Dragon Keeper Chronicles: Difference between revisions

clean up, replaced: Always Chaotic Evil → Exclusively Evil
m (update links)
m (clean up, replaced: Always Chaotic Evil → Exclusively Evil)
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The '''Dragon Keeper Chronicles''' is a Christian fantasy series concerning the life of the titular Dragon Keeper, Kale. The series is set in a world with several fantastic races, [[Five Races|many of which fit fairly comfortably into certain stereotypes]].
The series consists of [[Theme Naming|Dragonspell, Dragonquest, Dragonknight, Dragonfire and Dragonlight]]. As you may have guessed, quite a lot of the characters are dragons.
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A new series has begun that is set in the same world, but at a different place and time. This series follows the adventures of Tipper, a young Emerlindian girl. Two books have been published so far, The Vanishing Sculptor and Dragons of the Valley.
== This contains examples of: ==
* [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] - The lower races all first appear to be this, but as the series goes on we see more and more sympathetic characters from these races. It's actually discussed several times, particularly in reference to a Bisonbeck who is working with the good guys.
* {{spoiler|[[Babies Ever After]]}}
* [[Bigger Bad]]: [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"|Pretender]], aka Satan.
