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** Contrast the Human Noble origin, which begins with every advantage a character could have, and loses it all in the most [[Tear Jerker]] way. But it makes later confrontations with Howe and Loghain pay off with much more satisfaction than any other origin, and far more Crowning.
*** Something about standing up to Arl Howe and telling him to look you in the eye and see the person you have become, and that what he's done has only made you stronger is so satisfying and powerful. This troper originally didn't like the Human Noble origin, remaining an Alienage girl at heart, till that scene. Arl Howe's bitter awe and shock at your defiance is definitely one of the most awesome moments in the game.
{{quote| '''Human Noble''': [[Shut UP, Hannibal|You lie]] Howe! To yourself most of all. I am a ''Grey Warden!''}}
*** This is aided by [[Tim Curry|Tim Curry's]] excellent voice acting where you can really hear the anger in his voice as he can't deny what he sees in the Human Noble.
{{quote| '''Arl Howe''': "There it is, right there. That damned look in the eye that marked every Cousland success that held me back. It seems you have made something of yourself after all. Your father would be proud. I, on the other hand, want you dead more than ever..."}}
* Though it's not canon, the Sacred Ashes clip has plenty of these. First, Sten pushes a crowd of darkspawn of a cliff in a very [[Badass]] way. Next, Leliana takes down a [[Zerg Rush]] of darkspawn, delivers a [[Pre -Ass -Kicking One -Liner]] and shoots an arrow at the darkspawn leader, hitting it in the chest. Following is The Warden and Morrigan acting as [[Back -to -Back Badasses]]. After which, Morrigan transforms into a giant spider (while flipping in the air)and takes down another [[Zerg Rush]]. Then there's the dragon fight, starting with The Warden acting as a [[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?|distraction]]; Leliana shoots the dragon from atop a pillar, flips off of it when the dragon destroys it, and shoots at the dragon while running, Sten jumps on its side and dragging his sword through its arm, Morrigan (after the dragon notices her) hits the dragon with lightning until its eyes pop, and the Warden finishes it by stabbing the dragon in the head.
** [[Never Trust a Trailer|Which makes it]] ''[[Never Trust a Trailer|so]]'' [[Never Trust a Trailer|disappointing almost none of these things are possible.]] Glowy eyes indeed...
*** Though the music makes up for it.
**** And for those curious - [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5St9phiHHE here it is]. Yes, [[Never Trust a Trailer|trailers lie]]... but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable.
*** Not ALL of it, but a considerable number of those spells are in the game. Arrow of slaying, shapeshift (spider), taunt, lightning, walking bomb, indomitable, and overwhelm all make an appearance and are all usable in the game.
* The announcement trailer has the main character [[Rated M for Manly|looking as manly as steak]] in polished silver armor, walking towards a huge door underground while casually butchering Darkspawn, and as the doors open [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"|the Warden's]] [[Flaming Sword|sword bursts into flames]] when he sees literally thousands of Darkspawn howling at him. He puts on his helmet and [[Badass|proceeds to kick ass.]] Did we mention that [[Marilyn Manson]] is [[Crowning Music of Awesome|playing while he kills things?]]
** It has a little extra oomph after you learn that Grey Wardens {{spoiler|usually only visit the Deep Roads when they are nearing the end of their tainted life - and rather than withering away, they choose to take as many Darkspawn as they can down with them.}}"
** {{spoiler|The armour worn reappears in ''[[Dragon Age II]]'' as the "Armour of the Fallen", implying that was indeed that Warden's Calling. If so, that was an ''awesome'' way to go out}}.