Donald Trump: Difference between revisions

word salad; crunchtastic; added to catchphrase and over compensation; weasel words; irony added to; arch enemies added to; nothing to see here; hidden in plain sight; exaggerated
(remedied 'arch enemy' - added comey, and flynn, plus detail and refs)
(word salad; crunchtastic; added to catchphrase and over compensation; weasel words; irony added to; arch enemies added to; nothing to see here; hidden in plain sight; exaggerated)
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* [[All Women Are Lustful]]: Trump's view of women, according to the Pussygate tape. After implying that Nancy O'Dell, who once rebuffed his advances, became sluttier with "big phony tits", he went on to explain that all women all want it with a star:
{{quote|And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. [[Beat|*beat*]] Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.}}
* [[Arch Enemy]]: He'she hostedseems twoto [[Wrestlemania]]sbe andonly beenhappy anwhen activehe's participantengaged in [[WWE]]a promos, highlighted by his "feud" with rival CEO [[Vince McMahon]].
** He's hosted two [[Wrestlemania]]s and been an active participant in [[WWE]] promos, highlighted by his "feud" with rival CEO [[Vince McMahon]].
** Not content with prime time, Trump took daytime TV by storm when a [[Volleying Insults|tabloid war]] erupted between himself and Rosie O'Donnell, then-host of the American morning talk show ''The View''.
** After Rosie, [[Barack Obama]] was this to him somewhat briefly.
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** James Comey (former FBI Director): became this to Trump when he refused to drop the FBI probe into former national security advisor Michael Flynn as part of the ongoing Russia investigation. Trump fired Comey.<ref>[ James Comey Fired] ''''</ref> Flynn later plead guilty to lying to the FBI about his ties to Russia.<ref>[ Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying to FBI] ''''</ref>
** Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III: became this next after he was appointed the head of the investigation formerly headed by Comey. Trump expressed his desire to bring an end to the FBI investigation into possible 'collusion' with Russia (conspiracy to work with a foreign government to influence the 2016 election) as if it was discovered that he was the beneficiary of such collusion his Presidency would be shown to be illegitimate and he would likely face legal consequences.<ref>[ Trump Wants to Fire Mueller] ''''</ref>
* The week starting 13th August 2018 saw Trump make new enemies in:
** Omarosa Manigault Newman: former White House staffer turned whistleblower, released a tell-all book about her time in the White House. Trump called her a "crazed lowlife" and a "dog".<ref>[ Omarosa Attacked by Trump] ''''</ref>
** John Brennan: former CIA director who ran afoul of Trump after calling him a "disgraced demagogue" (amongst other things). Trump revoked his security clearance in what ''he himself'' has stated (in contradiction to the official White House statement) were politically motivated reasons.<ref>[ Trump pulls Brennan's security clearance] ''''</ref>
** And in an odd nod to [[12 Angry Men]], he drew the ire of 12 former intelligence officials for revoking the security clearance of John Brennan.<ref>[ 12 Angry Intelligence Men] ''''</ref>
* Averted with Paul Manafort - who has yet to 'flip' on him during his ''first'' trial.<ref>At time of writing - August 17th, 2018</ref>
** And, perhaps most notably, America's ''former'' sworn enemy Vladimir Putin.
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]: Might also be interpreted as a [[Prophetic Name]], given his knack for trumpeting himself. His ancestral name was Drumpf, which was changed to Trump [ sometime in the 17th century]. This trivia piece prompted [[Last Week Tonight]] to produce "Make Donald Drumpf Again" hats.
* [[Badass]]: He got a very credible threat to his life a week or two before his presidential election, to the point the Secret Service had to evac him from the speech he was giving, but instead of letting it stick, he simply went right back to the podium a few minutes later and continued speaking. In fact, throughout his entire presidential campaign he's been the target of more than one confirmed assassination attempt and refused to quit appearing in public, even making a point of refusing to be cowed into doing so.
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** Trump was the first major party candidate in 40 years not to release his income tax return. He claims an ongoing audit prevented him from doing so.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "You're fired." Inverted regularly in the season finales of ''[[The Apprentice (TV series)|The Apprentice]]'', when he announces "You're hired."
** "Make America Great Again" (MAGA for short) was his election version. It wasn't original: he re-purposed "Let's make America great again" from Reagan's 1980 campaign.<ref>[ MAGA]''''</ref> He has confirmed "Keep America Great" will be his 2020 version.
** Trump's 2016 campaign [[Slogans|slogans]] included "Build The Wall", "Lock Her [Hillary Clinton] Up" and "America First".
* [[Compensating for Something]]: Trump's resurgence in business which was symbolized by the, erm... [[All Psychology Is Freudian|erection]] of a 68-story Trump Tower in Manhattan's Upper East Side. Trump was so happy with the finished product, he sprouted '''more''' "Trump Towers" in major cities throughout the U.S., including one which looms directly over the U.N. Headquarters. Now you ''can't'' ignore his girth.
** Also while on the campaign trail, he assured America that despite his small hands, he had "no problems in that department".
** He also over-compensates in other areas. Notably, he has claimed he "has the ''best'' words", is "''like'' a smart person", has "''one of the best'' temperaments" and, the clincher, he is a "''very'' stable genius."
* [[Crunchtastic]]: Trump has a ''bigly'' vocabulary of the best words. Even if he does have to make them up. Covfefe.
* [[Didn't Think This Through]]: His first assassination attempt. Michael Steven Sandford, a illegal immigrant from the UK who had only just learned the bare minimum of shooting (having fired a mere 20 rounds, not even two full magazines. Presumably as it is the smallest unit of ammo that can be purchased new) at a Vegas range, attempted to grab a cop's gun and shoot Trump only to be stopped cold because the cop, like almost all of the ones in the country, used a retention holster. This attempt was so poorly thought out the court considered (though rejected) a halfway house over no bail for an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate.
* [[Dodgy Toupee]]: Often when someone wants to make a sketch or joke about Donald Trump they may take the easy angle and mock the obvious toupee. ''[[Meet the Spartans]]'' did this where [[Catch Phrase|he fires]] Spiderman and cuts his web but he sticks it back onto his head and pulls the wig off.
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* [[Egopolis]]: Trump 'brands' his buildings with the '''''Trump''''' name displayed prominently, often placing large gold [[Calling Card|"T"]] symbols throughout the interior rooms. He probably has a caped uniform with a "T" [[Chest Insignia|on its chest]] in his closet, too.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: In the 2016 Presidential campaign.
* [[Exaggerated]]: He calls it "truthful hyperbole" (an oxymoron) in "The Art of The Deal". Otherwise known as [[Blatant Lies|stretching the truth]].
* [[Favoritism Flip Flop]]: it has been pointed out that Trump has a tendency to agree with the last person he spoke with. A good example was after the 2018 Parkland shooting in Florida, when he seemed to favour gun control on the Wednesday (28/2/18), only to backtrack on the Thursday (1/3/18) after a meeting with the NRA.<ref>[ Trump Flips on Gun Control] ''''</ref>
* [[Fountain of Memes]]: Became a gigantic wellspring of these during his 2016 Presidential campaign.
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: With Bernie Sanders, who attempted to get the Democrat party's nomination in 2016 but lost narrowly to Hillary Clinton. Trump repeatedly encouraged Sanders during the primary. The media universally acknowledged it was a transparent attempt to peel Bernie voters away from Hillary Clinton, though did not necessarily see it as untruthful. With a third party hacking revealing Democrat internal communications always talked as though Hillary would be the nominee the suggestion the primary was rigged wound up very appropriate.
* [[Hidden in Plain Sight]]: he asked Russia to hack his opponents emails... live on TV... during a news conference.<ref>[ Trump Russia Clinton Emails] ''''</ref>
* [[Humiliation Conga]]: Trump was on the receiving end of this from [[Barack Obama]] at the end of April 2011. On Wednesday, after Trump jumped on the "birther" issue, Obama released the long sought after "long form birth certificate", making Trump look somewhat foolish (though Trump boasted about how proud he was of getting the certificate released; he probably still didn't believe it). On the Saturday, Trump was the subject of more roasting than the President at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. And finally, on the Sunday night, just to make a bad week worse for Trump, ''[[The Apprentice (TV series)|Celebrity Apprentice]]'' [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|was interrupted]] for the news that Obama had ordered a successful raid and killing on Osama bin Laden.
** A documentary by [[Frontline]] has suggested that this was [[It's Personal|the moment]] that Trump decided to seriously run for President, in order to prove everyone wrong.
* [[Ignorant of His Own Ignorance]]: his understanding of uranium is unparalleled.<ref>[ Uranium = Bad] ''''</ref>
* [[Implacable Man]]: Proclaimed by supporters with the unofficial slogan "Can't Stump the Trump", referencing what they see as an ability to have repeated (political) attacks just glance off of him instead of sticking like most candidates.
** Even the Democratic party's own analysts will (in hindsight) give him credit for accomplishing the almost impossible feat of being on the opposite end of both the most lavishly-funded and well-connected political campaign team in history ''and'' the most consistently unfavorable press coverage ever received by a Presidential candidate in the past century and still triumphing over both on sheer determination.
* [[Improbable Hairstyle]]: Apparently a mixture of a cross-grid combover and three cans of hairspray.
* [[Irony]] inverted: Trump claimed to hire the best people, only to systematically fire them one by one, and for a number of them to end up indicted, pleading guilty and then put on trial (Flynn, Manafort, Gates etc).
** He launched a tirade of abuse at Omarosa Manigault Newman, calling her a "crazed lowlife" and a "dog". He has known and worked with her for 15 years, and has fired her 4 times (3 times on "The Apprentice" once IRL.
** Even his wife Melania can't escape the irony grip on Trumpdom<ref>[ Melania's Anti Bullying Campaign] ''''</ref>: she advocates for the prevention of cyber-bullying while her husband - ''the most powerful man in the world'' - bullies people on the internet.<ref>[ Trump tweet] ''''</ref> Ouch.
** see [[The Nicknamer]] below: whilst naming Ted Cruz "Lyin' Ted" and Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary", Trump is himself the subject of an ongoing investigation, is ''arguably'' one of the biggest liars on the planet, and is very ''possibly'' crooked.
* [[It Will Never Catch On]]: Outside of his own campaign team the number of political pundits, analysts, or insiders even remotely willing to entertain the idea that Donald Trump could successfully be elected President could literally be counted on the fingers of one hand. Of course, then he won anyway.
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* [[Kicked Upstairs]]: Picking South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, a critic of his, as Ambassador to the UN has been described as this. The position would give her a position with no actual power to an organization Trump has repeatedly called a joke and would make South Carlina's lieutenant governor, who is more supportive of Trump, the governor.
* [[Metaphorgotten]]: [ He opposes gay marriage because of new trends in golf putter preference.] See also: "[[Troll]]".
* [[Mundane Made Awesome]]: not content with building a wall, it has to be a big, ''beautiful'' wall.<ref>[ Trump In His Own Words] ''''</ref>
* [[The Nicknamer]]: The ability to push nicknames on people and make them stick is considered one of his greatest rhetorical strengths in his 2016 election campaign. The nicknames reflect basic sorting of threat levels, which more minor opponents being called "[[The Napoleon|Little]] Marco" or "Low Energy Jeb" while his biggest primary opponent was "Lying Ted" and general election opponent dubbed "Crooked Hillary".
** Inverted with his fans, who generally take the insulting nicknames Trump's opponents have given them and turn them into [[Insult Backfire]]s. Often after Trump picks up on the insult and calls it out for being such.
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* [[No Such Thing as Bad Publicity]]: Trump managed to sail through the 2016 Republican primary with minimal spending by ensuring the media '''never''' stopped talking about him. Their constant airing hit pieces against him ensured that by the end of the primary ''everyone'' knew Trump wanted to build a border wall despite minimal ads on the subject. This continued in the general election where over sixteen major publications redistributed a graphic he posted, claiming its use of a six pointed star (supposedly a Star of David) was supposedly a hidden anti-Semitic agenda at no cost to him.
* [[No, You]]: One gets the feeling that most of the insults lobbed by Trump are things that he himself has been called. There was that time he [ called Hillary Clinton a bigot], for instance.
* [[Nothing to See Here]]: Trump makes all his wives, ''alleged'' mistresses and staffers sign Non-Disclosure Agreements.<ref>[ NDAs for all] ''''</ref>
* [[Nouveau Riche]]: To a degree. His father was a very successful low income housing developer in NYC, he sent Donald to Fordham, so his family was doing very well before. Donald just took his love of construction and everything else [[Up to Eleven]]. Trump has noted his family was not welcome among the "old money" families from different parts of New York.
* [[One-Episode Wonder]]: Anthony Scaramucci, a.k.a [[Spell My Name with a "The"|The Mooch!]] With a fast talking Brooklyn accent, this [[Plucky Comic Relief]] came in to the Press Secretary job with a vengeance. With a [[Smug Smiler]] smirk on a handsome Italian face, he channeled Trump's rage perfectly. In his short term of 10 days, he:
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**# An obvious response would be (and indeed was) to wave the flag of feminism some more. It's also a very slippery and double-edged response, associated not only with affirmative action and Political Correctness, but also the wake of a press corruption scandal ([[Gamergate]]). Also, promoting feminism practically means enabling more ''radical'' feminism. And in a wave of radical ''anything'' not only the loud ones shall drown out the quiet ones, but the worst attention seekers shall compete for the most outlandish stunt. This just as inevitably led to the obviously deranged ones being paraded before public, as more contemptuous memes were born or rejuvenated. The "Trigglypuff" and pussyhats immediately come to mind. There was no way this won't backfire. Lack of caution only managed to make the whole part "how about Bill's girls?" much worse.
* [[Volleying Insults]]: The 2016 Republican party debates generally devolved into this.
* [[Weasel Words]]: In the strict sense of using ambiguous phrases, claims or appeals to vague and unverifiable sources. ie. "a lot of people are saying/many people have said".<ref>[ Many people are saying] ''''</ref> He claims "many people have told him" he should fire Robert Mueller.<ref>[ Many people have said fire Mueller] ''''</ref> His speech patterns are characteristically ''weaselly'' in the rhetorical sense of invoking ''an unsubstantiated mass of people who miraculously agree with your opinion''. Without backing it up, this is a way of [[Blatant Lies|disguising your agenda]].<ref>[ Weasel Words] ''''</ref>
* [[Word salad]]: Trump's speeches are often rambling, at best, and incoherent at worst.<ref>[ Trump Word Salad] ''''</ref> His interviews often reveal his ignorance of the subject at hand.<ref>[ Climate Change Word Salad] ''''</ref>
== References ==
