Dragon Tails: Difference between revisions

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** The [http://www.dragon-tails.com/archive.php?date=2006-01-01 RPG arc] is another arc of this, the visual style was basically to look like a 3D RPG.
* [[Badass]]: Enigma.
* [[But Thou Must!]]: Beaten to death in [http://www.dragon-tails.com/archive.php?date=2006-03-26 one strip] of the [[RPG Mechanics Verse]] storyline.
* [[Chainsaw Good]]: Blueu's weapon in the RPG arc is a chainsaw-toaster.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: {{spoiler|Abijar and Cornelius}} show up during the first Christmas storyline when {{spoiler|they're actually in the artic looking for Santa. The reason? The later [[Time Travel]] arc}}.
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** [http://dragon-tails.com/comics/archive.php?date=000229 Fools! This is a comic strip!]
* [[Noodle Incident]]: [http://dragon-tails.com/comics/archive.php?date=991120 It's going to be The Easter Bunny Incident all over again...]
* [[The Not -Secret]]: Lemuel was under the impression his crush on Firewing was subtle. It was not.
* [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome]]: What Bluey did with the [[Humongous Mecha|robot he hi-jacked]], afterwards it became a gag for the comic to rub how awesome it was in our faces.
* [[RPG Mechanics Verse]]: The most recent storyline drops the characters into one of these.
* [[Schedule Slip]]: Fully averted for a full 2000 strips. It went under multiple hiatuses after that, though.
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** To [[Pokémon (Anime)|Pokémon]] [http://dragon-tails.com/comics/archive.php?date=991216 here].
** Davey Crocket, which is the name of [[The Cynic|Corlis']] skinning knife.
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* [[This Means War]]!: A [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness|Verbose]] variation is done [http://dragon-tails.com/comics/archive.php?date=991105 here].
* [[Unreliable Narrator|Unreliable Author]]: Many threads on the DT forums speculate about where the comic will go, or how a plot point will be resolved. Tim likes to jump into these himself and gleefully spread "[[Word of God]]" comments ranging from snark, to [[Blatant Lies]], to things you ''think'' are Blatant Lies but it turns out ''[[Mind Screw|aren't]].''
** "I'm thinking [[Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies|rocks fall, everyone dies]]."
** "I'm thinking once I've finished the RPG storyline I'll just turn the whole website into a tech blog to discuss motherboards and memory sticks. Should be pretty exciting stuff, I hope I don't lose too many readers."
** "Actually it's part of my [[Xanatos Gambit|elaborate 11 year setup]] to a Fight Club style twist - prepare to have your minds blown. "