Dragon Age: Origins/Characters/Playable Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[BFS]]: A special mention to the Dwarven and Elven Wardens: If they wield a two-handed weapon [[Up to Eleven|it's bigger than their whole fricking body!]]
* [[Bi the Way]]: Can be played this way.
* [[Blessed with Suck]] / [[Cursed with Awesome]]: Congratulations! You've been selected as a Grey Warden recruit -- therecruit—the highest honor you could ever aspire to! It means any birthright or title you had is now forfeit. But wait, you have yet to become a Grey Warden -- firstWarden—first you have to {{spoiler|drink darkspawn blood, which will often kill you right away. If it doesn't, congratulations on becoming a Grey Warden! You can now sense the darkspawn and destroy archdemons at the low cost of obliterating your soul if you try the latter. Of course, they can sense ''you'' just as easily as you sense them. Oh, and you have about thirty years to live until the taint starts turning you into a darkspawn, at which point the Grey Warden instruction troubleshooting manual tells you to go on a suicide run against the darkspawn hordes. Oh, and good luck ever having children, especially if the other parent is also a Grey Warden.}}
* [[Blood Knight]]: The Violent voice set.
* [[Blood-Splattered Wedding Dress]]: A female City Elf who fights in their wedding dress.
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* [[But Now I Must Go]]: {{spoiler|The Warden abandons his or her life and party members in pursuit of a mysterious mission (or woman) at some point in the decade between the end of the first two games.}}
* [[But Thou Must!]]: If the protagonist doesn't join the Grey Wardens voluntarily during the origin story, s/he'll be conscripted.
* [[Celibate Hero]] and/or [[Really Gets Around]]: As with the hero -- antihero—anti-hero status, the Warden can be anywhere in-between these two. The hero can get [[Up to Eleven]] by having a foursome with Zevran, Leliana, and Pirate Queen Isabela. And then taking the edge off by sleeping with male hookers, female hookers, [[But You Screw One Goat!|nugs]], a transvestite ''dwarf'', or having some rather unusual things done to you using some rather [[Noodle Implements|interesting tools]].
* [[Chick Magnet]] / [[Hello, Nurse!]]: Aside from various party members (male and female for both genders), serving girls and a few elves are smitten with the male PC and Bann Teagan seems to be considering proposing to the female PC after a few days of knowing her, explicitly stating that it doesn't matter one bit that she's a dwarf, an elf and/or a mage. Oghren points this out in a conversation with Wynne.
* [[Comes Great Responsibility]]: An honourable Mage Warden under the tutelage of Wynne. While their remarkable self-confidence is one of their greatest strengths, Wynne reminds them that Mages should ''never'' indulge in ''[[Fatal Flaw|Pride]]'' because of their abilities, lest it corrupt them.
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'''Dalish/Dwarf''': The Dalish ''have no Kings'' / He's not ''my'' King. }}
* [[Even the Girls Want Her]] / [[Even the Guys Want Him]]: The men and women who love/lust after the PC are not limited to love interests or even his/her own race, which is somewhat uncommon in Ferelden nowadays.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Despite having established surnames for every origin, only two of these ever seem to get used: Cousland for the human noble and Aeducan for the dwarf noble, since both are tied to the main story. The other names -- Amellnames—Amell for a human mage, Surana for the elf mage, Brosca for the dwarf commoner, Tabris for the city elf, and Mahariel for the Dalish elf -- appearelf—appear only in the character creation screen.
** However, if you played as a Dalish Warden in [[Dragon Age II]], both Merrill and Marethari talk about Mahariel, since they are from the same clan, and were involved in the events of the Dalish Origin.
** Similarly, if the Warden in an imported game was a human female mage (an Amell, same surname as Hawke's maternal lineage), Cullen remembers her fondly.
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** If you hesitate to accept Zevran's gift to you during his romance arc, he'll lampshade it, asking why there's a problem with it when you've picked up every ''other'' shiny object you've come across in their travels.
* [[Knife Nut]]: The PC always uses the same knife to murder people in dialogue scenes. Examples include the hungry deserter in Ostagar, the Elven Messenger, {{spoiler|Brother Genitivi, Avernus}}... The knife is known in the Dragon Age fandom as the [[Fan Nickname|Murder Knife]].
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: Can be played like this. A natural fit in particular for an elf--evenelf—even if you're a Dalish who regards the Grey Wardens and Ferelden as an [[Enemy Mine]] situation at best, every human assumes you care about their kingdom.
* [[Lady of War]]: Again, the Female PC.
** The Female Dwarf Noble is noteworthy as the Origin ''begins'' with their being declared [[Asskicking Equals Authority|Commander of Orzammar's Army]], a position that various dialogue is ''very'' much deserved.
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{{quote|'''Warden''': We're ''not'' married, if that's what you're asking.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Mistress]]: One outcome of Alistair's romance--the non-human noble Warden can become this for him if he's hardened and king. The human noble can, too, but she can marry him and become queen, too.}}
* [[The Unchosen One]]: Went from random idiot who survived because Duncan and Flemeth happened to be around at the right times to Hero of Ferelden in about a year. If you complain that you don't have a choice in the matter, Morrigan and Wynne will be quick to point out that you could just sit on your ass and do nothing to stop the Blight--ultimatelyBlight—ultimately, you do choose.
* [[The Unwanted Harem]]: Saying nice things to your party members is enough to convince them that they are becoming your [[Love Interest]]. Which can lead to awkwardness when one of the [[Betty and Veronica]] pair forces you to choose between them.
* [[Try to Fit That on A Business Card]]: If you are a Cousland, your full titles and styles could be, if you play your cards right-
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=== Alistair {{spoiler|Theirin}} ===
[[File:Alistair_9351Alistair 9351.jpg|frame]]
''"Just so you know, if the King ever asks me to put on a dress and dance the Remigold, I'm drawing the line. Darkspawn or no."''
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{{spoiler|'''Alistair''': Forget Maric! [[And This Is For|This is for]] ''Duncan!''}} }}
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: Although he's aware Grey Wardens often must do pretty bad things for the greater good, and lives in a world that has rarely shown him any kindness, he still feels as if it's still worth being a decent person and protector.
* [[Knight Templar]]: He was training to be one, though only in job description--hedescription—he flat out states that a life devoted to single-mindedly hunting down maleficars was not for him, and didn't get to choose whether he would be raised as one or not.
* [[The Lancer]]: Alistair is the only member of your party that you can't kick out, as well as the only other Grey Warden, and main character outside of your PC. Fits this trope completely, if the Warden is on the darker end of [[Grey and Gray Morality]].
* [[Love Interest]]
* [[A Man Is Not a Virgin]]: Averted. Alistair is a virgin, at least, when you first meet him. Although he's a little embarrassed to tell you, he is otherwise very normal and adjusted, and will say outright that he's in no urge to rush anything since he may not even survive the Blight. This can become a point of his character if you romance him, {{spoiler|or if you decide to have him sleep with Morrigan to conceive the god baby.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Mistress]]: One outcome of his romance--the non-human noble Warden can become this for him if he's hardened and king. The human noble can, too, but she can marry him and become queen, too.}}
* [[Orphan's Plot Trinket]]: Averted--heAverted—he had an amulet from his mother, but threw it at a wall and smashed it. The player can find it {{spoiler|after his foster father Arl Eamon painstakingly glued it back together}} and give it back as a gift, but it has no further relevance to the story.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Both his mother and father weren't present in his upbringing, primarily due to reasons of death.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: His suspicions that {{spoiler|Flemeth had ulterior motives for sending Morrigan with the party}} are completely correct.
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=== Dog ===
[[File:Dog_image_1411Dog image 1411.png|frame]]
The faithful Mabari hound of the PC with human-level intelligence and a mean bite. Can be cute when he needs to be, though; even Morrigan is moved by his puppy eyes once. The player may give Dog any name they wish, but according to writer Mary Kirby, his "official" name is Rabbit.
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=== Oghren ===
[[File:ASSCHABS3_4207ASSCHABS3 4207.jpg|frame]]
''"If you've ever heard of me before, it's probably all been about how I piss ale and murder young boys who look at me wrong. And that's mostly true."''
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=== Shale ===
[[File:BIRDS_7959BIRDS 7959.jpg|frame]]
''"The darkspawn are an evil that must be destroyed, it's true. Though not as evil as the birds... damnable feathered fiends!" ''
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=== Sten ===
[[File:sten1_8495sten1 8495.png|frame]]
''"The ''arishok'' asked "What is the Blight?" By his curiosity, I am now here. ''
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=== Morrigan ===
[[File:IDONTAPROVE2_3381IDONTAPROVE2 3381.jpg|frame]]
''"Apparently everyone seems to agree that a blight is the perfect time to start killing each other. Marvelous, really."''
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*** [[Fridge Brilliance]]: {{spoiler|Considering what her plans are, she wouldn't need to like the Warden to start sleeping with him.}}
* [[Hollywood Atheist]]: Not so much in the reasons for her non-belief, which are fairly realistic, but in that her atheism goes along with being selfish, misanthropic, and actively contemptuous of religious people.
* [[Hot Witch]]: [[Lampshade|Lampshaded]]d, not that it's all that unusual for the setting.
* [[The Immodest Orgasm]]: According to some dialogue that didn't make it into the retail game but can be accessed on the pc via mods;
{{quote|'''Leliana:''' So you're saying you're wild and uninhibited? I suppose he must like your shrieking, you sound like a genlock being murdered--a sweet, sweet sound to a Grey Warden. You should try a little harder next time he takes you. I don't think they heard you in the Anderfels.}}
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* [[No Social Skills]]: She is largely tactless and ignorant of/annoyed by social mores (she considers shaking hands an offensive breach of her personal space, for example). This is because she was raised in the wilds, largely forbidden to interact with outside world.
** It should be noted however that she is not blind however to this fault, but has long given up trying to learn.
* [[No Sympathy]]: A big part of her character. Morrigan just doesn't do empathy. She may surprise you every now and then, however--oncehowever—once befriended, she genuinely cares about the PC and their feelings, expressing sympathy over their mother's death or having girl talk with the Grey Warden.
** Interestingly, she shows a little bit more kindness to Alistair when the Warden reawakens in Flemeth's hut. She still accuses him of blubbering, but she is nowhere near as caustic about his grief while talking about it in private than she is to his face in front of the rest of the party. [[Fridge Brilliance|Perhaps she simply thinks that ripping into his angst is the quickest and simplest way of getting him to deal with it and become more effective.]]
* [[Not Good with People]]: She freely admits that due to her time in the Korcari Wilds, she's better at understanding animals than people.
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=== Wynne ===
[[File:epicstuf_3771epicstuf 3771.png|frame]]
''"I'm not the sort of person that leaves things unfinished. I'll see this through, I promise."''
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** Oghren seems to think so too.
** Also jokes when Alistair compliments that she looks younger everyday, that he should watch who he flirts with... its not the first time she's woken up to a younger man beside her in bed.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: You really wouldn't expect a sweet, grandmotherly old woman like Wynne to know so much about alcohol; one of the best gifts for her other than books is a bottle of wine. She even enjoys ''Oghren's homemade ale''--[[Gargle Blaster|the same stuff that can KO the Warden if his or her Constitution is too low]]--and—and manages to correctly identify the ingredients he uses for spicing. {{spoiler|This surprises Rhys, Adrian, and Evangeline in Asunder, when they stop at a local inn to rest and eat.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Fatigue]]: Starts to show signs of this early on in Asunder. Which leads to...}}
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: She sacrifices herself to save the Knight Templar Evangeline in Asunder.}}
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=== Leliana ===
[[File:yeah_7362yeah 7362.jpg|frame]]
''"I came to Ferelden and the Chantry because I was being hunted. I walked where the Maker led me and he has rewarded me for my faith. I found ''you''." ''
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=== Zevran Arainai ===
[[File:Leather_9772Leather 9772.png|frame]]
''"We all do our share of murdering around here, don't we?"''
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