It remains unclear whether the akki shamans could in fact create storms or simply predicted them.
The History of Kamigawa, Magic: The Gathering

Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why
you had to hide away for so long,
where did we go wrong?

Electric Light Orchestra"Mr. Blue Sky"
"And if I vas to point at a castle on a towering crag and say 'Yonder is...zer castle' a volf would be bound to howl mournfully. In zer old country, zer scenery is psychotropic and knows vot is expected of it. Here, alas, people just look at you in a funny vay."
Otto ChriekThe Truth
A vast, unnatural silence covered everything. With the rational part of his mind, Fireheart realized that all the prey had been scared away by the rampaging dog pack, but in the grip of his grief it seemed that even the forest was stunned into mourning Bluestar.
Warrior Cats, The Darkest Hour