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** In another book, one of the [[Choose Your Own Adventure]] type books, various non-reader characters are transformed into monsters and intend to send the reader on something resembling a haunted scavenger hunt. If the reader makes a choice to doubt the reality of the transformation, it's implied the monster kids' ringleader, some kind of lizardman, eats the doubtful reader--[[The Many Deaths of You|obviously]] [[Have a Nice Death|ending that read-through]].
* In Homer’s ''[[The Odyssey (Literature)|The Odyssey]]'', a Cyclops ate most of Odysseus's men.
* In ''[[Nation]]'', First Mate Cox gets eaten by [[Everything's Even Worse With Sharks|sharks]]. Even with [[Rasputinian Death|an axe in his chest, too]], he's still alive enough to be [[Slasher Smile|Slasher]] [[Go Out Withwith a Smile|Smiling]] when they get there.
* In ''[[Gormenghast|Titus Groan]]'', Titus's father Sepulchrave is eaten alive by a flock of owls. {{spoiler|Voluntarily, because he's batshit insane and suicidal.}}
* {{spoiler|Cato}} in [[The Hunger Games]] is ripped apart by dogs for ''twenty hours on end''. By the time he gets a [[Mercy Kill]], his skin and limbs have been gnawed off. ''And he was alive the whole time, on live television''.
* Curly in ''Call of the Wild'' gets her face ripped apart by dogs, then after they knock her down, they surround her and eat her alive.
* In the novels "In Death Ground" and "The Shiva Option" by David Weber and Steve White, the invading insect-like aliens eat sentient populations that they conquer. They prefer their prey alive and roughly [[Eats Babies|child-sized]]. They even go so far as to raise sentients on ranches in a manner similar to how humans raise cattle or other livestock. Humanity's reaction to this was understandably severe, taking [[ItsIt's the Only Way To Be Sure|Ellen Ripley's solution to a whole new level]].
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* In ''[[Charmed (TV)|Charmed]]'', the Charmed ones are living through fairy tales due to the balance being destroyed, and the big bad wolf eats their grandma and Piper.
* ''[[Kamen Rider Ryuki|Masashi Sudou/Kamen Rider Scissors]]'' meets his end in this way when he is betrayed by his Contract Monster, Volcancer. Considering that this was a Sunday-morning TV show, it's easily one of the most traumatizing deaths in the entire franchise.
* Happens a lot in ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]''.
* In the ''[[Star Trek Voyager]]'' episode ''Basics, part 2'', Hogan was killed at the mouth of a cave where a giant snakeasaurus lived in a lightning-quick [[Gory Discretion Shot|discretion shot]]. Later, more of the ''Voyager'' crew were attempting to sneak across a cavern where the snakeasuraus slept in a pit. It didn't work. A nameless crewman slipped, awoke the beast, and got [[Swallowed Whole]] just like Hogan.
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