Dragonriders of Pern: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cool Pet]]: Fire lizards.
* [[Corrupt Bureaucrat]]: Chalkin, Lord Holder of Bitra in ''Dragonseye'', who refuses to believe that Thread will return and won't take the necessary precautions to protect his people. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of the things he does.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: A general intention for the society because they, well, [[HAD to Be Sharp|have to be sharp.]] There are major and minor shelters for almost everyone, every hold has grass cleared nearby and firepits dug to avoid atracting thread. However by F'lar's time [[We Have Become Complacent|they have become complacent.]]
* [[Culture Clash]]: Between Weyr, Hold, and Craft. Their traditions have diverged sharply over the centuries and frequently come into conflict in the main storyline. Similarly, a major conflict arises between the Oldtimer Weyrfolk who are brought forward in time by Lessa and the more "modern" Weyrfolk under F'lar's command.
* [[Death by Childbirth]]: Happens to Jaxom's mother, and is generally a risk in a low-tech, feudal society.
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* [[Heroic Albino]]: Ruth
* [[Hide Your Gays]]: Half averted. Homosexual men are not uncommon on Pern, and in fact most (if not all) blue riders fit the bill. There is never a mention of homosexual women, however.
* [[Horde of Alien Locusts]]: The Thread
* [[Horse of a Different Color]]: Dragons, of course, although real horses and oxen do exist.
**Though they are named for their recognizable function, that is race horses are runnerbeasts.
* [[Hot for Teacher]]: It takes a while, but Menolly and Robinton finally acknowledge their [[UST]] in ''The White Dragon'', although nothing comes of it. Her commitment to Sebell aside, Robinton had recently [[May-December Romance|suffered a heart attack]]...
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: F'lar and Lessa.
* [[Hyperspace Is a Scary Place]]: ''Between'', the dimension used by dragons and fire lizards when they teleport, is devoid of sensation, airless, and brutally cold.
** And also apparently prone to causing miscarriages if a female rider is still in the early stages of pregnancy when she goes ''between''.
* [[Ruling Couple|Incident Commander Couple]]: F'lar and Lissa. The Weyrs are supposed to stand out from normal politics though of course that is difficult to apply perfectly. In one sense they are High King and Queen of Benden, with the cavaet that hold lords are more or less independent. For some time F'lar and Lissa are the only Weyrleader and Weyrwoman on Pern making them by interpretation High Rulers of Pern. But their main focus is on the Thread not on anything else, so "Incident Commander Couple" may actually be the best designation.
* [[I Thought Everyone Could Do That]]: Lessa talking to dragons, which gets F'lar ''extremely'' angry with her when he had been trying for years to figure out a way to coordinate all the dragons of a Weyr in combat.
* [[I Have Your Wife]]:: How F’lar manages to convince the Holders to cooperate with Benden Weyr after the Long Interval -- he sends dragons to abduct their wives and daughters.
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**Also justified that almost all of their technical skill went into civil defense which was not needed between Thread season. And Thread was not an intelligent enemy but predictable like weather which put less encouragement on innovation and more on discipline.
* [[Mercy Kill]]: Sometimes administered to badly injured Thread victims, by means of a lethal dose of "fellis", an herbal sedative.
* [[Mission Control]]: A wyer is the dispatch center for it'sits dragons. Sometimes the Wehrwoman will have to send reserves to match a new threat if it comes while one group is out.
* [[Multiple-Tailed Beast]]: Pernese dragons have forked tails.
* [[The Napoleon]]: Lessa
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** The first time F'nor and Brekke have sex comes across this way to most readers, although there's some debate.
** Arguably F'lessan and Tai as well, although in that case the only possible rape was triggered by a mating flight.
* [[Warrior Monk]]: Dragonriders are kind of like an order of warrior monks, though they are not precisely religious, nor primarily warriors (more disaster relief).
* [[Warrior Poet]]: As noted above the dragonriders are badass bookworms. They also make poetry about their deeds some of which has the practical purpose of preserving information in a partially literary culture. Poetry is of course handled by Harpers primarily but a lot of it is about dragonriders.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: In ''The Masterharper of Pern'' Robinton is noted to have the ability to speak to (and hear) dragons, leading to his mother actually hoping that he would be Searched by a Weyr in order to get him out of their troubled home. Unfortunately no queens were laying when Robinton was of the optimal age to Impress a dragon.