Dragon Age: Origins/WMG: Difference between revisions

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=== The Maker is Fen'Harel from the Elven Pantheon ===
The codex entry for Fen'Harel states that he could move among the Elven gods, and more violent gods of another people. The Elven tale says he tricked both pantheons to remove them selves to their respective realms while he worked out a Truce(what he told the Elven gods) or brought about the Elven gods downfall(what he told the Forgotten Ones/the other gods). The latter group retreated into the abyss, where they were sealed away. The Chant of Light says the Maker sealed the Old Gods beneath the earth in prisons where they would sleep. These seem a little to similar too me to be a coincidence.
* Jossed by the post-credits stinger and the Trespasser DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition, which reveals the identity of Fen'Harel. {{Spoiler|It's Solas.}}
=== All the mythologies in the setting are true ===
Anonymous user