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For example, take the classic [[Cold War]] double agent. A Russian who "[[Fake Defector|defects]]" to the Americans, to supply information back to the Russians. In these examples, the double agent is ''actually'' a spy for a fleet of invading aliens. But the CIA ''know'' about the aliens, thus make the man a mole for them. But the KGB had their suspicions about the aliens anyway, but don't have the tech themselves to infiltrate the aliens so they piggy back on the Americans. But this is all an act for his ''true'' employers, a [[Path of Inspiration]]... and so on.
[[I Thought It Meant|This trope is not]] [[Comic Sutra|about a sex position]], although now that it's been mentioned, there [[Rule Thirty Six34|probably is one]] by this name.
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== Film ==
* In [[Cypher]], the protagonist is the [[This Loser Is You|plaything]] in a [[Gambit Pileup]]. He ends up a hex-tuple spy, ultimately working for {{spoiler|himself. He pulled a Memory Gambit before the movie began, so he could pass one set of lie-detectors to get into one agency, then fail the same set of lie-detectors to get into the rival agency.}}
* Lightly riffed in ''[[Indiana Jones and Thethe Kingdom of The Crystal Skull (Film)|Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of Thethe Crystal Skull]]'' {{spoiler|when Indiana's old war buddy Mac turns out to be working for the Soviets, then tips off Indy that he's actually a double agent, only to be working for the Soviets after all. When this is revealed Indy asks in disgust "So, what? You're a TRIPLE agent?" Mac lightly replies: "No, I just lied about being a double." In the end, Mac reveals he was working with Indy after all ("I'm on your side, remember?") as they try to escape together. However, Mac doesn't make it out alive, [[Redemption Equals Death|though he does make sure Indy doesn't get sucked in with him.]]}}
* Openly an issue with Captain Jack Sparrow in ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]''. It's nearly impossible to do a write up of his betraying and side-switching first three films because it's NEVER really made clear exactly who he's helping, who he's fucking over, or even why he's doing it (and, at some points, he doesn't seem to be able to keep track of it himself).
* Arguably, Anakin Skywalker as Darth Vader becomes this in ''[[Revenge of the Sith]]''. After becoming Darth Vader under Palpatine, a.k.a Darth Sideous, he goes on two missions: his first to lead the extermination of the Jedi on Coruscant who don't know he's a Sith. Secondly, in his public guise, Palpatine rules the Republic, but as Darth Sideous, he controls the Separatists. He tells the Separatists he's sending his new apprentice to meet them, who promptly kills them all as they wonder why, and at the same time, announces to the Republic that he's dispatched someone to take down the Separatists, after which he announces beginning of the Empire. Anakin then postulates to Padme that he could kill Palpatine and take over the Empire himself.
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* One of these is the main character of [[Keith Laumer]]'s ''Dinosaur Beach'', leading to multiple levels of [[Tomato Surprise]] as he betrays one faction or another. His ultimate allegiance turns out to be to {{spoiler|''none'' of the main factions--all of them wished to "fix" the timestream by eliminating time travelers after their own time period, but none were willing to accept that their own time travel was part of the problem. He set everything up to retroactively prevent the invention of time travel, [[Omnicidal Neutral|at the cost of the existence of everyone who was born after its invention]].}}
* The [[Illuminatus]] novels have Tobias Knight, described as the only quintuple agent in the history of espionage. If this troper remembers correctly he was working for the CIA, KGB, FBI, Illuminati and the Discordians all at the same time, and had reached the point where he was participating in conspiracy for its own sake.
* While the [[Memory Gambit|agent in question was completely unaware of his status]], unravelling the layers of this drive the plot of [[Philip K. Dick]]'s ''[[We Can Remember It For You Wholesale]]''. [[Mind Screw|Maybe]].
== Live-Action TV ==
* {{spoiler|Tony Almeida}} in Season 7 of ''[[Twenty Four|24]]''. He initially seems to be working for David Emerson and his mercenaries, until it's revealed that he's working with Bill and Chloe to take down the people behind Emerson (General Benjamin Juma and Jonas Hodges). But then it's revealed he was evil and working for a cabal of rival [[Big Bad|Big Bads]] who wanted Juma and Hodges taken down all along, then eventually we find out he's trying to gain the trust of the cabal's leader so he can kill him in revenge for {{spoiler|ordering the death of his wife back in Season 5.}}
* Dr. Jill Roberts (Jordana Brewster) in several episodes of ''[[Chuck]]''. Her apparent loyalty switches back and forth in a dizzying manner.
* The loyalties of Adelle DeWitt in ''[[Dollhouse]]'' dizzyingly switch between Rossum and Echo at least once or twice per episode throughout the second/final season. Eventually, it's revealed {{spoiler|she's working against Rossum}}.
* Irina Derevko, Jack Bristow, and Arvin Sloane on ''[[Alias (TV series)|Alias]]'' who vacillate between working for terrorists, the CIA, the K Directorate, SD-6, Authorized Personnel Only, themselves, each other...
** And then there's Sark, who literally does not care whose side he is on, as long as he ends up on top.
* ''[[Farscape (TV)|Farscape]]'': Scorpius takes this to mindbending levels by the end of the series. {{spoiler|Sikozu}} qualifies as well, especially in ''Peacekeeper Wars'' when she {{spoiler|sells out to the species she was created to destroy in an attempt to make them free her species}}.
* Dr Kellerman in the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' serial ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S12 E5 Revenge of the Cybermen|Revenge Of The Cybermen]]''
* Figuring out how many factions Alex Krycek works for in any given episode of ''[[The X -Files]]'' is an exercise in futility, especially since he ''also'' has an unhealthy [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|tendency to backstab his employers (mostly) for the lulz]].
* ''[[Grimm (TV)|Grimm]]'' has Captain Renard, a member of a so-far unknown Wesen royal family. Every single faction he has contacted so far has assumed he's working for some other side. And his actions really aren't helping us decide either.
* ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV)|Star Trek Deep Space Nine]]''; So, does [[Mysterious Past|Garak]] support the [[The Government|Detappa Council]]? The [[State Sec|Obsidian Order]]? The [[The Pentagon|Central Command]]? The [[La Résistance|Dissident Movement]]? The [[The Federation|Federation]]? [[The Spymaster|Enabran Tain]]? [[It's All About Me|Himself]]? Have fun trying to figure it out because none of the characters in-universe can! {{spoiler|His [[Patriotic Fervour|true loyalty]] seems to be to Cardassia itself and that means his alliances can shift all over the place depending on who he feels has Cardassia's best interests at heart.}}
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* Fully and hilariously possible in ''[[Paranoia]]'': secret societies often have agents infiltrate other secret societies, who in turn might use the very same person to spy on yet another secret society, ''ad nauseum''. The rulebook even acknowledges the (very remote) possibility of spying on all of Alpha Complex at once. "[[Deadpan Snarker|Try to keep your cover stories straight.]]"<br /><br />The end result of this is a secret society called The Wobblies. The Computer heard about it and sent a team of Troubleshooters to spy on it. Problem was, it didn't exist (the [[Real Life]] Wobblies had died out long before Alpha Complex was created), and when the Troubleshooters reported this, they were swiftly executed for insubordination. This cycle repeated until one group got smart and [[Take a Third Option|actually founded the society just so they had something to spy on]]. This attracted the attention of other groups, who sent in their own spies, resulting in [[Flock of Wolves|a group made up entirely of spies from other groups]].
* ''[[The Werewolves of Millers Hollow|The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow]]'' will sometime [[Stealth Pun|flirt]] with this. The [[Mole in Charge|mayor]] of the village can secretly be a [[Our Werewolves Are Different|werewolf]], but more precisely a [[Food Chain of Evil|white werewolf]], as well as the [[Interspecies Romance|lover]] of the [[Magical Flutist|pied piper]]. It works better if there are many players.
* ''[[Munchkin (Tabletop Gamegame)|Munchkin]] Impossible'' has the triple agent card. It allows you to claim allegiance to three nations (out of the four available) at the same time. There's also the [[Sidekick]] Dusty McRonin, the man of too many allegiances.
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== Video Games ==
* [[Trope Namer]] is the original description of [[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)/Characters|the Spy]] in ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|Team Fortress 2]]''. [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|In game]], you can disguise yourself as a spy. Since this disguise includes a random disguise (so you look like a proper spy to the enemy team), you can be a spy disguised as a spy disguised as a spy. [[Wrong Genre Savvy|The soldier in "Meet the Spy" did think the spy was a spy from the other team.]]
** For more on this topic, see [[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)/WMG|the game's Wild Mass Guessing page]].
* Revolver Ocelot in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'' has, at various points in the series, apparently been working for the CIA, NSA, KGB, GRU, Colonel Volgin, FOXHOUND, rogue FOXHOUND, Colonel Gurlukuvich, Solidus Snake and the Patriots. In ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots]]'', we learn that {{spoiler|he was truly faithful to Big Boss, and the entire ''Solid'' series was a plot by him to recover Naked Snake's remains}}.
** EVA from ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater]]''. When Snake meets her, he assumes that she is a NSA agent who defected to the soviets and now works for the KGB infiltrating Volgins private Army. {{spoiler|But she's actually a chinese spy posing as a KGB agent and let herself be captured by Volgin. She just walked into Snake by accident without knowing about him, but when he asked her if she is "Adam", she did some quick thinking and said she's Adams partner "Eva". As the Adam Snake was supposed to meet had indeed a parnter named Eva, he swallowed the whole story and "Eva" ran with it.}}
*** {{spoiler|Both of whom being unaware of the fact that Adam was actually Ocelot.}}
* {{spoiler|Zelos}} of ''[[Tales of Symphonia (Video Game)|Tales of Symphonia]]'' works for Lloyd by working for Kratos while working for {{spoiler|Yggdrasil}} by pretending to pretend to be helping Lloyd in one ending. He also passes information to {{spoiler|the Renegades}} at some point.
* [[Fire Emblem Tellius (Video Game)|Fire Emblem Tellius]] has [[Memetic Badass|Naesala]], Raven King of Kilvas. He works for Daein as a mercenary leader (the rest of the mercenaries are Kilvans), and he seemingly betrayed Reyson for Oliver, but later he betrays Daein to protect Reyson and Leanne from Ashnard. [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]], anyone?
* [[Carmen Sandiego]] is described in some of the game manuals as a ''Triple'' agent. It's not too hard to think she probably reaches [[Double Reverse Quadruple Agent]] status pretty easily, given her legendary stealing prowess.
* ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' has Axel. He starts off in Chain of Memories working for Marluxia, {{spoiler|betrays him for Zexion and Lexaeus}} and then ditches them to fend for himself - although 358/2 Days reveals that {{spoiler|he was under Saix's orders the whole time}}. ''[[Kingdom Hearts II (Video Game)|Kingdom Hearts II]]'' has him abandoning the Organization after being ordered to eliminate Roxas, {{spoiler|kidnapping Kairi}}, and ultimately {{spoiler|sacrificing himself to protect Sora}}. He plays for all teams.
* In ''[[Knights of the Old Republic]]'', you can become this for the two instructors of the Sith Academy on Korriban, pitching them against each other while pretending to work for each of them as a double agent. This can end with them both saying to kill the other, then they feel the effects of the poison you gave to both of them, [[Oh Crap|leading them to realize you are working for yourself.]]
* In ''[[BaldursBaldur's Gate]] II'', while in Underdark, you can triple-cross two Drow priestesses, an elder Baatezu, and a white dragon, who each thinks you work for them, while in reality, you pursue your own agenda...
* In ''[[Star WarstheWars: The Old Republic]]'' Imperial characters have several opportunities to do this and decide on the fly whose side you're actually on, if anyone's. One of the most notable cases is act 2 in Imperial Agent's story, where you're an undercover agent for both the Imperial and Republic intelligences {{spoiler|though not entirely by choice for the Republic, since they've found the keyword to set off your brainwashing (originally put in place by Imperials at the command of the Sith) which allows them to give orders you cannot disobey}}.
* The Lost Archive DLC in [[Assassin's Creed Revelations (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed Revelations]] reveals {{spoiler|Lucy to be one}}.
== Web Comics ==
* Professor Tiktoffen in ''[[Girl Genius]]''. Everyone seems to think they are the ones he is really working for. It's been [ revealed] that he was pretty much ''everyone's'' "man inside" the city-state of Mechanicsburg, and his true loyalty was solely to himself - his goal was to take over Mechanicsburg, and by making all the other factions think he was on their side in the struggle for the empire, they wouldn't oppose him when he made his bid for power over a single city.
* [[Schlock Mercenary (Webcomic)|Schlock Mercenary]]:
** Tagon's Toughs occasionally find they have the opportunity to play this role, or at least what looks like the opportunity to do so. Look for the phrase "get paid twice"; it means both sides in a conflict are trying to hire the Toughs, and Tagon is optimistically trying to find a way to satisfy both contracts without letting either one catch on to his game.
** On at least [ one] occasion they successfully managed to get paid ''five'' times.
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== Western Animation ==
* ''[[The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Animation)|Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes]]'': Black Widow. ...[[Wild Mass Guessing|Maybe.]] [[Epileptic Trees|Maybe not.]] [[The Mole|Or...]] [[Reverse Mole|Who knows.]]