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This page is for listing the tropes related to Hawke's companions who are found in [[Dragon Age II (Video Game)|Dragon Age II]].
== Mages ==
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** Which actually makes it ''[[From a Certain Point of View|technically]]'' true.
* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]: It's implied that Anders falls in love with Hawke even if you don't romance him. (For example, not starting his romance at the first opportunity gets you rivalry points.) Obviously, this is subverted if you do romance him.
* [[An Ice Person]]: One of his starting spells is Winter's Grasp. It also makes for an interesting bit of meta-lampshading about how much he's changed when you consider that, in ''Awakening'', he was first seen using ''[[Playing Withwith Fire|fire]]'' magic.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type II. {{spoiler|Though he later slides down the scale until he becomes a Type IV, or goes through a straight up [[Face Heel Turn]] depending on your stance on the mage-templar conflict.}}
** [[Byronic Hero]]
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* [[Enemy Mine]]: With Fenris. And Merrill to a lesser extent by Act II. {{spoiler|As time goes on and his paranoia increases, he starts treating ''everybody'' aside from Hawke and Varric with suspicion.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Costume Switch]]: Though you don't realize it until later.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Face Death Withwith Dignity]]: Possibly subverted, as you can choose not to kill him.}}
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: He sees being made Tranquil as this.
** {{spoiler|And if you make him side with the Templars through the rivalry route.}}
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* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Revealed to Hawke in brief rambling in his clinic. From a young age he was estranged from his home, terrorized and confined by templars. If he had a sense of the injustice, it blurred with his lifelong grudge, begetting vengeance.
** He's got another one: he's under constant pressure to keep Vengeance under control. He's losing.
* [[Fridge Horror]]: He gets an [[In -Universe]] one. For much of the game, he talks about how Justice used to be as though he were a paragon of virtue. After losing control of Vengeance {{spoiler|and almost/killing a young girl}}, Merrill explains to him that there has ''never'' been a "good" spirit and that they are ''all'' dangerous. That he is totally silent after learning this says it all. Again, if you're on a Rival path, he finally comes to terms with it after {{spoiler|blowing up the Chantry}}.
** It gets worse at the beginning of Act III. Anders confides that even he's scared that lately he's started experiencing blackouts, which previously had only happened when Justice took over, when Anders lost control. This implies that [[Split Personality Takeover|Vengeance is now manifesting at will, and now seeks to control Anders]].
* [[Gay Option]]
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* [[I Am a Monster]]: He starts invoking this trope in Act II, ''especially'' if you fail to {{spoiler|stop him from killing Ella}}. By the time Act III rolls around, {{spoiler|he's pretty much resigned himself to being a monster}}.
* [[Insecure Love Interest]]: While almost all the party members in this game have serious self-worth issues, Anders is probably the most vocal about it if Hawke tries to romance him, repeatedly telling him/her that he has nothing to offer and that Hawke should be free to have a normal life with someone else. If Hawke is not a mage, [[It's Not You, It's My Enemies]] also comes up, since Meredith starts declaring that anyone who shelters an apostate will face a death penalty.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Anders can be ''very'' petty and hypocritical. But in the end, all Anders wants is to help people, and he's willing to go to grand lengths to do so.
* {{spoiler|[[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]]:}} In the beginning of the game, as far as mages are concerned, while he firmly advocates their freedom and rejects turning them over to the templars, Anders is actually quite reasonable. He outright condemns blood magic and demons, allows murder only as a last resort, and is perfectly willing to work with reasonable men like Thrask. By Act III, that persona is all but gone, and he refuses to accept anything less than total freedom for all mages, no exceptions. {{spoiler|Thus, "no compromise" when he blows up the Chantry.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Karma Houdini]]: The decision to have him killed for the destruction of the Chantry rests with you, so this trope can be played straight or subverted. Though even if you do kill him, he gets the war he wanted. If he does live, Sebastian vows to make sure Anders will face justice someday.}}
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** {{spoiler|Subverted if he's in a Rivalry with Hawke; he becomes convinced that he's a [[Complete Monster]] by the end.}}
* {{spoiler|[[No Place for Me There]]}}
* [[Not Asas You Know Them]]: Though to be fair, a lot of this can be explained by his joining with Justice, and it is lampshaded several times. Even the other characters get sick of his constant talk of "the mages' plight" at times.
* {{spoiler|[[Not So Different]]: From the Templars. Especially Meredith.}}
* [[Not So Different]]: From Fenris, despite claims to the contrary. Both have similar backgrounds as members of oppressed populations and share an unreasonable hatred of anybody belonging to the same groups as their oppressors. They both enjoy taking the opportunity to somewhat pettily snipe at anybody who disagrees with their views, especially each other.
** Maybe not so unreasonable; they both witnessed the worst of a certain group (whether it was templars or mages) and they know it could happen anywhere.
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]]: According to [[Word of God]], Anders is a nickname because [http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/304/index/6511895/3#6639653 his family is from the Anderfels].
* {{spoiler|[[Outlaw Couple]]: If you romance Anders, spare his life after he blows up the Chantry, and commit to him before the [[Final Battle]], the two of you will go on the run together, since he is now the most wanted man in Thedas.}}
* [[Perma Stubble]]
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* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: Vengeance does not understand time (time doesn't matter in the Fade) and doesn't truly understand things like "mercy" or "forgiveness." Thus he is driven by the unyielding desire to constantly lash out at the injustices Anders perceives, regardless of who it ultimately hurts.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Shares them with Anders, with one added bonus--''[[Call Back|Don't call him]] [[Harsher in Hindsight|a demon.]]''
* [[Break the Haughty]]: Justice's transformation into Vengeance. Could also count as [[Break the Cutie]], personality-wise, seeing as he was an [[Wide -Eyed Idealist|idealistic]], [[Token Good Teammate|good]], [[Warrior Poet|poetic]] spirit before becoming twisted by hate.
* [[Fallen Hero]]: The difference between Vengeance and a true demon is practically non-existent.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: In ''Awakening'' Anders and Justice had a conversation about the differences between spirits and demons and whether Justice could become a demon. May also count as [[Harsher in Hindsight]].
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* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: An ''in-universe'' example. Anders will consider this to be Justice's (and by extension his own) in Act II if he {{spoiler|isn't restrained and ends up murdering a young girl}}. Even if you ''do'' stop him, it still [[My God, What Have I Done?|shocks him to the core]]. Vengeance, on the other hand, is ''much'' quicker to throw this label around.
* [[Not Asas You Know Them]]: Justice has become a demon: Vengeance.
* [[Revenge Before Reason]]: Pretty much embodies this.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: For Anders.
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* [[Characterization Marches On]]: In the first game, she comes across as having a straight-to-the-point, no-nonsense demeanor as opposed to her [[Cloudcuckoolander]] tendencies in the second game.
* [[Character Development]]: If a full rival and her final personal quest is complete {{spoiler|she finally admits she was wrong to use blood magic and blames herself for not listening and thus causing Marethari to sacrifice herself for her}}. As a rival she also grows a bit more serious in conversations with Hawke and isn't as easily flustered as before.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Merrill wonders how Qunari scratch their heads. She wonders if they rub their horns on trees like Halla[[hottip:*:[[Call a Rabbit Aa Smeerp|AKA Fantasy Deer]] do. That is but one of many random ponderings that come out of her mouth.
** Should her romance path be completed, she will move in with Hawke in Hightown. Her codex states that she's stunned the neighbors by [[Does Not Like Shoes|walking barefoot]], picking flowers out of people's gardens, and [[Squee|cooing]] at the nobles' guard dogs among other adorable antics.
** If she moves in, Hawke seems to have the sneaking suspicion she's the one who's been swinging on the chandelier in the Estate.
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* [[Scarf of Asskicking]]: [http://i987.photobucket.com/albums/ae354/Saibh_photos/DevDiary%200110/ScreenHunter_76Jan101634.jpg?t=1294698013 A bit more hipster] than the traditional flow with the person as they move variant.
* [[Selective Obliviousness]]: Her attitude towards demons and blood magic crosses over into this frequently. She states, (and even demonstrates on occasion), that she understands the risks... yet is surprised when people ask/demand that she stop, and doesn't seem to understand why others might view ''her'' as dangerous.
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]]: She ''fully'' supports Aveline/Donnic. As well as Hawke and one of the other love interests if her own romance arc is not pursued.
* [[Shutting Up Now]]: Tends to talk her way into a hole, and ends her dialogue like this.
{{quote| '''Merrill:''' I'll try not to hit anyone. On our side, I mean. [[Motor Mouth|I'm babbling again. Let's go.]]}}
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* [[Action Girl]]: Hell yes!
* [[Amazonian Beauty]]: So far, she's the most muscular woman in the Dragon Age (or in [[Bio WareBioWare]]) games to date--that's not to say she doesn't have a feminine figure.
** Though the prologue and a brief cutscene in Act III are the only times you'll get to see it.
* [[Badass Normal]]: Deserves special mention, see [[Establishing Character Moment]] below.
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** However do not EVER question whether she is going soft on the men under her command and coddling certain individuals (Donnic). When the Templars force you to investigate her on this in Act III, you set out to prove that Donnic is doing the same routes as the other men, if not more dangerous, and most of her men are fighting for their life twice a week to keep Kirkwall safe.
* [[Da Chief]]: Eventually reaches this position on the Guard.
* [[Depending Onon the Artist]]: Her official art is... [http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110121223257/dragonage/images/7/7d/Aveline_4.jpg considerably more mannish] when compared to her in-game model.
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Borderline; she trains with each guard individually and makes ''certain'' that they know what they are doing. They certainly think that it's [[Training From Hell]]. If you've been succeeding at her personal quests, she bonds with each of the guards as well, which takes the edge off of it. If not, the guards become more efficient, but Aveline herself will not be well liked.
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: One of the first things she does is tackle a darkspawn that severely wounded Wesley and ''punch'' it into submission before lever-cutting its head off with its sword. She proceeds to fight the rest of the horde with the intention of saving her husband or dying with him.
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* [[Idiot Ball]]: [[Played for Laughs]]. She's a bright, talented and quick-thinking guardswoman... but her intelligence plummets when it comes to dealing with Donnic. Case in point? While trying to be romantic with him ''she turned it into a conversation about the sharpness of swords''.
* [[I Let Gwen Stacy Die]]: Wesley's death remains a sore spot for her for a good half of the game, partially because she feels she should have been able to prevent it. Her fear of losing anything else drives much of her actions throughout the game.
* [[Married to Thethe Job]]: Apparently the reason she's having such difficulty with romancing Donnic. Even though she was once married, she's thrown herself into her work so much, she's forgotten how ''not'' to be a guard for a while. {{spoiler|If you don't help her out on her sidequests, she never learns to relax and the pressure eventually pushes her to leave town.}}
* [[Match Maker Quest]]: Her sidequest in Act II involves her attempting to court Guardsman Donnic. Don't mess things up, and they'll get married.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: An in-universe example; Aveline was the name of the first female Chevalier.
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** ... Although if you keep him away from people who push his buttons, he makes his share of jokes.
** And Silly!Hawke's comments usually get at least a smile out of him. He even chuckles with regularity.
* [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]]: The lyrium scars emblazoned on him by his master cause Fenris no small amount of pain, but give him extra strength and endurance, as well as the ability to go partially intangible.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: He was a slave in the Tevinter Imperium, and had his skin laced with lyrium in a process so torturously painful that it wiped away his pre-ritual memories.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Sometimes, and with emphasis on the deadpan.
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** Fenris is also not particularly fond of the Dalish. This is rooted in the Dalish viewing themselves as the [[Superior Species|Superior Elves]].
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: His pretty horrifying life as a slave, (as well as the fact that this is quite literally [[Identity Amnesia|all he knows]]), explains quite a bit of his antisocial tendencies.
* [[Friends Withwith Benefits]]: With Isabela if the player isn't romancing either of them.
* [[Gay Option]]
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: All over his body. They look more like tattoos, however, and they're ''pretty'' like the veins of leaves.
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** He believes Mages are too powerful to be trusted and will inevitably abuse their power, so they should accept being enslaved and controlled by the Chantry. He himself is an escaped slave [[Magic Knight|with magical powers]] who is being hunted by his former master and will mercilessly kill those who are no longer a threat to him if they piss him off enough. At least half of his arguments for corralling and controlling mages could also apply to him. Anders [[What the Hell, Hero?|calls him out on it once or twice.]]
** He's vehemently against slavery, yet supports locking up mages and denying them the freedoms and equal rights that others enjoy. Hawke can point out this hypocrisy at the endgame if {{spoiler|s/he sides with the mages, prompting Fenris to turn against Meredith and support Hawke.}}
** ''Merrill'' of all people points out that - he criticizes how much she risks herself and others by [[Deal Withwith the Devil|taking a demon's help]] to regain a piece of elven history, when in order to {{spoiler|find his sister, Varania}}, he is also taking risks and making compromises for the sake of regaining a piece of his past.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: Tells Merrill in party banter that he doesn't have "puppy eyes". {{spoiler|He actually uses them quite a bit, usually with a Hawke who has a strong Friendship with him, and/or romanced him. Case and point; the look he will give Hawke to a flirting response at the end of the "Alone" quest.}}
* [[I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me]]: Early on in the game, he seems somewhat taken aback that Hawke would be romantically interested in him, if s/he flirts with him.
* [[I Can't Do This Byby Myself]]: From the moment you meet him, he'll ask for your help using pretty much these exact words. Comes up in his later personal quests as well.
* [[Identity Amnesia]]: The lyrium-infusion ritual wiped his memory.
** {{spoiler|As it turns out, he asked for and fought for the "privilege" of having this done to him. He is utterly horrified to find out that he essentially destroyed his own identity, ''willingly''.}}
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** During party banter with Anders, Fenris will admit that he considers Hawke (or Bethany) a strong mage who doesn't need supervision.
*** This is even present if you only pursue a Friendship with him as a mage. At the end of his first Questioning Beliefs, he will toast Hawke with a happy smile on his face, stating, "Here's to you, Hawke. A finer mage, I have never met." Considering that he seems to hate ''every other mage'' (sans Bethany), this says a lot.
* [[If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...]]: Will warn Anders in this manner, if he had been romanced and {{spoiler|has dumped Hawke.}}
{{quote| '''Fenris:''' You... are living with Hawke now?<br />
'''Anders:''' What of it?<br />
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* [[Primal Stance]]: Compare his posture with, say, Merrill's.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: He suspects slavers around every corner and a trap behind every stroke of luck. He's usually right.
* {{spoiler|[[Rape Asas Backstory]]:}} Heavily implied in dialogue ([[Word of God]] confirms it).
* [[Revenge Before Reason]]: Most obviously during his Act II personal quest, where he kills a hired sword after [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique|interrogating him]] and then kills Hadriana despite promising not to kill the latter in return for information about his past. Neither of these people were exactly innocent, (Hadriana may have even [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch|deserved it]]), but he still killed them after it was obvious they were no longer a threat to him. He also yells at Hawke if he/she tries to call him out on it. To his credit, he does clearly regret his behavior, and he goes to Hawke to apologize later.
* [[Scars Are Forever]]: Due to being infused with lyrium when he was transformed. They cause him some amount of pain, more so when touched.
* [[Seen It All]]: Gives off this impression with his generally stoic reactions, especially concerning the darker side of magic, though he is not in all likelihood older than his mid-twenties.
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* [[Anything That Moves]]: According to her, she's had relations with Men, Women, Elves, and a [[Mythology Gag|cross-dressing dwarf]]. She doesn't recommend that last one.
** Subverted if Hawke attempts to pimp her to the pathetic Emile de Launcet. Even sluttiness has its standards.
*** Subverted farther than that, ironically enough, if Hawke pursues a romance with Isabela. {{spoiler|Isabela's behavior is mostly for her image as a pirate, and while she has no problems with a [[Friends Withwith Benefits]] relationship (or a one night stand), she doesn't have nearly as many of those as she implies.}}
* [[A Threesome Is Hot]] / [[A Threesome Is Manly]]: If you're romancing her when she propositions Zevran, she's quick to invite you to join in.
* [[Badass Normal]]
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* [[Drowning My Sorrows]]
* [[Dual-Wielding]]
* [[Duel to Thethe Death]]: With Hayder. Isabela suspects foul play, so when she meets Hawke, she asks for potential back-up.
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: Retroactively.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Isabela is a pirate to the core, but she would never condone slave trading, which led to her betraying Hayder before you first meet her.
** {{spoiler|Though she's perfectly willing to let non-repentant slavers get away clean if it means she can have a ship again.}}
* [[Friends Withwith Benefits]]: While a tremendous flirt, she only appears to have such a relationship with Hawke (if Hawke accepts) and, depending on the relationship of the player, Fenris.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: Her specialization abilities can make her one of the rare borderline [[Stone Wall]] examples. She becomes harder to hit and less effective at hitting -- not very useful in of and itself, but paired with a skilled Scoundrel form the combat equivalent of a two-man con.
* [[Gay Option]]
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** Most obviously in Act II where {{spoiler|her [[Big Damn Hero]] entrance has her irritatedly say that "This is your damned influence, Hawke!"}}
* [[Hit Me Dammit]]: Enables this as a plan to get to Castillion. Also one of her many battle quotes
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard|Hoist By Her Own Petard]]: Isabela occasionally uses the line "You have pretty eyes." as a way to shut down conversations she doesn't want. In ''Mark of the Assassin'', she complains to Hawke that [[Dirty Old Man|Gamlen's]] been inappropriate, and she wants Hawke to convince him to stop. Guess what Hawke's response is?
{{quote| '''Isabela''': [[Hypocritical Humor|Ugh, you are impossible!]]}}
* [[If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...]]: Gives male Hawke this one if he's romancing Merrill.
{{quote| '''Isabela:''' I get the feeling the girl's involved in something deep and dangerous. Look out for her will you? Make sure she doesn't hurt herself. ... Oh, and if you ever do anything nasty to her, I'll cut off your balls.}}
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: ''Every single one'' of the talents in her unique skill tree is a pirate reference of some kind. Notable because almost every other skill's name tries to be serious or informative. Not Isabela.
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* [[I Need to Go Iron My Dog]]: Every time you go to the Qunari Compound with her in your party, she will suddenly bail and run off. At first, it seems odd that she would do this, but as you find out later {{spoiler|she stole one of the Qunari's prized relics. If she were to enter the compound she would most likely be caught and either killed or taken prisoner.}}
* [[It's All About Me]]: While she can be a lot of fun, and even very affectionate at times (mainly to Merrill), it is made uncomfortably clear at several points in the game that she places herself and her hedonistic tendencies first, even when it (might) hurt others. {{spoiler|Under Hawke's influence, her conscience can start to get the better of her, much to her dismay.}}
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: Platonic-version; if Hawke slept with her then moved on to Merrill, she seems a little wistful when Merrill gushes about how wonderful Hawke is, then assures the elf how happy she is for her. She later tells Hawke that she thinks Merrill was very lonely before and tells him/her to look after her. If Hawke is male, she also [[Cool Big Sis|threatens to]] [[Groin Attack|castrate him]] [[If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...|if he hurts her]] in any way.
* {{spoiler|[[Karma Houdini]]: Potentially subverted if she returns with the tome and you hand her over to the Qunari (though the codex implies she later escapes), and even if you don't she actually spends some years away from Kirkwall, either out of guilt or simple reluctance to witness the damage and hundreds of corpses left by her actions. If Hawke doesn't have a [[You Lose At Zero Trust|strong enough Friendship/Rivalry with her though]], she gets away with the tome scot-free.}}
* [[Knife Nut]]
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'''Isabela''': Yes, yes, all right. I just want it known I never asked for the goat. And the fire was accidental.<br />
'''Fenris''': I... that wasn't the story. }}
* [[Odd Friendship|Odd Romance]]: Hooks up with ''Fenris'' of all people in Act III, if you do not romance either of them. Granted, the relationship is [[Friends Withwith Benefits|purely physical]] by all accounts
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]]: Isabela is not her birth name, but it's the only name she'll respond to.
* [[Optional Party Member]]: She doesn't have to join the party, and if you don't go to the Hanged Man at the right time, you may never even see her.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: She was sold into marriage at an implied young age by her mother and never knew her father.
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* [[The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything|Pirate Who Doesn't Do Anything]]: Not by choice. Due to the loss of her ship and crew {{spoiler|as well as the Qunari tome}}, Isabela is forced to spend most of the game standing around the Hanged Man, drinking and acting vaguely pirate-y when not with Hawke.
** There are a few sidequests that can allow her to get her pirate career up and running again. Her final companion quest can end with her getting a ship, and a sidequest in ''Mark Of The Assassin'' can end with her getting a crew. However, the player is always given a reason to not let her do so (for example, getting a new ship requires letting an unrepentant slaver [[Karma Houdini|escape justice]]), and she even if she gets them, she sticks with the drinking and vague pirate-y behavior for the rest of the game.
* {{spoiler|[[Rape Asas Backstory]]: Its implied the reason she let her husband get assassinated was because he had her "entertain" his friends.}}
* [[Really Gets Around]]: Her sex life is a constant topic in conversations with the party.
** [[Running Gag]]: "Have you slept with ''everyone'' in Ferelden?"
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** [[Memetic Sex God|It reaches in-game Memetic levels]] as time goes by, as she and Varric recall several patrons who attempted to (unsuccessfully) flirt with her and she recalls her vast sex life.
** If importing a save where the Warden was a Female Noble, romanced Alistair, convinced him to have a threesome and later ascended him to the throne, Isabela jokes that having slept with the ''King and Queen of Ferelden'', she has something new to brag about.
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]]: Found out through party banter. Also doubles as an [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]. In ''Mark of the Assassin'', she catches onto Carver's crush on Merrill and is very eager to help. Carver, understandably, isn't too keen on the idea.
** Writes "Friendfiction".
* [[So Long and Thanks For All Thethe Gear]]: {{spoiler|She may return, however.}}
* [[Somebody Else's Problem]]: "We're not responsible for anyone but ourselves."
* [[STD Immunity]]: Averted. It's all but outright stated that Isabela does face repercussions for her grandiose sex life, but Anders is able (though not willing) to cure these without much trouble.
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* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[Brave Scot|Brave Starkhavener]]
* [[Break the Haughty]]: A mild version in his backstory, considering he was hedonistic prince that got [[Locked Away in Aa Monastery]] so that he wouldn't have any children that could contest his brother's claims to the throne.
* [[Celibate Hero]]: Due to the vows he made when he joined the Chantry. Even if romanced he won't break this vow. That said, Sebastian is definitely not a virgin before his Chantry vows as his dialogues with Isabella shows that as the prince of Starkhaven, he was a [[The Hedonist|hedonistic prince]] but vowed to be celibate.
** [[Chastity Couple]]: If a female Hawke pursues him and is not in a Rivalry with him, they become this.
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** He may also declare "the end justifies the means. You taught me that!" in defense of his vow to {{spoiler|raze the ''entire city'' of Kirkwall to the ground with an army because of one man}}, apparently not seeing the irony in using {{spoiler|Anders' justification for committing mass murder and starting a war}} to justify his ''own'' decision to {{spoiler|commit mass murder and start a war}}.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]: [[Reconstructed Trope]].
* [[Locked Away in Aa Monastery]]: His parents gave him to the Chantry to stop him dragging down their reputation; unusually, he declares it was the best thing that ever happened to him. Supplemental material reveals that Elthina allowed him to leave, and he returned out of a genuine desire for purpose.
* [[Man in White]]: ''Shiny'' white armor. Something of a [[Running Gag]] within the party.
** Isabela uses it as a ''mirror'' once.
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* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: In his Act II companion quest, {{spoiler|if you don't do this to Allure, he will.}}
* [[Sixth Ranger]]: Well, ninth ranger to be exact. He is the only companion to be recruited in Act II, rather than Act I, though he is featured beforehand.
* [[Spare to Thethe Throne]]: Resented the fact that he's actually the spare ''to the spare''.
* [[Token Good Teammate]]: [[Revenge Before Reason|Not]] [[Hot-Blooded|as]] [[Hypocrite|much]] as Bethany but he tries.
* [[Token Religious Teammate]]
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* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: He claims to be one but clearly lacks the ruthlessness required to fit the trope. His rivalry path involves turning him into a real one. {{spoiler|He also becomes one if Hawke chooses not to kill Anders.}}
* [[The White Prince]]: Aveline sometimes insinuates that he doesn't really understand how common people live and views his efforts to gain power and act for the greater good with suspicion, (though she's clearly citing Loghain), but how well he fits this trope is a matter of debate.
* [[Wide -Eyed Idealist]]: Averted/subverted, much in the same manner as Leliana. He's relatively idealistic in a cynical story, but doesn't usually come off as particularly naive or foolish, nor does the story go out of the way to break him ([[Trauma Conga Line|more than it does anyone else]]). Much of the rest of the party seems unsure of how to respond to this.
{{quote| '''Anders''': How can you have so much faith? Does ''nothing'' bother you?}}
* [[You Killed My Father|You Killed My Family]]: Not only does he do this when confronting the mastermind behind his family's deaths, but {{spoiler|he also pulls it when Anders blows up the Chantry, killing Sebastian's surrogate mother Elthina in the process. If you decide to let Anders live, Sebastian not only leaves the party, but makes it clear that he'll be coming for Anders... [[This Means War|with an army!]]}}
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* [[BFG|BFC]]: Bianca, Varric's tricked-out, custom-made, and rather ''large'' crossbow. The devs specifically made Bianca level up with Varric so as to make players never want to part the two without breaking the game.
* [[Cargo Ship]]: Invoked. His fondness for [[I Call It Vera|Bianca]] often rolls past mere praise into the realm of flirtation. He's not a romance option because he's already found the love of his life.
* [[Carpet of Virility]]: Notable, as he's the first [[Bio WareBioWare]] character since [[Jade Empire|The Black Whirlwind]] with real chest hair. Type I, of course. Fenris lampshades this when he asks why Varric doesn't have a beard. He muses it "fell down onto his chest." Enhanced by a rare example of male [[Absolute Cleavage]]...
* [[The Charmer]]: [[Word of God]] has said that no matter what danger he's in, the moment you let Varric begin to talk, ''he's won''.
* [[City Mouse]]: Varric isn't comfortable anywhere without streets and buildings.
Line 809:
{{quote| '''Merrill:''' I'm sure you say that to Varric at least once a day.<br />
'''Varric:''' Twice, usually. But can you blame him? Nobody can resist this face! }}
* [[Expy]]: Remind anyone else of [[Assassin's Creed II|Bartolomeo]] [[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood|d'Alviano?]]
* [[Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling]]: He's the progressive surfacer to Bartrand's traditionalist Dwarven ideals.
* [[Friendly Sniper]]: He's the only member of the party on good terms with everybody else.