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* [[All Guys Want Cheerleaders]]: In ''Stampede'', despite their rape of cheerleaders being authorized by a law which demands impregnation, male students are shown to go out of their way to avoid impregnating them because they want to use them for more time. That only means instead they ejaculate on different orifices.
* [[The Atoner]]: Alam speculates if that is what Kiel wanted to be by becoming a police captain of a district of refugees of the war where both fought.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: ''Shell Shock''. The demons die as a product of a self-destruct mechanism present in Alam's body and it will not attack anybody any more. But nothing changes the cruelty that both Alam and Kiel committed in the war and both Kiel and her Lieutenant admit they will still go to hell.
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* [[Puppeteer Parasite]]: Both ''Inmushi no Ikenie'' and ''Man-Eater'' feature those. In the first, it's a bug who drives the host to uncontrollable sexual desire. In the second, it's some kind of biological weapon that attacks humans, take control of their bodies while violating them, and then is overtaken by lust to attack others.
* [[Soft-Spoken Sadist]]: The main antagonist of ''Surrogate Squad'' describe the horrible ways his organization works with a calm, collected tone.
* [[The Mole]]: Marika minfiltratedinfiltrated of the unnamed organization in order to help Airis' squad in their assault.
* [[Orifice Invasion]]: The bug who takes control of Aina in ''Inmushi no Ikenie'' enters trough her left ear's opening.
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: Niki gets the main focus on ''Stampede''. He is a despicable, vengeful rapist, though he does admit feeling a little bit of guilt for the girls other than the council president.