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* In ''[[Leisure Suit Larry]] 3'' {{spoiler|the characters visit Sierra studios. This involves damaging the props for ''[[Police Quest]]'' and being caught in the antigravity generator they use for ''[[Space Quest]]''. Larry is hired to make the ''[[Leisure Suit Larry]]'' series, and they all live happily ever after.}}
* ''[[Recettear]]'': {{spoiler|A race of golems is in charge of refilling treasure chests, distributing monsters and changing the pathways.}}
* ''[[Planescape: Torment]]'' has the Modron maze - a construction intentionally built to be a dungeon to crawl. It contains monsters that acknowledge they lack a motive for being there, and such items as "A Clue!". And there are [[Starfish Aliens|Modron]] who maintain the dungeon. Modrons are beings of pure Law, from a plane that is all mechanical. They are living robots and can't go outside their programming. The dungeon is an attempt to figure out why adventurers constantly risk their lives to explore dungeons, but they haven't quite figured it out.
* In ''[[The Elder Scrolls|The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles Expansion]]'', there's a quest where you get to man a control booth for the dungeon Xedilian. A party of three adventurers enters, and for each one, you are given the choice of using a deadly trap or a sanity-destroying trick.
* In ''[[Fallout Tactics]]'', there's a guy whose job it is to go around restocking all the Nuka Cola machines. In [[Fallout: New Vegas]], there's apparently a robot out there doing the same for the Sunset Sarsaparilla machines.
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'':
** The ''[[Tomb of Horrors]]'' has a host of fiends bound to it and forced to repair any damage done and clean up whatever is left of the latest adventurers.
** Short story "Search for the Forbidden Chamber" in Dragon magazine #1. The protagonists encounter barricades labeled "Greyhawk Construction Co., Ltd.", a reference to [[Gary Gygax]]'s famous dungeon.
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[[Category:RoleCRPG Playing GameTropes]]