is already full of hentai content, the on-field sprites of female party members still stop just short of showing nipples.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]:
** Aside of Medico asking if Lu Bu is chineseChinese like the figure he is named after, from where himhe and the organization he belongs to came from is never said, but it's pretypretty easy to deduce they are indeed chineseChinese communists thanks to that name, involvement in cruel human experimentation, and The Outsider's stereotypical chineseChinese-like appearance.
** Asoubi themselves seem like a japaneseJapanese PRC, with dissenters and law-breakers sent to labor camps, indoctrination of children, relative isolation from the rest of the world, trying to increase their reputation through extravagant measures, and a social credit system.
** Between this game's development and release Shinzo Abe ceased to be PM of Japan, but considering the LDP is almost always the ruling party of Japan, it's not hard to deduce who they are the PM and ruling party mentioned in the game.
* [[Obviously Evil]]: Murasaki's all-white face, pointy nose and black lips makes a very evil-like combination. At first he seems to subvert this by trying to make peace with the Nayuta Clan and trying to help them, but turns out he was trying to goad them in conflict a third hustling faction, the Shinonomeha clan.
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: All Nayuta clan members, even between themselves. Medico is not even once referred by name before gaining that nickname, and Kirakira only goes through half of Kuma's name before he tells her to shut up, though you can still hear and read her say "Mito...".
* [[Pragmatic Villainy]]: Tsuina cites this reason when she chooses to arm them with firearms and tries to ally with Asougi, blatantly going against their traditions and goal. Kikuchiyo points out that if this was truly the case, she could have easily accomplished this by remaining outside the city, as she already gathered the contacts necessary to be successful, and her real goal is to get revenge against the Shinonome Group.
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* [[Relationship Values]]: The game tracks each member of Nayuta's "feeling" for Kuma, which can be raised by hanging out with them or winning encounters with both them and Kuma in the vanguard. They unlock new skills and give stat buffs and, for the heroines, unlock different endings in the final chapters of the story.
* [[Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves]]: {{Spoiler|After Shinazu ousts her from the clan, Tsuina tries to make an alliance with Flattt. Murasaki asks her to kill her own loyal subordinate first, and she does so without a second thought. Seeing first hand that she has no loyalty to anyone but her own wants, he promptly imprisons her and begins using her for their hustling business}}.
* [[Run or Die]]: Downplayed in the first encounter with Lu Bu. The party strongly suggests steering clear of him, but a prepared player can easily beat him. [[The Battle Didn't Count|Nothing happens if you do, however]].
* [[Running Gag]]: Zappa trying to make everything about fighting the corporation. He begins by not paying a restaurant bill and it only gets more ridiculous from there.
* [[Russian Roulette]]: Zappa's third event involves a game of Russian Roulette involving pizza slices. Porno quickly figures it out how to win, or at least dodge the worst slice filled with pepper from pepper spray, because Zappa is the worst poker player ever and visibly reacts badly if someone picks a safe slice.
