Dragon Ball/Characters/Movie Villains: Difference between revisions

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* [[Complete Immortality]]: The only one to have this wish successfully given to him by Shenron, as well as the only one to actually have absolute immortality (although some characters were implied to be immortal, such as Master Roshi and the Androids, it seems to be limited to natural causes).
** [[Immortality Hurts]] [[Fate Worse Than Death|Worse than Death]]: He's trapped in the Dead Zone, literally forever as he'll never die.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: The Dead Zone can eat up ''anything'' sucked inside it and can trap someone into another dimension forever, but using it also risked having himself sucked in if he's forced to.
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]/[[What an Idiot!]]: Unlike his enemies, he literally cannot die. The first half of the movie was him basically moving to make that the case. Yet somehow he gets the [[Sarcasm Mode|brilliant idea]] of opening a void to eternal darkness - this '''can''' backfire, and thus become worse torture for him than for anyone else ever because, again, he literally cannot die.
** Then he manages to get out by stroke of luck because his home planet approaches Earth and gives him enough power to do this. Only for him to get so mad at the foiling of his [[Evil Plan]] to [[Take Over the World]] that…[[Took a Level In Dumbass|he goes back to the well all over again]].
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* [[Theme Naming]]: He and his minions are all named after spices/condiments.
* [[You Killed My Father]]: Kami, prepare to die!!
== Dr. Wheelo ==
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* [[Avenging the Villain]]: However, does this restore honor to his family, and for that reason only.
* [[Badass]]: And how! He phased through Goku's Kaioken x20 empowered Kamehameha wave like water, survived being blasted into the ''sun'' and comes back as a cyborg by overpowering the mind of a mechanical [[Eldritch Abomination]], kicks the asses of TWO Super Saiyans, leaving both extremely exhausted after they (barely) manage to defeat him. Officially.
** [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: In the first movie, Cooler lost easily against an untrained Super Saiyan Goku, in the second he was able to curbstomp both Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan forms without issue.
** [[Badass Army]]: {{spoiler|The Meta Coolers}}.
* [[Benevolent Boss]]: Unlike Frieza, Cooler seems to care for his troops, or at the very least does not abuse them in any way, and is probably one of the few redeemable traits he has. It also explains why the Armored Squadron is more than willing to serve under Cooler.
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Another Android that was created by Gero and completed by his computer long after his death. As with nearly all of Gero's androids, he only has one objective: kill Goku.
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: Inverted. He does what he's programmed to do: try to kill Goku.
* [[Always Accurate Attack]]: His S.S. Deadly Bomber which tracks its target like a heat-seeking missile.
* [[Artificial Human]]
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* [[Achilles' Heel]]: It's stated not to be as hard to fight if you can rid yourself of your fear of it. Its hard not to get a little anxious given the approach Hirudegarn takes
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]: The largest villain in the franchise (if one were to not include the Big Gete Star).
* [[Final Boss]]: As one of the few movie villains to safely fit within the Z continuity, this is the last and most powerful villain that Goku and co. fight in the franchise. At least, until Bills came by with the recent ''Battle of Gods'' movie.
* [[God of Evil]]: A deity of apocalyptic destruction given life through his animated idol.
* [[Kaiju]]: ''Dragon Fist Explosion: If Goku can't do it, no one can'' is basically what happens when the animators get drunk and agree to "wouldn't it be cool if Goku gets to fight Godzilla?"
** Also a case of [[Hoist by His Own Petard]], as the only reason why Goku's Dragon Fist Explosion even worked is because Hirudegarn became far too enraged at Goku's taunts to remember to dissipate from Goku's attacks.
*** Rather he couldn't as its tail, the source of that power, was cut off by Trunks.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Made of Air]]: Can't even touch it half the time
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: Shedding its outer layer like a monstrous cicada to reveal an even more powerful, nightmarishly insectoid form beneath.
* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]
* [[Super Mode]]
== Abo and Kado ==
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