Drowtales/Characters/Val'Sarghress Clan: Difference between revisions

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* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]] (Their clan philosophy)
* [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]] (The entire clan is mostly made up of commoners and exiles with no real ties between one another except for uniting around Quain'tana as a figurehead leader.)
* [[Royally Screwed -Up]] (the main Val house. ''Holy crap'' the main Val house. Any family where the mother feels justified in breaking the arms of her child is this and then some.)
* [[The Three Faces of Adam]] (as a [[Spear Counterpart]] to [[The Hecate Sisters]], the main male members also fall into this trope, especially since Kel'noz and Rosof both have a mutual descendant in Sarnel.)
** Sarnel: The Hunter
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** As of chapter 32, [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?sid=7844 the cat's out of the bag]. {{spoiler|Not that she believes it, at least at first.}}
* [[Face Palm]] (after the timeskip she seems to have [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=chapters&id=1790 picked up some habits] [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=chapters&id=1658 from Kel'noz])
* [[Freak -Out]] (did ''not'' react well to Faen's disappearance at all)
* [[Holy Child]] (Chirinide and the rest of the Kyorl'solenurn seem to think she's this and call her the "Daughter of the Holy Eye" (read: {{spoiler|Zhor, an aware}}), but Ariel is skeptical, to say the least)
* [[I Will Find You]] (to Faen, and succeeded)
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* [[Mama Bear]] (to Ariel, and she's arguably the best mother figure Ariel has, despite not even being the same species! Ironically, at 18 in the initial arc she's actually only three years older than Ariel herself)
* [[Matron Chaperone]] (she assigns herself to this role after seeing [[Attempted Rape|what Rik tries to do to Ariel]], since Ariel doesn't understand the full implications of what he's trying to do)
* [[No Periods, Period]] (averted [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=chapters&id=1124 quite comically])
* {{spoiler|[[Put On a Bus]]}} ({{spoiler|Ariel arranges for her to join the Highland Raiders on the surface, though a side story of her adventures on the surface focuses on her}})
* [[Offhand Backhand|Offhand]] [[Groin Attack]] ([http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?sid=7159 don't piss Vaelia off])
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* [[Servile Snarker]] (even before {{spoiler|Diva'ratrika awakens}} she gets away with saying some pretty daring things around Ariel)
* {{spoiler|[[Split Personality Takeover]]}}
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]] (the fact that she looks like a Dark Elf is mostly glossed over, though Kyo'nne does wonder about it, granted, while asking if she can buy Liriel. Her {{spoiler|hair and skin color change}} also elicits this reaction from Ariel at first, until [[Fridge Brilliance]] kicks in when you realize that {{spoiler|as a shapeshifter herself, it really ''isn't'' an unusual sight, and Ariel may in fact wonder why [[I Thought Everyone Could Do That!|everyone can't do that]]}})
* [[You Kill It, You Bought It]] (pretty much how she ended up with Ariel, who was there when Faen's powers resulted in the death of her former master)
** [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] in the original version. She looks at her old master, looks at Ariel. "Hi New Master!"
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* [[I Was Quite a Looker]] (before the mana deprivation set in he was [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=chapters&id=125 quite handsome], and his descendants aren't bad either)
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]] (compared to the bull-headed and rash Quain'tana)
* [[Tiny Guy, Huge Girl]] (he doesn't even come up to [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?sid=4498 Quain'tana's shoulder] in the present day and wasn't much taller before mana deprivation set in)
* [[Token Minority]] (He's pretty much the only male dev'ess in the entire drow world, but considering that he not only took on Quain'tana and survived, but also managed to make her ''stop and think'' even after she'd beaten him and might have just killed him he's one tough S.O.B. Not to mention that he got the Sarghress wolf mounts at the cost of mana deprivation and has been Quain'tana's right hand man for centuries, playing a large part in earning them Val status, so the man has ''fucking earned it'')
* [[Turncoat]] (albeit Rosof is a more positive take on this trope, but as seen in [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive/20091129c01MachikeConquest01.jpg the Machike takeover side-story], he was originally a member of a female Dark Elf's army, until she was killed by Quain'tana and the latter later defeated him in combat.)
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* [[Compressed Hair]] (her series of braids actually [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=chapters&id=1375 hides very long hair])
* [[Double Agent]] (in true drow fashion, Lulianne is spying on Mel and reporting to Quain'tana, but at the same time has her own agenda when it comes to bringing back her old clan {{spoiler|and now, thanks to being possessed by Khaless, is also a spy for Snadhya'rune too, meaning that in reality she's more like a [[Double Reverse Quadruple Agent]]}})
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]] (her first appearance is in [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=chapters&id=110 the new chapter 1], but her first chronological appearance happens in chapter 8)
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Costume Switch]]}} (her [[Red and Black And Evil All Over|wardrobe]] after the timeskip, {{spoiler|1=[http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?sid=6855 due to Khaless' influence]}}, especially in the pants and [[Cleavage Window]])
* {{spoiler|[[Grand Theft Me]]}} ({{spoiler|1=[[Word of God]] confirmed that [http://www.drowtales.com/wordpress/?p=3760 Khaless' takeover was complete.]}})