Dragon Age: Origins/Characters/Playable Characters: Difference between revisions

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** According to ''Awakening'' and [[Dragon Age II]], the warden disappears after a few years... so much for responsibility.
*** Although somewhat negated if {{spoiler|a Male Warden disappeared through the Eluvian with a romanced Morrigan, in order to see his child. The Warden ''is'' taking responsibility for siring an Old God child, knowing full well that if it is malevolent, the Warden will potentially have to slay his own son... not to mention the Old God inside of it ''again''.}}
*** If the quest ''Secret Rendezvous'' and Alistair's {{spoiler|appearance as king}} during ''DAII'' are any indication, the Warden ruled Amaranthine for six years, and was competent enough to quickly turn Arl Howe's den of provincial aristocracy corruption into a powerful rival of Kirkwall itself, so apparently Asskicking equaled [[Reasonable Authority Figure|competent authority]]
* [[Awesome Moment of Crowning]]: In ''Awakening'', {{spoiler|a Dwarven Commoner Warden will discover that he/she, a ''Casteless'', has been named a '''Paragon'''.}}
** {{spoiler|A Female Human Noble romancing Alistair can become ''Queen of Ferelden''}}.
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{{quote|'''Human Noble''': I want Howe dead '''NOW!'''}}
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: Depending on how the [[Romance Sidequest]] unfolds, this can exist between Leliana and Morrigan/Zevran for men and Alistair/Leliana and Zevran for women. A bisexual PC has the option of picking a [[Third Option Love Interest]].
* [[BFSBig Freaking Sword]]: A special mention to the Dwarven and Elven Wardens: If they wield a two-handed weapon [[Up to Eleven|it's bigger than their whole fricking body!]]
* [[Bi the Way]]: Can be played this way.
* [[Blessed with Suck]] / [[Cursed with Awesome]]: Congratulations! You've been selected as a Grey Warden recruit—the highest honor you could ever aspire to! It means any birthright or title you had is now forfeit. But wait, you have yet to become a Grey Warden—first you have to {{spoiler|drink darkspawn blood, which will often kill you right away. If it doesn't, congratulations on becoming a Grey Warden! You can now sense the darkspawn and destroy archdemons at the low cost of obliterating your soul if you try the latter. Of course, they can sense ''you'' just as easily as you sense them. Oh, and you have about thirty years to live until the taint starts turning you into a darkspawn, at which point the Grey Warden instruction troubleshooting manual tells you to go on a suicide run against the darkspawn hordes. Oh, and good luck ever having children, especially if the other parent is also a Grey Warden.}}
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* [[Loved I Not Honour More]]: Wynne lampshades this, reminding the Warden that they ''will'' have to put their duty as a Grey Warden ahead of their romance when it comes to saving the world.
** By ''Awakening'' even if the Warden previously decided to travel with their chosen love interest at the end of ''Origins'', they are [[The Call Knows Where You Live|back in the fray]] serving as Warden-Commander of Ferelden only ''six months later''.
** Possibly subverted in ''Witch Hunt'', where if romanced, the Warden can decide to leave with Morrigan and {{spoiler|enter the Eluvian to meet their child.}} Of course, one could argue that since itsit's been ''twoa years''year since the end of the Blight and Ferelden is at peace, there is simply no need for the Warden anymore.
** Also subverted if Zevran is romanced. The Warden pretty much runs off to Antiva to reunite with him not long after defeating {{spoiler|The Mother}} and joins him in his effort to dismantle the Antivan Crows.
** Further subverted if they're the {{spoiler|queen, prince-consort or chancellor of Ferelden}} as they'll permanently return to court to resume their duties after ''Awakening''.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Mage Wardens can become ''Arcane Warriors''.
** Warriors can become a ''[[Your Soul Is Mine|Reaver]]'' and inverted as a ''[[Anti-Magic|Templar]]''.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: You can be an utter douche, kicking dogs, desecrating holy artifacts and supporting crazy dwarves while still having all your most noble companions falling in love with your every word. Just make sure you have a good (and sometimes ''really'' good) coercion rank, a lot of gifts, and careful consideration of who you bring along with you and when.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: The Dwarf Noble's last name is Aeducan, deriving from the dwarven word ''Aeduc'' meaning "Stone".
* [[Modest Royalty]]: If you are a Human Noble, your entire family is this. Despite being the most powerful nobility besidebesides the King, they frequently talk to each other and allies informally. The Human Noble often has the option to ask other Nobles to just use his given name in lieu of a title when they recognize you as being a Cousland.
* [[Memetic Sex God|Memetic Sex God(dess)]]: Is an in-universe case in ''Witch Hunt''.
* [[The Messiah]] - [[Villain Protagonist]]: The Warden can be either and everything in between.
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* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: {{spoiler|His wife, Felsi, in ''Awakening'', is quite a looker among Dwarven women.}}
* [[Un Entendre]]: For a dwarf with a perverted mind, Oghren makes a few of these when talking about weapons in party banter.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Zevran, perhaps as a small homage to [[The Lord of the Rings|Legolas and Gimli.]] And again with Anders in ''Awakening''.
* [[Wouldn't Hurt a Child]]: Oghren may love to solve problems with an axe but killing Connor will casuse a huge loss of aproval from him, even more so than from idealistic and moral teammates like Alistair and Leliana.
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* [[Anti-Mutiny]]: Will try to pull this at Haven if he's at low approval. If he's at high approval instead, he'll just state his opinions and put it at that.
* [[The Atoner]]
* [[BFSBig Freaking Sword]]: Like most qunari warriors, he's extremely attached to his. {{spoiler|Even though he no longer has it.}}
* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Blatant Lies]]:
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* [[Love Interest]]
* [[Magic Music]]: Standard for a bard.
* [[Mata Hari]]: Orlesian Bards fill this role. Leliana eventually admits that part of her enjoyed it.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Close enough to Leliana (apparently without a meaning) is the name Eliana, which means 'God has answered' in Hebrew. This fits her reasons for joining very well.
* [[The Mistress]]: Can become this (if Hardened) for a Male Warden who has asked for the Queen's hand. Leliana decides to stay by the Warden's side in Denerim, and even sends him a letter if he is exported to the ''Awakening'' expansion pack. However, perhaps due to a glitch, this can only happen if the player stops talking to her altogether (atleast until the epilogue) after having made the decision to marry the Queen. If talked to before the epilogue, she will immediately end her relationship with the PC, even if she was previously Hardened.
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** Due to the brutally pragmatic environment bards usually work in she also seems to have come to terms with it much more efficiently than most examples of this trope.
* [[Reality Is Unrealistic]]: Leliana's Orlesian (French) accent is criticized as sounding fake, although her voice actress is actually French.
* [[MataSeductive HariSpy]]: Orlesian Bards fill this role. Leliana eventually admits that part of her enjoyed it.
* [[Sickeningly Sweethearts]]: If romanced, she and the Warden come dangerously close to this if Wynne and Morrigan are to be believed.
* [[Single Woman Seeks Good Man|Single Woman Seeks Good Man or Woman]]: Her romance path requires a Warden to be particularly kind-hearted to NPCs and/or extremely generous with gifts.
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* [[Turncoat]]: Very willingly when the Warden beats him.
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: When he tells the Warden about how he misses the smell of Antivan leather, the PC can ask if he's using this trope. In a subversion, he bursts out laughing and admits that he may as well be, but isn't (this time).
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Oghren, perhaps as a small homage to [[The Lord of the Rings|Legolas and Gimli.]]
** Lampshaded when Zevran asks whether they're going to engage in the standard elf/dwarf banter. Oghren's response is "Nah."
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: Dialogue with Alistair and his own recounts of his past reveals that Zevran isn't exactly the best fighter. {{spoiler|He even reveals to Alistair that he was commissioned to kill the party because he was the only member of the Crows who actually signed up for the job.}} This can, of course, be subverted in gameplay.