Dragon Ball/Characters/Movie Villains: Difference between revisions

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Voiced by Chuck Huber (Funimation dub) }}
A alien whose father was in the running for the title of the God of Earth. He lost to Kami and tried to take it by force but was defeated and thrown into the Dead Zone. Garlic Jr. later comes to exact his revenge for this. First by gaining immortality via the Dragon Balls then trying to kill Kami. He has to deal with Goku and Piccolo first and winds up falling to his own attack, The Dead Zone. He later comes back when a powerful star manages to free him and tries to take over the Earth with the Black Water Mist that turns anyone exposed to it into mindless raving vampire-like beings. Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillin are the only ones left not exposed to the mist and once again do battle with him, where he once more falls to his Dead Zone attack. This time with no way out.
* [[And I Must Scream]]: After becoming immortal he gets sealed away inside the Dead Zone for all eternity. ''Twice''.
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Voiced by R.Bruce Elliot (Funimation dub) }}
A doctor known for his cruel experiments. An accident in the frozen regions of the world cost him his body. His assistant Kochin wishes his brain back to life and set out to find a suitable body to transfer Wheelo's body into. Inevitably this brings them into conflict with the Z-Warriors.
* [[Brain In a Jar]]
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Voiced by: [[Chris Patton]] (Funimation dub) }}
A rogue Saiyan who oddly looks like Goku. Comes to Earth to plant the Tree of Might that when planted will suck the life out of a planet. The Z-Warriors respond to the threat and he eventually gets spirit bombed to pieces.
* [[Badass Arm-Fold]]
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Voiced by Brice Armstrong (English) }}
An evil Namekian not unlike Demon King Piccolo (the first one). Comes to Earth to gather the Dragon Balls and regain his youth then set on conquering it. A fight with the Z-Warriors ensures his plans don't get any further.
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]: He can grow into a giant form if he wanted.
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* [[Multiple Choice Past]]: Let's just say his backstory relating to his existence as a Namek is different between various versions. The Japanese version had him being sent away from Namek as a baby during its cataclysmic climate shift (similar to the Namekian who would become Piccolo and Kami), and the English version implies that he is the last of a group of Super Nameks who were exiled from Namek via the Namekian Dragon Balls due to misuse of their power.
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: Weakened by Gohan's ''whistling''.
** Parodied and expanded in [[Dragonball Z Abridged|DBZ Abridged's "Lord Slug" movie]]; {{spoiler|since Piccolo and Nail were weak to the whistling.}}
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Frieza's older brother. On the day the Saiyans' planet was destroyed, Cooler noticed the pod carrying Goku away from it. But thought nothing of it and let it be. Years later, Frieza has been beaten, and hearing of it, Cooler goes to Earth to check it out. Eventually coming into contact with the Z-Warriors. A long fight later, and Cooler is killed by Goku via being thrown into the sun...
...Or so it would seem. An attack on the new Planet Namek brings the Z-Warriors back into another confrontation with him. Only now with a much sleeker body. Another tough fight ensures till its revealed that Cooler isn't one person but a whole army of himself. Eventually Goku and Vegeta find out that none of these Coolers are the real one, and that the true Cooler is nothing more then a head that had grafted itself to a metal star, took it over and made robots of himself to carry out his revenge. But revealing himself proves to be his undoing and Goku and Vegeta manage to finish him off.
* [[Avenging the Villain]]: However, does this restore honor to his family, and for that reason only.
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* [[Blood Knight]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: In his Super form. This is especially evident when he manages to [[Groin Attack|punch Goku in the groin]] with his free arm (his other arm was grabbing his leg).
* [[Deep South]]: This "Red-Ribbon redneck" is possibly the only character in the [[Dragon Ball]] franchise who is from south of the Mason-Dixon line. NOTE: This is only in the English dub.
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Super Mode]]: After absorbing parts from Androids 14 and 15
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''The'' legendary Super Saiyan, as in the first Saiyan to achieve Super Saiyan status. Right from birth he had a power level of 10,000. But his early life wasn't pleasant due to 1) The then baby Goku's constant crying next to him and 2) King Vegeta fearing his power could overthrow him and ordered him killed despite the protests of his father. Luckily for him, Frieza blew up the Saiyan race and his power level saved both his and his father's lives. It didn't get any better after that however, especially when his father launches a campaign to rebuild the Saiyan empire which bring him back into conflict with Goku.
After a very tough fight in which Broly practically [[Curb Stomp Battle|trashes all the Z Fighters]], hes eventually defeated and left for dead on a planet where a comet about to smash into. However <s> popularity power</s> by some fluke he manages to survive and get himself to Earth via a space pod. He enters a coma only coming out of it when hearing Goten crying and once more continues his rampage against the Saiyans but is once again beaten and seemingly finished when hes hurled into through the sun and has his heart ripped out at the other end. However his blood was collected and he wound up cloned in a misguided attempt to gain money. This time though, Broly comes back very deformed, slime covered and hardly resembling what he once was. After another lengthy fight, he beaten when the fluid covering him is solidified in water. A final Kamehameha finishes for good.
* [[A God Am I]]: Inversion: Broly, in the Japanese version of Movie 8 as well as a few of the games, has him describing himself as the devil in response to Piccolo's statement about him being a monster.
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* [[Ax Crazy]]: made more frightening by his overwhelming power, and [[Trope Codifier]] for [[Ax Crazy]] [[Blood Knight]] characters. His insanity makes Frieza and Cell seem normal and is on par with Kid Buu.
* [[Badass]]: And how.
* [[Barrier Warrior]] - He has the most extensive use of a [[Deflector Shield]] in the entire franchise. In the Budokai video game series, it even takes the place of dodging animations and stands as his second special move.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Anything resembling Goku. Or, as he likes to put it: "KAKAROTTOO~!".
** Thinking of Goku's crying when they were both 1-day old incensed him out of Paragus' mind control.
** Hearing Goten's whining angered him out of a seven year [[Human Popsicle|iceberg-coma]].
* [[Bin Shimada]]: His seiyuu.
* [[Blood Knight]]: Other than the obvious fact that he is a Saiyan, he is positively ''delighted'' when the Z-warriors refused to yield and are prepared to fight him ''to the bitter end.''
{{quote|'''Broly:''' ''"Knowing you have no chance of victory, and yet you '''still''' fight on? You have my respect; you are '''truly''' worthy of your Saiyan blood!!"''}}
* [[Bling of War]]: One piece counts as his [[Power Limiter]] (and possibly a [[Hypno Trinket]]) and is indistinguishable from his other gem-encrusted pieces of gold.
* [[Breakout Character]]: If his inumerous appearances in video games is not enough, he has the most of all movie characters by a long shot and even more than some main characters as well, the fact one of these games (Super Sonic Warriors 2) ''actually'' [[Heel Face Turn|redeems]] him should settle it.
* [[Heartbroken Badass]]: Taken VERY literally in regards to his demise in Second Coming. After being launched into the Sun by Goku, Gohan and Goten's Kamehameha, Broly screams "Kakarot!" and proceeds to have his heart explode in both directions, before eventually exploding himself.
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* [[Morality Pet]]: Mr. Satan acts as this for him in ''Super Sonic Warriors 2''.
* [[Mythology Gag]]: Broly, like [[The Hero|our main hero]], is also partially based on ''the'' Son Goku of [[Journey to the West]]. This is alluded to by the fact he is restrained by a golden headband that reinforces obedience through pain, much like how the headband that imprisoned the epynomous Monkey King causes him mindless agony whenever Tripitaka chants the mantra of obedience. This gag makes sense considering Broly ''is'' after all Goku's [[Evil Counterpart]].
* [[My Death Is Only the Beginning]]: Kind of: Although he certainly did not intend to end up mortally wounded by a supercharged Goku, he certainly recovered and was heavily implied to have grown stronger during the seven year coma he had as a result of recovering from his injury.
* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]: Half of the eighth movie is basically him beating the snot out of the heroes.
** And he even implies that he's not even using his full strength to do so.
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** And, of course, there are the "Romanizers" who insist it's Burorii.
** The problem with "Brolly" is it's the English slang for umbrella.
* [[Sphere Factor]] - His Ki is depicted this way.
* [[Sickly Green Glow]]: His Legendary aura
** Sicker still when you consider no other character has a green aura.
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* [[Made of Evil]]: ''Literally'' the embodiment of all the evil in Hell condensed within one person.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Janemba's name (邪念波) literally means ''"Evil-thought-wave"'', which makes sense considering he is made of undiluted evil energy.
** ...and the fact he can ''[[Reality Warper|warp reality]]''.
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: Goes from fat and jolly to full [[Cerebus Syndrome]]
* [[Pokémon-Speak]]: In his first form.
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Voiced by Robert McCollum (Funimation dub) }}
A ancient being of nothing but pure destruction. It was defeated by an race of aliens known as the Konatsians who managed to split it in two and seal it within two brothers. Then sealing those in music boxes and shooting them across the galaxy. However a wizard named Hoi sought to unseal him to rule the galaxy. He succeeds but only winds up unleashing the monster on Earth that the Z-Warriors have to deal with.
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: It's stated not to be as hard to fight if you can rid yourself of your fear of it. Its hard not to get a little anxious given the approach Hirudegarn takes
* [[Final Boss]]: As one of the few movie villains to safely fit within the Z continuity, this is the last and most powerful villain that Goku and co. fight in the franchise.
* [[God of Evil]]: A deity of apocalyptic destruction given life through his animated idol.