Epic Mickey/Nightmare Fuel: Difference between revisions

Cleaning up some examples. Some do not belong.
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(Cleaning up some examples. Some do not belong.)
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** The developers originally planned to put the song "It's a Small World" in it, only played [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gzh8TuYDIcI backwards.]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WtL4B-V0J4 The opening sequence] has [[Mickey Mouse]] essentially being dragged to a [[Crapsack World|hellish dystopia]] by an [[Eldritch Abomination]].
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK7k7AZVMYA The cutscene right after the opening sequence] is arguably even worse. [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]], strapped to [[CompleteMad MonsterScientist|the Mad Doctor's]] table, is threatened by a robot with a creepy eye, wielding giant scissors, a drill, and a chainsaw, all of which stand mere inches from his face. He then nearly has his [[MacGuffin|heart]] ripped out of his body. The terror factor is lessened somewhat by the fact that the [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|final tool]] is [[Nightmare Retardant|a toilet plunger]], but even then, [[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]] fans familiar with [[Doctor Who (TV)/Nightmare Fuel|the Nightmare fuel they have to deal with themselves]] may argue that [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S1 E6 Dalek|being plungered to death is a legitimate concern.]]
* In [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljtl4F2xWPk another cutscene,] [[Sidekick|Gus]] has a [[Flash Back]] to the [[World Wrecking Wave|thinner spill]] that started the whole [[Plot]] off in the first place. In the [[Flash Back]], we see four extras watching, essentially, a tsunami of thinner overtake the area they're in. Three of them run out of the way, but one stands rooted to the spot, watching. When the wave passes, he's not there anymore.
* This [http://doope.jp/media/10q3/img1825_02.jpg picture] reveals [[Eldritch Abomination|the Shadow Blot's]] true form: big enough to squash you like a bug, who {{spoiler|at the end of the game you've got to fight it from the inside}}.
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** Said Mountain is also made unsettling by the disembodied Mickey heads (like the [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]] spray cans you have to paint in), thanks to their venture on [[Uncanny Valley]] with their giant, black, unblinking eyes.
* The {{spoiler|true}} Shadow Blot is eerily reminiscent of [[Fantasia (Disney)|Chernabog.]] Additionally, towards the end, he takes over Dark Beauty Castle and thus also decides to imitate [[Sleeping Beauty|Maleficent]], with his horns curving and ink oozing from his arms to resemble long robed sleeves.
* [[The Mad Doctor]] himself. The things that he implied for cutting up [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]] (scissors, drill, chainsaw) [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|before settling for a plunger]] is funny at first, but had he not needed his heart, he probably would have gone for the first three methods [[CompleteFor MonsterThe Evulz|just to satisfy his own sadistic interests]], the same as he did when he tried to cut off Pluto's head so he could stick it to a chicken's body in [[The Mad Doctor|the original short]].
* In the Ticket Booth area after Slalom, at the very beginning of [[Epic Mickey|the game]], one might notice that some of the dolls are arranged like either some of the dolls jumped off a building and others are looking at their broken bodies from the top of the building, or the dolls on the building have pushed the broken dolls off.
* The Bloticles worm their way around, and through, everything you see, as well as suck up all the paint around them by merely existing. And {{spoiler|you see them in every friendly region you've been to. That is, they've invaded every corner of Wasteland. Nowhere is safe. Everywhere you go, the Bloticles are there.}}