Elimination Houdini: Difference between revisions

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**** It did get silly when Autumn was being nominated because she had been nominated a lot. Autumn was a competent chef, just not a likeable one.
*** Sabrina is probably the best example of a Houdini in season 8. She's been a decent chef - she has yet to have anything sent back or get yelled at by Ramsay for subpar food - but her attitude is so toxic that she's been nominated for elimination at just about every single opportunity by the women.
*** Season 9's resident Elimination Houdini appears to be Elise. She's a decent but not stand-out chef, and has made several glaring errors. Where she does stand-out is her absolutely toxic attitude—no one on her team can stand her because of how arrogant and loud she is, she argues with them constantly, made a point of declaring her intent to get her [[Arch Enemy]] Carrie thrown out, and always blames others for her mistakes. Furthermore, when the team wins a challenge she makes sure to let them know it was thanks to her—if they lose, she refuses to help them with the prep work or other penalty, invoking [[I'm a Doctor, Not A Placeholder|"I'm A Chef, Not A Placeholder"]] to justify why she feels she doesn't have to help. She claimed several times that she will change her attitude, but has yet to actually do it.
*** And now she's in the Season 9 finale, along with the other Houdini of this season: Tommy, who has outlasted many other chefs despite being a total [[Cloudcuckoolander]] in the kitchen.
* Would Marie Osmond have made it as far as she did on ''Dancing with the Stars'' if she wasn't so well known?
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