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* Because that would've been one hecka boring movie.
* She had no reason to believe it would work. What does she know about magic or magic portals? Would it be reasonable to assume all magical portals work both ways?
* She's a [[Fairy Tale]] [[Distressed Damsel in Distress]] whose mindset says to wait for your [[Knight in Shining Armor]] to rescue you.
* She couldn't get the dress back down the hole.
* It smelled of sewage.
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** How did she know how to pronounce "vacuum"? It's not a typical spelling for someone in an English-speaking fairy tale world to know off the top of their head.
*** If you listen to how she sings the word "vacuum" in Happy Working Song, she pronounces it "va-cu-um", which was probably to accomodate for meter, but it could be that she was mispronouncing it. If it's the latter, she might have read the box and may have seen Rob or Morgan use it at an earlier time and figured out what it did.
* She also knew what a shower was in that scene, but not in the next scene.
** It's never stated she didn't know what a shower was, she just wanted to know how it worked, and thought it was wonderful, to give Nancy a reason to start the break-up process...
*** To be completely pedantic, it SHOULD be pronounced va-cu-um.
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Elaboration: she gets on the subway at Times Square and gets off way downtown. Bowery, I think. There's no way to make that trip without transferring at least once. Why would she have bothered? (And how did she get that dress through the turnstile?)
* A bunch of people got off with her and/or transfered, and she couldn't really fight the tide? Or perhaps she just thought she'd get back to Andalasia eventually if she kept riding and got off when she'd thought she'd gotten far enough. As for the dress? Maybe someone just pushed her through. I dunno.
** But unless she jumped it or went through the turnstile at the same time as another person, how could she get through the turnstile even in a more practical dress? She probably wouldn't be able to jump it in her dress, and not knowing what a subway even is she probably wouldn't think to jump it. And the dress is too wide for her to go through with another person.
** The W, N, Q, and R lines stop in the Bowery (the neighborhood), quite near Bowery Street. Also, people who are unable to pass through the turnstiles can use the emergency door in the subway station.
== How do those apples work anyway? Why did it immediately burn through the helmet? By the time Robert kissed her, at least 1/4 of her body would have been burnt through. ==
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== Why did Giselle accept the advice of someone (Nerissa) she knew had tricked her once? She even ''looked like a witch!!!'' ==
* Looking like a witch might not mean much to Giselle -- remember her comment about how not all stepmothers are evil? As for accepting the advice, I think the whole point of the moment is that Giselle is feeling unhappy enough to want to do ANYTHING to take the pain away.
* Disney princess, remember? [[Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)|Snow White]] took an apple from a much freakier looking old lady.
== Morgan's babysitter should be fired. ==
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== What sort of ID did Giselle show to open up a business? How is she going to pay taxes? ==
* Possibly Robert helped her out with that. He's a lawyer, and even a divorce lawyer would probably have the expertise necessary to at least get the paperwork started. Or, alternatively, there was just a Big Fucking Dragon on the top of the Empire State Building or whatever. Andalasia might be recognized by the UN as a country by this point, and Giselle is an ex-pat.
** Now ''there's'' some weapons-grade [[Fanfiction Fuel]].
* [[Wild Mass Guessing|Maybe they]] [[What the Hell, Hero?|stole Nancy's ID]]?
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* True, but the song does use swing and triplets to give it a waltz-like beat, or even a sped-up 3/4 time. Plus, I doubt anyone at the ball really cared whether it was an actual waltz or not; it worked well enough for the mood.
== So Disney hires Idina Menzel, a renowned Tony Award-winning broadway starlet, to be in their movie, and she doesn't sing once? Sure, maybe some planned songs for her got cut, but it still irritates this troper nevertheless. ==
* I can't speak for the director, though I seem to recall either reading somewhere or hearing on the Making Of feature that they did consider having her sing but cut the songs for time. But I do know this: Idina Menzel says she was actually ''flattered'' they didn't have her sing, because that means they hired her based solely on her acting talents.
== Doesn't Narissa turn into a dragon during the climax? Why can't she fly? ==
* When she hit the building for the first time, she was partially engulfed by the smoke that signaled her transformation. Maybe the physical shock of hitting the side of the building was causing her to revert to human form, and she was too distracted by trying to hold the dragon shape to fly?
* This really bugged me too, but I think the animators actually thought of this. If you notice Narissa does have wings, but they're fairly not big. Basically they'd be useless. You notice that never once to be see her fly. In fact all she does is climb.
* There might be an argument that she was flight-capable back in Andalasia, but real-world physics are less forgiving.
== We're supposed to believe only pigeons, rats, and cockroaches live in New York? ==
I mean, they went through a huge park earlier! There's got to be some chipmunks, rabbits, racoons, skunks, or other kinds of birds, maybe a even fox or two (they're fluffy wood land creatures as far as she knows). Heck, she even had two birds (that I'm pretty sure weren't pigeons) deliver flowers to Robert's girlfriend. Couldn't they have just mixed the "gross" animals into the other ones and had her still be shocked? Or had one of the ones that would usually be harmless to her snap at her or something?
* Well, rats are small so can make it through tiny holes, so there's a possibility the larger animals couldn't get into the apartment building.