Eiga Sentai Scanranger: Difference between revisions

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** The end of one of the early episodes refers the reader to the eighth episode of ''Jetman''. However, since it also refers to Raita being lucky it probably meant the ''ninth'' episode (the one where Raita's visited by a female childhood friend {{spoiler|who he ends up marrying}}).
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Blackorg is the most powerful force of evil in the story. He not only can but has steamrollered all the Scanrangers by himself on two occasions, the second including Silverscanner and after the team got a power-up. But in "Scanranger vs. Jetman", Red Hawk takes him out with one Wing Gauntlet-assisted punch.
* [[Don't Explain the Joke]]: Almost every time the story [[Shout -Out|makes a reference to some other media]] (which is several times an episode at the very least), the source is pointed out. Usually by the characters but sometimes by a parenthetical note from the writer. Of course there are times when this is fine, like when they’re adapting it into an attack, but the writer couldn’t do a scene transition to the dark side of the moon without mentioning [[Pink Floyd]].
* [[Fake Defector]]: In the episode after Carmen joins, she pretends to sell out the team.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Nick uses his powers to imitate him in the episode where the rangers impesonate spies for the purposes of going sumo on a monster's ass.
* [[Five -Token Band]]: Vin’s black, so he comes from the ghetto and listens to hip hop. Takeshi’s from Hawaii, so he’s a surfer. Carmen's from the Dominican Republic, so she's [[Spicy Latina|hot-blooded]]. And any Scanranger with Japanese heritage (there are at least three), is a lifelong tokusatsu and probably anime fan.
* [[Follow the Leader]]: The villains’ first evil act of the series is to blow up a manned space station. In one episode a monster goes around stealing women’s voices prompting the guys to set a trap by dressing in drag. Near the midpoint of the story the rangers get an unpiloted robot that turns into a giant gun, which Carmen steals while pretending to betray the team to trade it for MAYHEM captives. Something about these situations makes one think of [[Choujin Sentai Jetman|jets]].
** In the first episode the soon-to-be rangers are snatched up by their future mentor, who tells them about the imminent arrival of evil aliens on Earth, that they've been chosen to wield superpowers to repel the aliens, and who lets the disbelieving youths go when they don't quite buy it. The youths are then forced to fight the aliens' soldiers and take a chance on their supposed powers when they find themselves outmatched. That sounds more like "Day of the Dumpster" than most Sentai pilots (where they either see evidence of the villains' invasion first, or already belong to the organization), which is really weird considering the original point of this story.
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* [[No OSHA Compliance]]: In one episode B.C. and a supporting character are walking through the base when suddenly B.C. gets tackled. Turns out B.C. accidentally walked into the path of a laser cannon just as it was being test fired. And we're asked to believe these guys are the ones trying to SAVE people?
* [[Not Allowed to Grow Up]]: It seems like Vince was trying to have ''Scanranger'' unfold more or less in real time like actual Sentai shows do, with years passing in-story while work on it progressed for years. The Scanrangers are still undergrads with no one mentioning how long they’ve been there.
* [[The Not -Secret]]: The Scanrangers say their true identities must be kept a secret and are likewise defensive about revealing them, even though MAYHEM's been exploiting the knowledge of their secret identities since at least the third episode.
* [[Offscreen Villain Dark Matter]]: MAYHEM is here because they want to steal our natural resources. In spite of the strain presumably put on their stockpiles by failed scheme after failed scheme, the idea is never broached of leaving and raiding another planet where the natives aren't as technologically advanced as they are.
* [[Omnidisciplinary Scientist]]: Helper Dr. Markby is both a "physician and inventor."
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* [[Recruit Teenagers With Attitude]]: Alex needs to assemble a task force to protect the world from alien conquerors, but the Film Energy she’s got to hand out can only be used effectively by movie buffs. Acting on that, she gets a job teaching film classes at a New Jersey college, then places the fate of mankind in the hands of the five students with the highest grades. Granted they are experts at hand-to-hand combat, but Alex might have mentioned that when explaining why they were chosen.
* [[Refusal of the Call]]: Subverted. The kids think their soon-to-be mentor is playing a joke on them when she explains their powers, but immediately rush to defend their school when robots beam down and attack.
* [[Sci -Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale]]: Vin can see Earth with the naked eye from a planetoid on the other side of the universe.
* [[Senseless Sacrifice]]: {{spoiler|Mortally injured by Blackorg, Peter uses his [[Wave Motion Gun|ultimate attack]] to finish the villain off once and for all. He goes to his grave thinking he succeeded. As revealed by the ''first scene of the following episode,'' he didn't. In fact if anything his death just makes MAYHEM more of a threat, as Blackorg survives and adds a new member to keep an eye on things while he's recovering}}
* [[Shame If Something Happened]]: MAYHEM threatening to break Christmas ornaments.