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** Hilariously played straight with Paninya in Rush Valley. Paninya stole Edward's silver watch, the proof that he's a state alchemist, which sparked off a chase sequence that caused a lot of damage. When they capture her, a furious Edward wants to have her arrested, while Winry berates him for being so horrible for not forgiving a 'minor' slight ... mostly because she wants Paninya to introduce her to the man who made her incredibly well-designed automail legs. (Edward does forgive her after a punch or two).
*** She does, however, give Paninya a [[What the Hell, Hero?]] speech after hearing that she steals to repay the man who made her legs, telling her that he wouldn't want it.
* [[Sailor Moon]] in the anime forgives Ali and En, the Akayashi Sisters, the Black Moon brothers, Professor Tomoe, the Amazon Trio, the Amazon Quartet, Nehelenia, and Galaxia. Although it's not shown that any of these people (save Galaxia) killed anyone, they all were trying to kill the senshi and destroy the world. In most of these examples, the characters in question were being either heavily manipulated by the [[Bigger Bad]], literally fighting for their own survival the only way they knew (Ali and En) or in Tomoe and Galaxia's case, possessed and not in control of their own actions. Nehellenia is the only one that comes off as really questionable, as she was really motivated by her own vanity in [[Super S]]SuperS and in Stars, by envy and revenge. She gets a second chance anyway.
** In the manga it's only the Shitennou, the Quartet, and Galaxia. Of course, they were brainwashed by higher-up villains (Queen Metallia, Death Phantom, Pharaoh 90, Queen Nehelenia and Chaos)... who were ''not'' forgiven. Several of the characters that were forgiven in the anime were also ''significantly'' less sympathetic in the manga, where they were pretty much psychotic murderers.
*** Actually Galaxia was a victim of [[Demonic Possession]] in the anime, but just manipulated and psychotic into manga. Considering that she killed most of the cast and reanimates them as [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] puppets [[For the Evulz|just to screw with]] [[Sailor Moon]] immediately before, this trope was played very straight there, [[Justified Trope|although as a deliberate illustration of Usagi's desire to stop the recurring cycle of war and killing]].