Easily Forgiven: Difference between revisions

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** Same thing with Mikoto, who was directly responsible for killing two of Mai's Most Important People. Mai, however, realizes she was [[Brainwashed]] the whole time ({{spoiler|and it was actually Shiho who was responsible for Takumi's death}}), and decides not to hold it against Mikoto{{spoiler|, even telling her up front that she loves her (though [[Hide Your Lesbians|probably not]] in ''that'' way)}}.
** {{spoiler|Everyone forgives everyone at the end, whatever terrible things they'd done.}} Given how much of a [[Dysfunction Junction|clusterfuck]] the Carnival was, though, it's fairly justified.
** In a special added to the Blu-Ray release "The Black Dance/The Last Supper", Mai tricks {{spoiler|Reito}} into coming to the beach and burying himself in the sand, and she and the other [[Hi Me]] take turns force-feeding him extremely spicy food in revenge for what his alter-ego, the Obsidian Lord, did. Natsuki invites Nao and Yukino to join in, but when they decline, she fears that they're planning on doing the same to {{spoiler|Shizuru}}.
* While the theme of forgiveness vs. revenge is developed in an interesting and moving way in ''[[Gankutsuou]]'', it is difficult to believe that Albert would actually forgive the Count so easily for {{spoiler|befriending him to use him for the sake of his twisted revenge, lying to him all along, betraying him, breaking apart his family, killing his best friend, and attempting repeatedly to kill him in a brutal way in front of one of his parents.}} Sure enough, Albert gets to understand that Edmond Dantes is truly {{spoiler|a caring man who's been deeply wronged by Fernand and is trying to kill off his human feelings}} - and the fact that he's just witnessed {{spoiler|his father going on a psychotic rampage}} probably helps- but psychological realism really goes overboard when he decides to {{spoiler|save Dantes from himself}}. Why doesn't Albert suffer from massive post-traumatic stress disorder every time the Count shows up towards the end of the series anyway!?
** It makes the point that even after losing everything, not everyone will go mad and become a [[Manipulative Bastard|heartless bastard]] like the Count did, which makes Albert a foil for the Count.
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** Lunamaria Hawke not only forgives Shinn, but ends up his lover {{spoiler|despite Shinn (seemingly) killing her previous love-interest Athrun and her sister Meyrin}}.
** Neo Roanoke is welcomed into the ''Archangel'''s crew with open arms and never confronted over the things he did while working for Djibril, including putting Stella in the cockpit of the Destroy Gundam after promising Shinn to keep her away from combat. This one is justified on several levels: no one on the ''Archangel'' is aware of the more heinous details of Neo's actions, and more importantly, he {{spoiler|is their old comrade Mu la Flaga under a nasty case of brainwashing}}, so especially once he chooses to come back to them of his own accord they're automatically predisposed to trust him.
* [[Dragonball Z|Vegeta]]. As the series progresses he goes from a mass-murdering psychopath to a member of the main cast. The main characters (with the possible exception of Tien) conveniently forget all the people he and Nappa killed during their invasion of Earth, as well as everything he does during the Namek Saga, all the while being motivated by his own self-interests.
** Most of the main characters didn't want to forgive him, it's just that Goku decided to, and they won't argue with him. Goku is pretty much the king of this trope though.
** One could argue that after being killed by Frieza, and then being revived shortly afterwards gave him a kind of "clean slate".
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* In ''[[Magic Knight Rayearth]]'', when Ascot [[Heel Face Turn|turns to the good side]] he is instantly forgiven for earlier {{spoiler|having killed Presea}} and in turn instantly forgives the Magic Knights for {{spoiler|killing his summons, whom he thought of as friends}}.
* ''[[Bleach]]'' After their first encounter Ishida doesn't seem to have that many problems with Mayuri for killing off the last of his people and ''torturing their souls''.
** No, he did have a problem with it, however in that arc he was far more concerned with the rescue of Orihime than to worry about his vendetta against the [[Mad Scientist]].
* Of all people, Goldie Musou, the main antagonist of ''[[Gunsmith Cats]]'', gets [[Easily Forgiven]] by the protagonists after temporarily [[Laser-Guided Amnesia|losing her memory]], and {{spoiler|entering to a relationship with Misty Brown. The same Misty Brown she once kidnapped and was implied to have raped.}}
* Subverted on ''both'' Manga and Anime of ''[[Elfen Lied]]'' {{spoiler|Kouta does '''not''' forgive Lucy for killing his little sister Kanae and their father. However, even though he never does forgive her, in the anime, he openly declares that he will always love her; while in the manga, while he is much more bitter and hateful, he offers her a [[Last Second Chance]] to live peacefully with him and the rest of the cast, then takes a bullet fully intended for her because he ''refused'' to let another family member of his die ever again, after which Lucy [[Superpower Meltdown|sacrifices her body integrity]] in a last bid attempt to save him, leaving her in crippling agony; Kouta then [[I Cannot Self-Terminate|kills her purely out of love and mercy after she begs him to do so]], and afterwards still visits the spot they promised to meet each other as children, desperately waiting for her to come [[Back From the Dead]] somehow.}}
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* In [[Revolutionary Girl Utena]] {{spoiler|Utena has no hard feelings about being stabbed in the back ([[Up to Eleven|literally]]).}}
* When {{spoiler|[[Long Lost Sibling|Leonard Testarossa]]}} abruptly kissed Kanami in [[Full Metal Panic!|The Second Raid]], she was rather offended. She was willing forgive him if he let her new [[Guardian Entity]] from Mithril live. However, there could be a hint of subversion, considering that after {{spoiler|Leonard}} left, she {{spoiler|started "wiping away the kiss" so hard her lips looked like they would start bleeding}}.
* By the third season, Shibuya Yuuri, the young king in [[Kyou Kara Maou]], has a policy of unconditional forgiveness, much to the consternation of his fiancé and advisers. To the point that {{spoiler|Saralegui}} only has to apologise to be forgiven for manipulating Yuuri into become a weapon of mass destruction and killing hundreds of people.
* In the last episodes of ''[[Black Cat (manga)|Black Cat]]'', surviving members of Chronos and the Apostles team up in spite of spending most of the series trying to kill each other. They are joined by several Sweepers (bounty hunters) who had been manipulated by or defected from Chronos and had just been battling against the apostles. For that matter, some members of the Apostles had previously defected from that group or tried to kill other members of that group. Even the orphan children had been abandoned by their one member to gain power. Yet all these people work togther in the final battle.
* An unintentional example in the ''[[Warrior Cats]]'' [[Expanded Universe]] manga ''Ravenpaw's Path''. During ''Shattered Peace'', Ravenpaw and Barley are chased off the farm they live on by the farmer because he is tricked into thinking they killed his chickens. The farmer says that if he sees them again, he'll shoot them. However, when they come back and defeat the rogues who took over their home in ''The Heart of a Warrior'', the farmer doesn't care, despite still thinking they killed his chickens.
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** Played with. A lot of the time in recent comics, they don't ''actually'' trust him, he's just a [[Manipulative Bastard]] who really is ''that good'' at what he does. For the moment, thanks to causing the destruction of Asgard (not what he was going for, either: he wanted them to ''win'' but underestimed The Void), only Thor has forgiven Loki and most find his [[Heroic Sacrifice]] in trying to save Asgard to be worthless. The fact that the trope has been Averted ''now'' means that he's in trouble, since he's stuck as his child self and therefore pretty defenseless unless Thor protects him.
* Subverted when Rogue has a [[Heel Face Turn]] and wants to join the [[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]. They threaten to disband if she is allowed on the team and she has to work to earn their trust.
** [[Ms. Marvel]] to this day has not forgiven Rogue though she tolerates her presence (barely). Justified since Rogue used her energy draining touch on Carol long enough to drain her powers for an extended period of time and send her into a ''coma''.
* Bombshell from ''[[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]]'' is allowed membership on the team, after she betrayed them prior, had tried to kill them, and tried to frame two other (innocent) members of the group as the real traitor. Sure, Ravager was also allowed on the team, but she was [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] when she was their enemy... Bombshell has no such excuse.
* [[Superman]] has gotten shafted plenty of times by his tendency to extend this too freely. In fact, in a 1960s imaginary story, Luthor dupes Supes into becoming his best friend after publicly renouncing evil, then [[Tear Jerker|promptly slaughters him with Kryptonite]] [[Moral Event Horizon|while laughing derisively at Superman's dying expressions of heartbreak and betrayal.]]
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== Fan Fiction ==
* The "easily" part is averted in [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4004316/1/Windows_of_the_Soul Windows of the Soul], in which Natsuki acknowledges the severity of {{spoiler|Shizuru's}} misdeeds and her flaws as a person, but nevertheless forgives her. Much of the fic involves {{spoiler|Shizuru's}} inability to forgive {{spoiler|herself}} for what {{spoiler|she}} has done.
* The ''[[Death Note]]'' [[Fanfic]] ''[[Constant Temptation]]'' dials this [[Up to Eleven]] when L forgives Light a.k.a. [[Serial Killer|Kira]] the guy who's killed hundreds of people (''by the first episode''). And Kira is not just forgiven by L but also the very Police Taskforce assigned to catching him (because he is now [[Slash Fic|dating L]] and has [["Well Done, Son" Guy|Daddy Issues]]. [[Make Room for the New Plot|There's also an]] [[Enemy Mine]] [[Make Room for the New Plot|excuse.]]) But to be fair Kira being [[Easily Forgiven]] occurs in most L x Light [[Slash Fic]].
* Pick any fanfic containing a [[Mary Sue|Mysterious New Girl]]. Chances are that the only person who won't instantly forgive her all her misdeeds (no matter how severe they were) the minute she makes it obvious she wants them to is the Mary Sue herself.
* Many [[Naruto]] fanfics have Naruto being beaten within an inch of his life only to forgive them as well as Hiruzen's (Third hokage) Bullshit excuses for letting it happen.
* Done to Demona in [http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org The Gargoyles Saga], Demona gives up trying to destroy humanity, and becomes one of the good guys all because Angela waves a finger in her face. Less than two months after attempting mass genocide of the human race, Demona is eating Christmas dinner with the heroes.
** Yet subverted with Fang, who is shown to still be imprisoned in the Labyrinth. Talon eventually allows him out so he can help rescue civilians in a burning building, but continues to subvert this trope by putting a security cuff on Fang's ankle that will stun him out cold if he strays too far from Talon.
* In another ''[[Death Note]]'' [[Slash Fic]] ''[[I Won't Say]]'' the easily part is averted. Light "wins" and learns L's true name but he doesn't want to have to kill L because [[Villainous Crush|he's fallen in love with him.]] But in order to ensure that L cooperates and doesn't arrest him or have him executed he casually mentions that he [[And Your Little Dog, Too|knows Watari's]] [[I Know Your True Name|true name too.]] This does nothing to improve L's opnion of him and initially L does NOT want to forgive him and makes life miserable for Light whenever possible and for the rest of the fic Light plays the [[Dogged Nice Guy]] and (sort of) [[The Atoner]] trying to win back what little trust he had. {{spoiler|L (kind of) forgives him eventually because [[Love Redeems]] in this universe. Also becuase Light becomes a [[Papa Wolf]] towards L's orphans and L realizes that while Light is a killer [[Even Evil Has Standards|he would never hurt the children]]-[[Lima Syndrome|at least not now that he has grown attached to them]].}} Later however this trope is played entirely straight when L invites [[Axe Crazy|Beyond Birthday]] to join them for Christmas dinner.
* In [[Naruto Veangance Revelaitons]], Ronan, after being told to kill his daughter ([[Squick|and]] [[Parental Incest|girlfriend]]) Mandy, does so. Mandy's mother Sakura is shocked for a moment, but immediately forgives him after Ronan says he loves her and Taliana more. Gubgub's [[Dramatic Reading]] points out the [[Unfortunate Implications]] of a mother forgiving her husband so easily for [[Offing the Offspring|killing]] [[Moral Event Horizon|their child]].
* In the [[Professor Layton]] fanfic [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5769377/1/bbleeding_b_at_the_bsped_b_of_bSound_b bleeding at the sped of sound], the main character, a [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|cyborg vampire]], wants to eat Layton and plans on killing Luke first. After luring him away and announcing her intention to kill him, Layton catches her, but she cries, causing him to forgive her and declare his love for her.
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* ''[[Harry Potter]]''. Kreacher seems to have been forgiven by Harry and the others for his direct involvement in the plot that {{spoiler|killed Sirius}}. Now it's certainly true that Kreacher was constantly bullied by Sirius and also thought he was doing the right thing but it's definitely out of character for Harry to be so forgiving of anyone who got anyone, as important to him as Sirius was, {{spoiler|killed}}. Now Kreacher did eventually help Harry, Ron and Hermione out a lot to redeem himself but it would be more convincing if they'd brought up the issue.
** Harry actually did bring it up. Hermione had to remind him that while Sirius was a good guy, he was also a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] who got [[Hoist by His Own Petard]].
** Harry quickly learns that he can use Kreacher for his own ends to help defeat Voldemort. This plays a very big role in why Harry treated him so well - he wanted Kreacher to do as he said and not run off to obey other members of the family like he did before.
* In the [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]], particularly media set during the early days of the Rebel Alliance, the Rebels are such a small presence that they're always eager for new recruits, even recruits who have defected from the Empire. Even when these former Imperials have killed Rebels. Some of their best people are ex-Imperials who quit for various reasons. By the time of the [[X Wing Series]], around three or four years after Endor, attitudes have changed and members of the New Republic are suspicious of new ex-Imperials; Wedge Antilles is very ready to forgive former enemies, even ones he's flown against personally, but he's the exception. He and other characters argue about whether it's ever too late to change.
** A repeated theme throughout numerous works in said [[Expanded Universe]] mention that while Luke Easily Forgave Darth Vader for years of death and destruction after ten minutes of good behaviour (admittedly good behaviour that was essential in toppling [[The Empire]]), the rest of the galaxy most certainly did ''not'', and still generally consider him one the greatest evils in galactic history. Leia in particular was originally outraged that Luke would forgive the "monster" that tortured her, and even decades later while she admitted that he was essentially a good man, he was also a good man that did horrible things.
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* In ''[[Warrior Cats]]'', during the fifth book of ''[[Omen of the Stars]]'', {{spoiler|1=Hollyleaf returns to ThunderClan and nobody cares about her crimes, even when they find out that she killed Ashfur.}}
* In ''[[How the Grinch Stole Christmas (novel)|How the Grinch Stole Christmas]]'', all the Whos down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot, but the Grinch, who lived just north of Whoville, did not. So he stole all their Christmas accoutrements and '''all their food'''. But [[Easy Evangelism|he gave it back after]], which apparently justified making him the guest of honor at Christmas dinner.
** Grinch gives it back when he finds out the Whos are completely unfazed by the fact that all their stuff is gone. He got the message of the spirit of Christmas after that, and the Whos are so happy he learned to be good and appreciate other people that they honoured him.
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* Amusingly subverted in an episode of ''[[Firefly]]'', where Simon figures out that Jayne had sold out both River and himself in a previous episode. Simon doesn't forgive Jayne, but he does point out they have way too many mutual enemies as it stands, and that constantly being at each others' throats over this would be pointless and stupid. Then, as he leaves, River sticks her head in, looks directly at Jayne, and warns him that "I can kill you with my brain."
* In ''[[Torchwood]]'', Captain Jack is shot dead by Owen. Despite the fact Owen was unaware that Jack would resurrect, Jack easily forgives him.
** In that same episode, the team mutinies against Jack and unintentionally releases a giant monster that steals the life force of anyone its giant shadow falls upon. Jack manages to destroy it by letting it feed of him. However, the effort leaves him dead for three days, which is the longest to date that he's ever stayed dead. He still forgives the team, minutes after reviving. It might be subverted, given that he ran off to find the Doctor a few scenes later.
** And, in "Cyberwoman", we find out Ianto's been hiding a dangerous [[Killer Robot|Cyberman]] in the basement. He endangers the whole planet, tells the main character he wants him dead and is forgiven by the end of the episode.
** In "Exit Wounds", Captain Jack forgives his brother, Grey, for burying him alive for almost exactly 1900 years. By 'alive' we mean that he suffocated to death and then revived every couple of minutes for nineteen centuries as the city of Cardiff is established above him. Mind you, this is after Grey has John Hart systematically blow up Cardiff, in addition to stabbing Jack in the back (literally!) when they're first reunited. To be fair, though, Jack blames his own failure to protect his brother for being the root cause of all this. And he didn't know what had happened to Owen and Tosh until after the forgiving.
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* First subverted, then played straight on ''[[CSI: Miami]]''. First, it takes the team several episodes to warm up to Natalia again after she reveals that she'd originally been sent there to spy on them by the FBI. {{spoiler|She never said anything bad about them though, and it turned out that someone else had set them up}}. But then a few seasons later, Ryan, WITHHOLDS EVIDENCE from a crime scene because a friend's son has been kidnapped by the Russian mob, which he only tells Horatio, yet despite very realistic anger from the rest of his team when he finally produces the evidence, by next episode, it seems to not only have been forgiven but forgotten too. Sometimes this show is really good about continuity, sometimes it throws it out the window. I kinda wish it'd make up it's mind.
* Played absurdly straight on ''[[Robin Hood (TV series)|Robin Hood]]''. Ask yourself: would you go on a field-trip with the man who brutally slaughtered your wife? Robin does. Made even more idiotic considering Robin doesn't display any such altruism toward Isabella or Allan, whose crimes against him are barely a blip on the radar screen compared to Guy's.
** In her first appearance [[The Scrappy|Kate]] sells out Robin's whereabouts to Guy in order to secure the safety of her brother. You can't says that she's [[Easily Forgiven]], as Robin and the outlaws don't even seem to think that there's anything wrong with it in the first place.
* Subverted in ''[[How I Met Your Mother]]'', where Ted's friends are upset and furious with Stella who [[Runaway Bride|left Ted]] to be with her ex-boyfriend, only leaving a note to explain her actions.
** Also averted when Lily returned to Marshall after leaving him to go to San Francisco, Marshall doesn't immediately take her back and she spends much of season 2 getting back into Marshall and Ted's good graces.
* In ''[[The Vampire Diaries]]'' Damon. Over and over again. He murders people on a whim, uses his [[Mind Control]] powers to [[Double Standard Rape (Sci Fi)|effectively rape people]], torments his brother and murders his best friend, [[spoiler: it's strongly implied he was about to force himself on Elena when her brother interrupted them, in response he murdered him and within a few episodes they're acting as he's just one of the team. When he does something that isn't ''reprehensible'' they act as though he's done something laudable, as opposed to adhering to minimum standards of acceptable behavior.
** A lot of times, it seems that they're not so much forgiving him as giving up on him ever being a reasonable human being. Then he does something not-horrifying, and it makes everyone think "well, maybe he can change..." and then he kills someone [[Kick the Dog|just to prove that he's still evil]]. The only reason they haven't killed him is because he's Stefan's brother (and he can't bring himself to kill him), not to mention the best fighter.
* "[[The Big Bang Theory|I forgive you, let's go home]]."
* In the ''[[Smallville]]'' episode "Rage", Chloe doesn't seem to mind Lionel Luthor's presence at the dinner table, despite his earlier attempts to kill her.
** Also happened with Tess, especially in the last season. She kidnapped Lana and Lois at separate times, actually killed at least five people, and tried to kill others. Clark seems perfectly fine with her around.
*** Does it count when she spent a good chunk of early part of season 10 trying to be forgiven and actually helping before she's officially welcomed into Watchtower? Because that doesn't happen until after Chloe leaves.
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* In [[Babylon 5]], we are not even shown a scene where Sinclair forgives Delenn for being there when he is subjected to the [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique]]. It might have been a touching scene, but it is just assumed. Presumably Fan Fic can fix this oversight.
** He never does forgive her; in fact, he never finds out she was involved.
* Played with in ''[[Law and Order Special Victims Unit]]''. The characters tend to stay pissed for the duration of an episode, but are usually over it in the next. Bear in mind though that episodes tend to take place over a few days, and there is no telling how far apart episodes are. Stabler and Benson tend to forgive each other pretty quickly, but that makes sense considering how long they've known each other.
** Fin however was pissed at Stabler for awhile. It's implied that he forgives him, after a pedophile attempts to post a picture of Stabler's underage daughter on the internet and Stabler beats him half to death. Fin considers this to be a sign of extreme restraint, as he would have killed the man outright.
* The eponymous bikers of ''[[Sons of Anarchy]]'' are able to forgive each other a lot of crap. Extreme transgressions (like murdering another member's wife) will also be forgiven if they were done for the good of the club. However, betraying the club or failure to back up another member are seen as unforgivable offences and treated with extreme prejudice.
** This is played with in the feud between Tiggs and Kozik. Tiggs cannot forgive Kozik even years after the events and the audience is left to wonder for a long time what was that so bad that it caused such a rift between them. It turns out it was over the death of a dog.
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** In ''[[Two Gentlemen of Verona]]'', Proteus tries to rape his best friend's girlfriend. His best friend and his own girlfriend both forgive him, after ''seeing him do it''. By the end of the scene, his best friend is talking about how much fun it'll be for the four of them to live in a house together.
** Claudio from ''[[Much Ado About Nothing]]'' {{spoiler|reveals Hero's (untrue) unfaithfulness at their wedding -- depending on the director, possibly physically abusing her as well -- and when Leonato tells him that Hero died of grief, he acts like a total dick about it and doesn't care in the slightest until he discovers that Hero was telling the truth. Of course, when Hero finally appears after faking her death, the two are together in literally seconds}}.
* In Aphra Behn's ''The Rover'', at one point or another just about all of Belvile's friends try to rape his love interest Florinda, in some cases after mistaking her for a prostitute. But then they find out Florinda is Belvile's love interest and not a prostitute, and all is A-OK. Florinda's sister even marries one of them.
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** [[Truth in Television]] for those who play the game. Very rarely will anyone call you out for killing someone if you thought they were the killer ([[Chessmaster|or were pretending to]]). Of course, when this is averted, it is averted ''violently.''
* {{spoiler|Gamzee Makara}} in Homestuck is welcomed back with seemingly open arms after his his brief stint of semi-genocidal madness wherein he {{spoiler|successfully murdered several people and seemed bent on getting rid of every other troll before being calmed down. He also directly and deliberately contributed to the creation of a being bent on destroying any universe it is allowed into, the prior creation of a similar omnicidal creature being seen by other characters as akin to a [[Moral Event Horizon]]}}. This quick forgiveness particularly comes out of character for Terezi who had just a few minutes prior (in-story) been ready to kill someone else over suspicion for the same exact murders.
** Kanaya is not so forgiving, and would be happy if she never saw him again. Fortunately, {{spoiler|Gamzee}} seems to be ''afraid'' of her and also avoids her.
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* On ''[[The Fairly Odd Parents]]'', Mark Chang goes from Timmy's enemy to a good friend after his [[Heel Face Turn]]. This is despite the fact that Mark has threatened to slurp out Timmy's brain through a bendy straw, <s>kidnapped his babysitter</s> (he ''liked'' that), tried to kill him in death combat, and launched a weapon that he thought would destroy the Earth.
* In ''[[Gargoyles]]'', Goliath readily forgives anyone who stops attacking and tries to undo whatever they've done. Even if two minutes before that they were roaring at each other and fighting tooth and nail. It's most apparent in that lengthy section in season two where he and a few others were being sent all over the world by Avalon. Of course, those few times when he ''wasn't'' attacked right off the bat and tried being friendly first didn't work that well...
** One theme of the show was that holding grudges didn't work out, and that things like revenge only made things worse. Probably a message there.
** Some subversions, however, with the other characters. Lexington continued to harbor a grudge against the members of the Pack throughout the series. While it took some time (as well as his bond with Alex) for him to put aside his grudge with Fox, and we never saw him meet Dingo after his [[Heel Face Turn]], it's safe to assume the others don't get that luxury. {{spoiler|And while Brooklyn's demonstrated the ability to put aside his own grudge with Demona, [[Word of God|it took a long time and some time travel for him to let go of it properly]].}}
* ''[[Kim Possible]]'', episode "Ill-Suited"; Ron is let off the hook despite lying to Kim, cheating at a major sporting event and stole high tech weaponry that put lives in danger. Kim forgave him and Barkin let him stay on the team. [[Cool and Unusual Punishment|Although he did have to do 20 crabwalk laps around the field.]] [[Values Dissonance|Though it is a stark reminder of how in Season 1 Kim was grounded just for lying.]]
** On the villainous side of the fence, consider Drakken and Shego's [[Post Script Season]] appearances up through "Mad Dogs And Aliens". On two different occasions, Shego was busted out of prison by other villains, and gave no thought to Drakken (except to yell "Later, loser!" on her way out). In MDaA, Drakken orders Warmonga to throw Shego out, then holds her captive intending to make her watch Warmonga score the victory over Kimmie that she never could (and [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You|claims as her prerogative]]). Really, it's amazing that they were on speaking terms, much less working together, in later episodes.
* Subverted in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]''. Katara is really reluctant to forgive people who betrayed her, and will express this as openly and occasionally violently as possible. She is initially angry with her father for leaving home, and takes the longest to forgive {{spoiler|Zuko}}.
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** Which becomes a bit ridiculous by season three, when [[Sassy Black Woman|Leshawna]] [[What the Hell, Hero?|openly brags about]] ''[[Disproportionate Retribution|knocking her tooth out]]'' even ''after'' she should have realized it was totally unjustified (as Heather had been trying to ''help'' her at the time). [[Only Sane Man|Bridgette]] even calls the others out on this toward the end of the show.
* Buck Strickland from ''[[King of the Hill]]'' has done some pretty nasty things to Hank and he always sticks by his side, his worst act was framing Hank for the murder of his mistress Debbie. He plants a lot of evidence that made it seem like he was guilty of the crime, and yet Hank almost immediately forgives him after the murder is solved.
* ''[[Regular Show]]'' has Skips being forgiven for {{spoiler|killing Rigby over a game of arm wrestling. Rigby was really cool about the whole thing.}}
{{quote|'''Skips:''' Uh... Sorry for, you know, {{spoiler|killing you}} back there... It was unprofessional.
{{spoiler|'''Rigby'''}}''':''' Huh? ....You know what? Water under the bridge. }}
* ''[[Huntik Secrets and Seekers]]'' has Zhalia easily forgiven {{spoiler|after Lok, Dante, and Sophie discover she's [[The Mole]] for the [[Big Bad]]}}. See the quote.
* Fungus in ''[[Monsters, Inc.]].'' had been Randall's henchman, aiding him in his evil plot, yet at the end he is seen cheerfully working alongside the others, as if there had never been any bad feelings between them.
** [[Subverted Trope]]. Well, Sully DID put him in the Scream Extractor, and it is implied often that he was coerced into helping them.
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