Donald Trump: Difference between revisions

+ know nothing know it all; self deprec subvert; some punctuation
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(+ know nothing know it all; self deprec subvert; some punctuation)
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* [[Humiliation Conga]]: Trump was on the receiving end of this from [[Barack Obama]] at the end of April 2011. On Wednesday, after Trump jumped on the "birther" issue, Obama released the long sought after "long form birth certificate", making Trump look somewhat foolish (though Trump boasted about how proud he was of getting the certificate released; he probably still didn't believe it). On the Saturday, Trump was the subject of more roasting than the President at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. And finally, on the Sunday night, just to make a bad week worse for Trump, ''[[The Apprentice (TV series)|Celebrity Apprentice]]'' [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|was interrupted]] for the news that Obama had ordered a successful raid and killing on Osama bin Laden.
** A documentary by [[Frontline]] has suggested that this was [[It's Personal|the moment]] that Trump decided to seriously run for President, in order to prove everyone wrong.
* [[Ignorant of His Own Ignorance]]: his understanding of uranium is unparalleled.<ref>[ Uranium = Bad] ''''</ref> (See Know-Nothing Know-It-All below for more)
* [[Implacable Man]]: Proclaimed by supporters with the unofficial slogan "Can't Stump the Trump", referencing what they see as an ability to have repeated (political) attacks just glance off of him instead of sticking like most candidates.
** Even the Democratic party's own analysts will (in hindsight) give him credit for accomplishing the almost impossible feat of being on the opposite end of both the most lavishly-funded and well-connected political campaign team in history ''and'' the most consistently unfavorable press coverage ever received by a Presidential candidate in the past century and still triumphing over both on sheer determination.
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** Youtube has a [ highlight reel of the best Trump election skepticism], complete with punchline.
** [[Dilbert|Scott Adams]] got it right, however.
* [[Kicked Upstairs]]: Picking South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, a critic of his, as Ambassador to the UN has been described as this. The position would give her a position with no actual power to an organization Trump has repeatedly called a joke and would make South CarlinaCarolina's lieutenant governor, who is more supportive of Trump, the governor.
* [[Know-Nothing Know-It-All]]: many examples could be given here, but ''The Washington Post'' does a good job of keeping track of his claims generally (such as the pre-election era circa 2016)<ref>[ 19 things Donald Trump knows better than anyone else, according to Donald Trump (10/4/16)] ''''</ref> and specifically in this interview (27/11/18)<ref>[ Trump Interview Transcript (11/27/18)] ''''</ref> wherein Trump epitomised this trope:
{{quote|'''Trump''': One of the problems that a lot of people like myself — ''we have very high levels of intelligence'', but we’re not necessarily such believers [in climate change].}}
* [[Metaphorgotten]]: [ He opposes gay marriage because of new trends in golf putter preference.] See also: "[[Troll]]".
* [[Mundane Made Awesome]]: not content with building a wall, it has to be a big, ''beautiful'' wall.<ref>[ Trump In His Own Words] ''''</ref>
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* [[Never Accepted in His Hometown]]: Trump joins [[James K. Polk]] as the only Presidential candidate to lose both his home state and state of residence while still winning the election. Unlike Polk these are the same state (New York).
* [[No Such Thing as Bad Publicity]]: Trump managed to sail through the 2016 Republican primary with minimal spending by ensuring the media '''never''' stopped talking about him. Their constant airing hit pieces against him ensured that by the end of the primary ''everyone'' knew Trump wanted to build a border wall despite minimal ads on the subject. This continued in the general election where over sixteen major publications redistributed a graphic he posted, claiming its use of a six pointed star (supposedly a Star of David) was supposedly a hidden anti-Semitic agenda at no cost to him.
* [[No, You]]: One gets the feeling that most of the insults lobbed by Trump are things that he himself has been called. There was that time he [ called Hillary Clinton a 'bigot'], for instance.
* [[Nothing to See Here]]: Trump makes all his wives, ''alleged'' mistresses and staffers sign Non-Disclosure Agreements.<ref>[ NDAs for all] ''''</ref>
* [[Nouveau Riche]]: To a degree. His father was a very successful low income housing developer in NYC, he sent Donald to Fordham, so his family was doing very well before. Donald just took his love of construction and everything else [[Up to Eleven]]. Trump has noted his family was not welcome among the "old money" families from different parts of New York.
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** [[Reality Ensues]]: Trump's constant attacks on truth mean we must wait for the truth to be revealed, and for reality to ensue.
* [[Self-Deprecation]]: You've got to admit he can laugh at himself like at his roast and originally at the White House Correspondent's Dinner before [[It's Personal|the jokes against him got more scathing]], which is unusual for someone so card-carryingly vain. According to [[Frontline]], Obama's jokes about Trump were the turning point that caused Trump to run for president seriously.
** Subverted when he became President and skipped both White House Correspondence Dinners (2017 and 2018). Comedians Hasan Minhaj<ref>[ WHCD 2017] ''''</ref> and Michelle Wolf<ref>[ WHCD 2018] ''''</ref> were particularly brutal affairs.
* [[Self-Made Man]]: In the sense that he [[Half Truth|inherited his business]], went broke (bankrupting a ''casino'' is, as many have noted, no mean feat), and then rebuilt himself.
* [[Spanner in the Works]]:
