Empowered/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Crack Ship]]: The author himself has stated that he didn't expect the relationship between Ninjette and the Caged Demonwolf to become so... supportive.
* [[Crazy Awesome]]: The Maidman's a [[Spear Counterpart|MALE]] [[Ninja Maid]], and being a [[Ninja Maid]] is awesome all by itself.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: [[Complete Monster|Willy Pete]] becomes an in-universe example of this after video of him {{spoiler|massacring nearly a dozen superheroes}} leaks to the internet.
* [[Everybody Remembers the Stripper]]
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Vanity
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** As with most things, this happens in-universe as well. Apparently there's a fairly sizable Empowered x Sistah Spooky fanbase (apparently for the exact reasons there'd be one out-of-universe: antagonism = hot sex). Empowered is quite annoyed at discovering said fiction, and has to use [[Hypocritical Humor|the "Well that's different!" defense]] when it's pointed out that she's an ardent fan of slashfic involving male heroes.
* [[Moe]]: Empowered. Part of what attracted ThugBoy to her in their first encounter.
* [[OT 3OT3]]: The series keeps dancing on the edge of making the three main characters (Emp, ThugBoy, and Ninjette) into an outright threesome. Emp is a three-drink bisexual who hits on Ninjette when drunk, Ninjette is barely able to hide her attraction to ThugBoy ("Aieee! Me canoe be swampin"!). Not sure if Ninjette has ever shown any attraction to Emp or ThugBoy to Ninjette, but it wouldn't take much prompting. Anyone's guess if this ends up as a love triangle or a ménage à trois... but the Demonwolf definitely has an [[Yuri Fanboy|opinion]] on how it [[Large Ham|SHOULD BE.]]<br />And for additional rampant speculation fuel, witness Volume 5 in which Ninjette encounters a fellow (female) ninja disguised as ThugBoy, who proceeds to passionately kiss her until detected. Ninjette then claims the disguise was obvious because the ninja "kisses like a girl". A) This is yet more evidence that Ninjette has some interest in ThugBoy and B) Saying someone kisses like a girl implies the speaker actually knows what it's like to kiss a girl! So... yeah.
** Ninjette's done more than kiss a girl: a little earlier in that Vol. 5 story, {{spoiler|we learn that Ninjette consummated a woman's marriage disguised as her new husband.}}
** Oh, ThugBoy's attracted to Ninjette: seeing her drop her panties or having her cuddle up against him gets his elephant trumpeting.