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* ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam Wing|Gundam Wing]]'' is none too subtle in setting up the Epyon to be Wing Zero's evil counterpart. Wing Zero's back mounted thrusters make it resemble an angel (made ridiculously blatant by the Wing Zero Custom), while the Epyon resembles a devil. The 2 suits are similar in their construction: they both can transform into a jet mode, and they both contain a Zero System. However, they are also opposites: Wing Zero has a super-powerful gun, Epyon has a super-powerful sword. Also, the two Zero Systems are hinted to work in different ways, with Wing's "showing you the future", and Epyon's "showing you your death".
** Interestingly though, the [["On the Next..."]] narration for Epyon's introduction episode says it's evil "just like Zero"; presumably this refers to the ZERO System rather than Wing Zero itself.
* ''[[Code Geass]]'' has Schneizel vi Britannia, who sometimes seems like a ''good'' Counterpart when compared to his [[Magnificent Bastard]] of a little brother, Lelouch, a fact mirrored by their color preference in chess.
** It's possibly a closer match with Charles, Lelouch's father. Once he takes the spotlight, we see that his past and personality are surprisingly similar to Lelouch's, except that Lelouch never reaches the point where he'd marry his buxom subordinate.
*** Speaking of buxom subordinates, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that {{spoiler|Marianne}} is ''Kallen's'' [[Evil Counterpart]]. Both are highly capable insanely hot [[Action Girl]] Knightmare Frame pilots that are completely devoted to their [[Non-Action Guy]] men. The crucial difference is that {{spoiler|Marianne}} is a [[Lady Macbeth]] with no moral compass while Kallen's moral framework is so strong that she chooses her belief in what's right over the man she loves.
*** According to [[Word of God]], Kallen might have actually done the same thing as {{spoiler|Marianne}} if Lelouch had actually came out and said that he loved her. [[Break His Heart to Save Him|That's why he doesn't say it]] -- he doesn't want to drag her down with him {{spoiler|as he enacts his [[Thanatos Gambit]]}}.
** The Geass video game introduces twin princes Castor and Pollux, who are more directly [[Evil Counterpart|Evil Counterparts]]; like Lelouch, they're amoral [[Chessmaster|Chessmasters]] with [[Evil Eye]] powers, but unlike him, they have absolutely no problem using their Geass to make people their slaves.
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* This trope appears in Season 2 of ''[[Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex]]''. (Warning: '''major''' spoilers.)
** {{spoiler|Kuze is really similar to the Major, the series protagonist. They both were the 2 only survivors of a plane crash as children of about the same age who became friends in the hospital until they both got their first cybernetic bodies and lost contact. While the Major became a police officer working for the government, Kuze became a terrorist opposing the state. Both share the same goals of helping and protecting the people from corruption and crime, their only differences being which side of the law they chose to stand on.}}
* ''[[To Aru Majutsu no Index]]'': [[Anti-Hero|ACCELERATOR]] AND FLIPPING [[The Hero|TOUMA KAMIYAN!!!]]
** In some ways they're polar opposites!
*** Accelerator, having a [[Superpower Lottery|power]] that could almost qualify as a [[Game Breaker]] were it not for one OUTRAGEOUSLY simple [[Kryptonite Factor|weakness]] known as the "reverse punch method" where [http://toarumajutsunoindex.wikia.com/wiki/Accelerator one only has to stop their attack on Accelerator right before it would actually make contact.] And whilst Accelerator has this unbelievably devastating power, Touma's [[Anti-Magic|ability]] has a [[Blessed with Suck|side effect some would call fatal.]]
*** The companion parallel: Touma saved Index and Accelerator saved Last Order, whom are eerily similar in almost every way aside from [[Magic Versus Science|one strange reverse.]]
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* Vash in ''[[Trigun]]'' has his [[Evil Twin]] Knives, who gives a good idea of what Vash would've become if he hadn't been a [[Freud Was Right|mama's boy]].
* In the ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' manga, Father is Hohenheim's [[Evil Counterpart]]. He's also even [[Cloudcuckoolander|weirder than him]]. This means that in both the anime and manga version, the Elric brothers eventually have to fight the [[Doppelganger]] of one of their parents. Toward the end of the manga, Father becomes more like an evil counterpart to {{spoiler|Ed, as his bishonen "God" form looks like young Hohenheim/Ed except with Father's cruel eyes, and Father's arrogance and obsession with gaining knowledge at all costs is a dark reflection of Ed's tendency toward [[Pride]].}}
** Wrath is an [[Evil Counterpart]] of Ling. Both cover [[Charles Atlas Superpower|Charles Atlas Superpowers]] and impressive swordsmanship with a front of [[Obfuscating Stupidity]], and Ling's actual [[Papa Wolf]] attitude toward his friends and subjects is mirrored in Wrath's ''pretensions'' to being a [[Father to His Men]]- in reality, he really couldn't give a damn about his subjects. Also, just as Wrath is a human-turned hommunculus, Ling gets turned into the second Greed. However, while Wrath lost his human identity in his transformation, Ling manages to maintain his consciousness and serves as [[The Conscience]] to Greed. Wrath started life as the 12th candidate for Fuhrer and Ling is the 12th son of the Emperor.
** Kimblee in the manga comes across as something of an evil counterpart to Scar. Both have destruction-based powers and invoke [[Light Is Not Good]] (although Scar is at worst an [[Anti-Villain]]). Also, Kimblee "created" Scar, delivering the injury that gave him his nickname, and the role of Kimblee and other State Alchemists in carrying out genocide against Scar and his people is the motivation for Scar's revenge.
*** To support this argument, look at the scene where {{spoiler|Scar is standing on the roof with Kimblee on the ground, with Scar himself pointing how their situations were reversed from in Ishval. Also, Scar moved on past his focus on revenge while Kimblee's obsession towards completing his job never waned}}.
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* Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez would be the Evil Counterpart to Ichigo Kurosaki on ''[[Bleach]]''. An Arrancar (Hollow with Shinigami powers), he serves as a foil to the Visored, Ichigo (A Shinigami with Hollow powers). He also has the same love of fighting shared by Kenpachi, Ichigo, and Nnoitra. Unlike Ichigo, he doesn't have a cause apart from pride and strength; Ichigo addresses this somewhat.
** There's also Sosuke Aizen and Kisuke Urahara. Sometimes, it's hard to tell which one's the real villain, but "Turn Back the Pendulum" kind of closed the book on that one. Both are super genius [[Chessmaster|Chessmasters]] who constantly [[Troll]] everyone, even their allies. But while Urahara cares about his allies in the end, Aizen doesn't care about anybody and will [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|terminate his allies as soon as he's finished with them]].
*** Aizen is also an evil counterpart to Toshiro Hitsugaya and eviler counterpart to fellow villain Coyote Starrk. All three grew up mostly alone due to their incredible power (Aizen and Hitsugaya scared everyone away, Starrk accidentally killed anything that approached him due to [[Power Incontinence]]). Hitsugaya was able to work through his misfortune and form attachments to his friends and adopted family. Starrk formed attachments to Aizen and their fellow villains (the only reason he's a villain is to stay with his newfound friends). Aizen, despite being respected by the exact same people as Hitsugaya and Starrk, and even winning the heart of Momo Hinamori (Hitsugaya's [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]]), did ''not'' form ''any'' attachments to them and again, does not care about anybody.
** Subverted with Mayuri Kurotsuchi and Szayelaporro Granz. To paraphrase [[Ren and Stimpy|Stimpy]]: "It's the [[Evil Counterpart]]... and the ''really'' [[Evil Counterpart]]!"
** [[Death Seeker|Nnoitra]] is what [[Blood Knight|Kenpachi]] would turn into if he just gave up on life. Kenpachi loves to fight, puts handicaps on himself to make the fight last longer and give his opponents a chance, and typically leaves his enemies alive so that they can come after him again; he's crazy, but in a fun kind of way. Nnoitra on the other hand, is completely [[Axe Crazy]], hates everybody, has a misogynistic streak that's definitely absent from Kenpachi, uses dirty tricks, leaves a mile-wide trail of dead bodies behind him, and is looking to die. Their battle (and twin eyepatches) nicely emphasise their similarities and differences.
** In fact, 2/3 of the Arrancar seem to be evil counterparts of one member of the Gotei 13 or another: Ggio Vega and Shaolin "Soifon" Fon are both agile, fast and athletic melee fighters, who are generally calm, loyal and firm, and seem to have a fairly low view on their comrades. They even ''look'' similar, but where Soifon is a mostly cold and professional [[Tsundere]] that ''seriously'' [[Defrosting Ice Queen|fangirls]] over her [[Les Yay|female]] [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo|idol]], Ggio is a cocky and sarcastic taunter with a short fuse and 'bit of a boastful air to him, and the respect he harbors for his male commander appears to be more platonic. Furthermore, Soifon's antagonism towards her subordinates is mainly a pseudo-facade, her way of toughening them up, while Ggio appeared genuinely indifferent to his fellow [[Elite Mook|Fraccion]], barely reacting - if at all to their deaths.
*** Yumichika Ayasegawa and Charlotte Cuuhlhourne initially appear to share similar vain, narcissistic tendencies with Yumichika as fightloving as any other [[Blood Knight]] and Charlotte an even more flamboyant drag queen. However, the superficial similarity falls away as the fight progresses to reveal Charlotte believes that beauty is derived from physical strength which is a philosophy echoed by the 11th division. Yumichika, however, ends up revealing that his adherence to 11th division philosophy (and the "beauty" of it) is only skin-deep, indicating he's proud of his zanpakutou and its power even though his division's philosophy means he's not supposed to be, and also revealing that his strength doesn't lie with the physical as it does for both Charlotte and the 11th division, but with the spiritual (kido) instead. The depth of what he's sacrificing for the sake of his division, friend and captain also reveals Yumichika's narcissism doesn't run as deeply as he seems to want people to think and that he certainly doesn't want anyone to realise how self-sacrificing he really is. In the end, the fight reveals only superficial similarities between the two by highlighting that Charlotte is everything the 11th division philosophy stands for and everything that Yumichika personally - when allowed to admit it - does not.
*** Nirgge Parduoc and Marechiyo Omaeda are both large and fat, boastful and demeaning, though Omaeda is more vain and cowardly, while Nirgge is at least patient and relatively calmer.
** [[Brilliant but Lazy|Coyote Starrk]] is kind of a subversion. He's clearly the lazy and apathetic counterpart to the easy-going and carefree [[Bunny Ears Lawyer|Shunsui Kyoraku]], but the only "bad" thing he's done so far is lazily fight against Kyoraku, and then, he offered to back out of. Come to think of it, between offering to pretend-fight him and taking one of the weakest arrancar in Aizen's army as his underling ({{spoiler|or so we think, she's actually his zanpakuto}}), [[Anti-Villain|the only reason he's evil at all is because he's on the villains' side]]. He's Neutral Lazy to Kyoraku's [[Neutral Good]], until he [[Let's Get Dangerous|releases]]. The annoyance of having to go all-out turned lazy into pissed, [[I Am Not Left-Handed|though apparently not pissed enough to use his stronger attacks yet]].
*** That Starrk decided to join Aizen simply because he wanted comrades, seemingly irrespective of what said companions got up to, could be seen as bad enough. The 'evil' aspect specifically is harder to argue for when he's driven not by malice but by loneliness; it does not justify his actions/association, but his motivation is an odd one for a [[Anti-Villain|supposed villain]]. His reason for fighting is one any number of Heroes adhere to -- to protect his friends. Kyoraku has similar motivations and is [[Combat Pragmatist|unscrupulous]] about what he needs to do to achieve them. Starrk's internal monologue makes it painfully obvious that his reluctance was genuine and he'd sooner be friends with the captain, but no such insight is given into Kyoraku's thoughts on the matter, leaving the extent of their similarities ambiguous.
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* In ''[[Death Note]]'' Light is the [[Evil Counterpart]] of L.
** And Mello the [[Evil Counterpart]] to Near.
** And [[Another Note|Beyond Birthday]] is L's ''other'' [[Evil Counterpart]].
* Buggy the Clown from ''[[One Piece]]'' seemed to be introduced as an Evil Counterpart to Luffy; Indeed, their devil fruits are practically opposite in several ways, but similar in others (allow for long range attacking, provide invulnerability to certain kinds of attacks). While Luffy is irrepressibly cheerful, Buggy is constantly aggravated, etc.
** It looks like Blackbeard is shaping up to be Luffy's [[Evil Counterpart]] in addition to the [[Big Bad]]. He's initially introduced as someone who has similar dreams to Luffy and similar ambitions, as well as the same [[Big Eater]] nature (though with completely different tastes in food). Then it turns out he takes things a bit further and will actually betray his [[True Companions]] and kill them to fulfill his ambitions. He even subtly points this out when {{spoiler|he and Luffy reunite in Impel Down}} and hints that they're [[Not So Different]]. It helps that his crew mimics Luffy's as well, with [[Improbable Aiming Skills|Van Augur]] as counterpart to [[Lovable Coward|Usopp]], [[Ax Crazy|Shiliew]] to [[Blood Knight|Zoro]], etc.
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* Anemone is the [[Evil Counterpart]] to the titular character of ''[[Eureka Seven]]''. {{spoiler|Though it turns out she's not so evil after all, [[Love Redeems|at least not by the end of the series.]]}}
* Hei in ''[[Darker Than Black]]'' has a couple of characters who qualify as evil counterparts: There is Wei, a fellow Chinese [[Badass]] whose psychopathy contrasts with Hei's relative restraint. Like Hei, Wei is also one of the few contractors shown to be capable of emotion, but his are all negative to Hei's positive ones. Another character {{spoiler|Nick}} has the same power as Hei, the same nice guy persona, and has the same goal of finding his [[Dead Little Sister]], but he wants to achieve it through murdering people; Harvest, the [[Big Bad]] of the interquel manga has the opposite power to Hei- while Hei's power involves creating material on an atomic level, Harvest's involves destroying it; Mina in season 2 wears a similar costume/shares similar weaponry to Hei and is also [[The Stoic]], but is also a dark reflection of Kirihara, sharing a similar background of being [[The Ojou]].
* Much of season 2 of ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura]]'' (at least the first third to half) was spent seemingly building up Eriol, Ruby Moon, and Spinel Sun as [[Evil Counterpart|Evil Counterparts]] to Sakura, Yue, and Kero, respectively. [[Subverted Trope|However]], this was all or mostly a sham. Not only is Ruby Moon hardly as dangerous and ruthless as Yue is ([[Informed Ability|usually]]) described as, at best coming off as merely [[The Scrappy|annoying]] and [[Die for Our Ship|hate]]-[[Yaoi Fangirl|worthy]], but Spinel Sun is often adorable and harmless, acting more as a [[Brilliant but Lazy|bored]] [[Greek Chorus]] to the events. As for Eriol himself...[[Omniscient Morality License|opinions are divided on if he or his actions were "evil"]], but he's certainly not as different from Sakura as might have been supposed.
* In ''[[X 1999]]'' Fuuma is evil counterpart to Kamui and Seishiro is [[Evil Counterpart]] to Subaru.
* In ''[[Girls Bravo]]'', the main character Yukinari and the [[Big Bad]] Yukina, as if the similar names weren't a big enough clue. While in some ways they are complete opposites -- he's a powerless [[Non-Action Guy]] who is allergic to women but generally doesn't hold a grudge against them ,and she's an [[Extraordinarily Empowered Girl]] who is allergic to men ''and wants to kill all of them'' -- both of them have dealt with a great deal of pain in their lives that led to them both being [[Allergic to Love]] with the opposite gender. In the end Yukinari is able to stop her from committing gendercide simply by gently talking her down and helping her deal with the insecurities that created the situation in the first place. Unfortunately for Yukinari, his former [[Evil Counterpart]] falls in love with him and becomes a [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] [[Stalker with a Crush]] with a bad habit of sneaking into his bed (naked) while he's sleeping. Also, while she isn't allergic to him, he is still allergic to her.
* The main characters of ''[[Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt|Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt]]'' have ones in the demons Scanty and Kneesocks. Unlike the hedonistic [[Chaotic Neutral]] protagonists concerned either with [[Lovable Sex Maniac|sex]] and [[Sweet Tooth|sweets]], the demons are strictly [[Lawful Evil]], obsessed with [[Trrrilling Rrrs|Rrrrrrrrrules]] and evil schemes. Their [[Team Pet]] Chuck even gets one with Fastener, who's much less of a [[Butt Monkey]].
* Truly explored in the PSP games ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha|Nanoha: Battle of the Aces]]'' and ''Nanoha: Gears of Destiny'', where Nanoha, Fate and Hayate have 3 counterparts for themselves. Stern a.k.a. Material-S (Seikou the Starlight Destroyer), Revi the Slasher a.k.a. Material-L (Rai-chan), "Load" a.k.a. Material-D (Yami or 'Your Majesty').
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** It seems like they're building [[The Dreaded|Bluenote]] [[Gravity Master|Stinger]], Master Hades' [[The Dragon|dragon]], into one for [[Big Brother Mentor|Gildarts]] [[Person of Mass Destruction|Clive]].
** Erza Scarlett has one with {{spoiler|Erza Knightwalker }}
* ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]'' has a few of these:
** Whereas Kenshin wants a peaceful Japan in which war will no longer be necessary, Shishio, the man who replaced him as hitokiri is [[The Social Darwinist]] and wants to create a Japan that is a proud warrior race. Also, while Kenshin has neat [[X Marks the Hero]] scars, Shishio was badly burned and wraps himself in bandages.
** Shishio's follower Soujirou is also one to Kenshin. Kenshin endured a sad childhood and was orphaned before being adopted by a master who trained him in swordsmanship. In personality, Kenshin didn't start out all that happy but eventually took on a cheerful [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]. As a dark mirror to Kenshin, Soujirou grew up in an abusive family and found an [[Evil Mentor]] in Shishio, who gave him the encouragement to become a [[Self-Made Orphan]]. In terms of personality, Soujirou has a more extreme version of Kenshin's forced cheerfuless, being a [[Stepford Smiler]] who is incapable of showing (and to an extent feeling) any emotion.
** To complement this, Shishio serves as one for Kenshin's master Hiko Sejuro. Both are powerful and influential mentors who inspire ideologies in their pupils. While they're both hardened in some way, Hiko holds some optimism towards Kenshin's path. Shishio, while he does care about him, brainwashes Sojiro into his ideology. Hiko comically abuses Kenshin but respects his pupil's decisions.
** Sanosuke has evil counterparts in Cho, one of Shishio's men, and later, Banjin, a follower of Enishi. Both of these characters have dress and hair styles clearly similar to Sanosuke's, and while Sanosuke is a [[Boisterous Bruiser]] with a code, Cho and Banjin take a love of fighting to [[Blood Knight]] levels and have no real morals.
*** Monk Anji is also one of Sanosuke. They're both fist-fighters who suffered a the loss of loved ones; Sanosuke with Captain Sagara and Anji with {{spoiler|all of his adoptive children}}. To deal with this pain, they turned to violence. When they meet Kenshin and Shishio respectively, the dynamic is also reflected. Sanosuke, while vitriolic to Kenshin, trusts him completely. Anji is merely siding with Shishio for his own reasons.
*** Earlier then that, there's [[The Brute|Shikijou]]. Like Sano, he enjoys fighting and has immense loyalty to the one who defeated him (Aoshi), but the depths to which he's willing to go for strength disgusts Sano (this is played up more in the manga).
** Enishi Yukishiro, mentioned two points above, is an [[Evil Counterpart]] to Kenshin on an even more personal level than Shishio. Both he and Kenshin received lasting physical marks from the same incident {{spoiler|(the accidental death of Tomoe, Kenshin's wife and Enishi's sister, at Kenshin's hand)}}--Kenshin got the second part of his famous cross-scar, while Enishi got [[Locked Into Strangeness]] via his hair turning white from the shock. However, while that same incident motivated Kenshin's future [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]] and [[The Atoner]] mentality, Enishi turned [[Ax Crazy]] and hell-bent on revenge. To further the counterpart theme further, their animal motifs are traditional opposites ([[Tiger Versus Dragon|Kenshin's fighting style is reminiscent of the dragon, while Enishi's is akin to the tiger]]) and Enishi's Watou-jutsu sword techniques are ''coincidentally'' perfectly able to counter Kenshin's Hiten Mitsurugi techniques.
* Devimon and Ladydevimon to Angemon and Angewomon in ''[[Digimon Adventure]]''.
** Also 2 of Kurata's minions from ''[[Digimon Savers]]'' --[[Blood Knight|Kouki]] to [[The Hero|Masaru]] and [[Evil Genius|Nanami]] to [[The Smart Guy|Touma]].
* In ''[[Eyeshield 21]]'' Clifford D. Louis of The Pentagram is a pretty obvious [[Evil Counterpart]] to Hiruma of the Deimon Devil-Bats. They're both talented poker players and [[Evil Genius]] quarterbacks, who invoke [[Blond Guys Are Evil]] and love a good challenge. They even both where #1 jerseys. The only real differences are Hiruma's preference for trick plays, and Clifford's greater speed. Before Clifford arrived, Marco of the Hakushuu Dinosaurs was a slightly less obvious one: he's a [[Manipulative Bastard]] to Hiruma's [[Trickster Archetype]], and unlike Hiruma, prefers to avoid facing strong teams. At the same time, though, they both favour using any tactics necessary to win, use intelligent plays to compensate for a lack of natural talent, [[Determinator]] their way through crippling injuries, and get the very best out of their team. You could arguably throw in the Ojou White Knights' [[The Chessmaster|Takami]] as a [[Good Counterpart]] to the both of them, as he shares almost all of those same qualities, but without the penchant for brutality.
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* ''[[Medaka Box]]'': Besides obvious parallels between the protagonist, Kumagawa is also a dark mirror of Zenkichi, sharing similar traits while sitll appearing to be complete opposites. While Zenkichi is a tsundere, Kumagawa is a compulsive liar. Similarly, they're both attached to some of the most powerful figures in the story; Zenkichi to Medaka, Kumagawa to {{spoiler|Ajimu}}. While Zenkichi doesn't think much his abilities, Kumagawa claims to be epitome of weakness, yet both are some of the most determined people in the series.
* ''[[Puella Magi Oriko Magica]]'': Oriko and Kirika are either Evil or [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Extreme]] Counterpart to Madoka and Homura, respectively. Both Madoka and Oriko have angelic magical appearance, both aim to save the world. Homura can stop time, Kirika can slow down time. Homura will do anything to save Madoka, Kirika will do anything {{spoiler|including mass murder}} for Oriko's vision. Homura's and Kirika's obsession has to do with Madoka and Oriko respectively [[Because You Were Nice to Me|being nice to them]].
* The tragedy of the Count in ''[[Gankutsuou]]'' centers around Fernand's betrayal of Edmond out of love for Mercedes. Skip forward one generation, and Albert has many of the traits Edmond did (most obviously an [[Magnetic Hero|amazing ability to attract friends and followers]]), with Franz as his Fernand and Eugenie as his Mercedes. The difference is that Franz is too loyal to Albert to do anything to harm him and it is due to this that {{spoiler|Albert retains his kind heart and life even after all the crap the Count puts Albert through and becomes [[The Messiah]] who saves Edmond Dantes' soul at the end}}.
* In ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'', Paul is this to Ash more than any other Rival character. Ash is kind, helps others, respects his opponents, sees the true potential in all Pokemon, and travels with [[True Companions]], also treating his Pokemon as such. Paul is mean, out for himself, mocks those he beats as "weak" (including Maylene), tosses away Pokemon who don't immediately measure up, travels alone, and puts his Pokemon through [[Training From Hell]].
** New Rival Trip is kind of a provincial dick, but has never been shown to mistreat his Pokemon.
* ''[[Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple]]'' has several examples, both among the teen fighters and the master-class warriors.
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== Comic Books ==
* The 1950s incarnation of [[Captain America (comics)]] ("Commie Smasher") was (through the magic of [[Retcon]]) [[Old Shame|explained away as]] an obsessed fan of the original who insisted on replacing him during the time when he was presumed dead; while the US government decided to humor him, the faulty version of the [[Super Soldier]] enhancement process eventually drove him insane. While he was eventually captured and placed in suspended animation, he broke out years later and attacked who he thought was another Captain America imposter - the real Captain America, who had defrosted from his own accidental suspended animation.
* Bizarro is an imperfect clone (of varying origin, depending on the medium) of [[Superman]], with all of the Man of Steel's powers and none of his intelligence or morality.
** Taking into account various media, between Ultraman (which name alone refers to several similar characters), Justice Lord Superman, Cal and Kal-El in ''[[Smallville]]'', Superboy Prime, mind controlled Captain Marvel, Cyborg Superman, etc., Superman has more evil counterparts than he knows what to do with.
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* In ''Circle of Blood'', the first [[Punisher]] miniseries, Castle fights against a brainwashed army of criminals, all patterned after him.
* [[Judge Dredd]] has the Dark Judges, who have taken the policing style of the Judges to an extreme where Mega-City One is practically ''Utopian''.
* [[Iron Man]] has Iron Monger, another businessman who wears [[Powered Armour]].
** The Mandarin is more the anti-Stark than the anti-Iron Man. Stark is a playboy. Mandarin is a pimp with a harem who uses rape as a motivational tool. Stark is a thrill-seeker. Mandarin participates in gladiatorial games so he can thrill to putting his fist through someone's head. Stark sacrificed his health so he could help the world. The Mandarin sacrifices everything and everyone around him to become stronger.
** The dozen or so Crimson Dynamos.
** Justin Hammer is the anti-Stark-as-businessman. While Tony uses his money to fight crime, Hammer uses his to sponsor it.
* [[Incredible Hulk|The Hulk]] now has the [[Red Hulk]]. The Leader and the Abomination probably fit this role too.
* Oddly enough, Hulk's [[Rogues Gallery]] also includes ''someone else's'' Evil Counterparts. The U-Foes are a group of four villains whose origin, powers, and personalities are all extremely similar to those of the [[Fantastic Four (Comic Book)|Fantastic Four]]. Strangely, they have never faced the FF despite all of the characters being [[Marvel Comics]] characters.
* [[She Hulk]] now has Red She-Hulk.
** Titania too. Like Jennifer, she was also a shy wallflower in high school that gained superpowers later in life. There are a few key differences though. She-Hulk never asked for her powers (she adjusted well enough though) while Titania was so desperate to be powerful and special that she let [[Doctor Doom]] experiment on her. She-Hulk's transformation helped her gain real confidence both as She-Hulk and as Jennifer Walters. Titania's powers act as a crutch and deep down she is still the insecure Mary MacPherran. Titania resents She-Hulk specifically because She-Hulk is stronger than her in every way.
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** Marv and Manute from the same series also fit as they are both big, scary [[The Determinator|determinators]]. Dwight all but lampshaded this when he brought Marv in to deal with Manute. Bonus points are given to the fact that while Manute is evil, well dressed, and highly educated, Marv is good (in comparison), a bit of a bum, and not very book smart.
* [[Darkhawk]] has quite a few due to wearing armor that was originally meant for an army of [[Space Pirates]].
* Gideon Graves to [[Scott Pilgrim]]. They are both assholes who gloss over their misdeeds with [[Self-Serving Memory]], and are horrible to their girlfriends. Gideon takes his [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] tendencies [[Up to Eleven]], while Scott eventually realizes his faults and genuinely wants to change and be a better person.
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* ''[[Fallout Equestria]]'' has Lilpip and Red Eye. Both are Stable Dwellers that wish to make Equestria like, or better than what it was before the Great War. They also both represent one of the Elements of Harmony when corrupted.
** Red Eye, who gave up every comfort he had to bring some sense of order to the Wasteland, represents corrupted generosity.
** Lilpip, who's overwhelming concern for others often leads to self-destructive and irresponsible decisions, represents corrupted kindness.
** Lilpip herself lampshades this as she realizes that, though she despises Red Eye's system being built on slavery, it's the first real working infrastructure Equestria has had in hundreds of years. Red Eye, for his part, feels enough mutuality with Lilpip that he offers to abdicate his position to her. It doesn't help that Lilpip is your typical ''Fallout'' protagonist (albeit one with exceptionally good karma) and Red Eye is very much an anti-villain compared to other antagonists in the story.
* ''[[To Kill a Thief]]'' has [[Death Note|Light Yagami]] to [[Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne|Miyako Toudaiji]].
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* In the Heisei series, ''[[Godzilla]]'' gained an [[Evil Counterpart]] in [[Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla|Space Godzilla]], a being created from a fusion of [[Godzilla vs. Biollante|Biollante]] (who was a fusion of Godzilla's DNA and rose DNA) and a crystalline entity. While Godzilla was in neutral "force of nature" mode, Space Godzilla was definitely malicious and evil, coming to Earth to torment Godzilla and conquer the planet.
* The writers' and director's audio commentary for ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean|Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl]]'' at one point refers to Captain Barbossa as "the dark side of Jack Sparrow".
* In ''[[Black Swan]]'', Lily might be this to Nina. Nina frequently hallucinates a phantom doppelganger that seems to mean her harm.
** This mirrors ''[[Swan Lake]]'', the ballet the film is centered around; Odile the Black Swan, is this to the White Swan, Odette.
* According to Jordy, the Bread-Squeezer is this to Jason in ''[[Mystery Team]]''.
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== Literature ==
* In the ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'' books, [[Big Bad]] Voldemort is Harrys counterpart, having been raised in similar conditions and circumstances, and accidentally given some of his power to him, but taking a different moral/ethical path.
** Additionally, Gellert Grindelwald is the dark twin of Albus Dumbledore.
** Bellatrix Lestrange is the [[Evil Counterpart]] of Sirius Black. They grew up in the same environment and have similar temperaments. They're both skilled magically, and they resemble each other physically. They're both very devoted to their respective sides, and would do anything to protect those they care about. {{spoiler|Their deaths even parallel each other, which Harry points out.}}
*** Bellatrix is also an evil counterpart to Hermione Granger. Hermione is as devoted to Harry as Bellatrix is to Voldemort. Both intelligent and powerful witches, willing to go to extremes for their purposes.
** Many fans look to Dolores Umbridge as an evil counterpart to Minerva McGonagall. Both are senior members of Hogwarts and known as strict disciplinarians, but McGonagall is [[Good Is Not Nice|stoic but ultimately good]], while Umbridge is a very thorough [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]. They butt heads often {{spoiler|after Dumbledore departs}}.
** Some interpret Peter Pettigrew as Ron's [[Evil Counterpart]]. They're both overshadowed by their more popular/gifted friends, but while Pettigrew only latches onto strong people, Ron truly cares about Harry and Hermione. {{spoiler|Immediately regretting abandoning them in the last book counts}}.
** Remus Lupin and Fenrir Grayback. While they're both werewolves (and Remus was bitten by Grayback as a child), Fenrir goes after and attacks people, particularly children, while Remus tries his hardest to avoid hurting someone.
* R.A. Salvatore feels the need to state that Artemis Entreri is Drizzt's "dark mirror" every time the two meet.
** This is partially because Artemis himself became obsessed with the concept of them as opposites, to the extent that Jarlaxle ''faked Drizzt's death'' and hoped that Artemis would drop it now.
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* ''[[The Wheel of Time]]'' has several.
** Ishamael for Rand. Both are the leaders of their respective side and are extremely strong in the one power. But while Rand believes in doing his duty and saving world, Ishamael became a [[Nietzsche Wannabe|Nihilist]] who wants to [[Omnicidal Maniac|destroy]] the pattern because he believes that everything is meaningless, that the dark will inevitably win and that it his purpose to fight for the dark one. He also seems to view his role in the ever repeating pattern to convince the Dragon to submit to this view; during the darkest depths of his psychotic breakdown {{spoiler|Rand considers whether his counterpart was in fact right and almost destroys the pattern himself after a bit of [[Nietzsche Wannabe]] speechifying of his own}}
** Lanfear for Moiraine: Both women assisted Rand and would have killed him if necessary. But while Moiraine just wants him to save the world and oppose the dark one, Lanfear is a [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] darlfriend who wants him to serve the dark one.
** Slayer for Perrin: Both have connections with wolves and dream powers. Both of them [[Blood Knight|enjoy killing]] and they both tried to {{spoiler|lead the two rivers villagers against trollocs }}
** Taim for Loghain: Both are false dragons who serve Rand reluctantly and both want glory. {{spoiler|But unlike Logain, Taim is a darkfriend who wants to help the dark one triumph}}
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** Taken to its logical extreme in [[Neil Gaiman]]'s [[Alternate Universe]] short story ''[[A Study in Emerald]]'', where the reader gradually realizes that in this world {{spoiler|the nameless detective who lives at Baker Street and helps the police with cases is Moriarty, and the culprits for the latest case he is investigating are Holmes and Watson. Although the nature of this society is such that Holmes and Watson are still the good guys.}}
** Taken to ''another'' logical extreme in [[Kim Newman]]'s "[http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/sherlock/shamblesinbelgravia1.shtml A Shambles in Belgravia]", which not only has Moran documenting Moriaty's "cases" as Evil Dr Watson, but also supplies him with an Evil Mrs Hudson (the madame Mrs Halifax), and Evil Baker Street Irregulars (the Conduit Street Comanche - a "tribe of junior beggars, whores, pickpockets and garotters"). And in his spare time, Moriarty ''breeds wasps'', apparently out of sheer malevolence and balancing Holmes's retirement as a beekeeper.
*** Extreme, yes. Logical, no.
** In the ''[[Raffles]]'' series, Raffles and Bunny are essentially evil (or at least anti-heroic) counterparts of Holmes and Watson.
* [[Edgar Allan Poe|Auguste Dupin]] and Minister D.
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* ''[[Soul Nomad and The World Eaters]]'' has {{spoiler|Revya}} as this to Levin in one path of the [[New Game+]].
** In the main game, various characters have evil counterparts of their own. Shauna for Endorph, Cuthbert for Vitali, Lobo for Christophe and Dio for Odie among others.
* ''[[Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana]]'' has [[Smug Snake|Mull]] served as an [[Evil Counterpart]] of [[The Stoic|Arlin the swordsman]]. They even share the same sprite, only with [[Palette Swap]] into a red outfit.
* In ''[[Hitman]]: Blood Money'', Mark Parchezzi III is this to Agent 47. Even though 47 can be viewed as a villain, he is shown to have a set of values and morality, while what little is seen of Parchezzi shows him to be completely without scruples. Plus, while 47 performs rather indiscriminate hits, Parchezzi works for the Franchise, a clandestine government group with the goal of keeping human cloning illegal so that nobody else may benefit from it.
* [[Zelda II: The Adventure of Link|Dark]] [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Link.]] Full. Freaking. Stop.
** Also, {{spoiler|''[[The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword|The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword]]'s'' Ghirahim as [[Bigger Bad|Demise's]] sword to Fi as Link's sword. Demise's weapon even looks like a dark version of the [[Infinity+1 Sword|Master Sword]]}}
* Meta Knight from the [[Kirby]] series has Galacta Knight. Both have very similar appearance, attacks, and movesets. The primary differences between the two are that Galacta Knight lacks Meta Knight's sense of chivalry, and Galacta has a more angelic appearance compared to Meta Knight (White feathered wings and brighter colors compared to Meta's bat wings and dark colors).
* ''[[Crash Bandicoot]]'' has the obviously titled Evil/Nega Crash, his alternate universe equivelant from the Tenth Dimention. Fake Crash (a goofy lookalike created from "an experiment gone horribly wrong") interchanges between being an antagonist or occasional friend of Crash, similar to Wario.
* Mutons of the new ''[[X-COM]]: Enemy Unknown'' have been described like this, an alien SEAL Team Six to fight your own troops.
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** Taken to its logical conclusion with Yokyok, who is actually a GOOD counterpart to the [[Chaotic Evil]] Belkar Bitterleaf.
** Crystal to Haley.
** Redcloak seems like he is Hinjo's evil counterpart.
** Roy however insists that Thog is not his Evil Counterpart and is merely just different from him, stating that there has to be more to it than just Roy being a [[Genius Bruiser]] and Thog being [[Dumb Muscle]].
*** Immediately before Thog [[Not So Different|reacts to his tusk being broken almost exactly the same way Roy reacted to his sword being broken]].
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* In ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'' Kusari serves as the [[Evil Counterpart]] to Oasis. They're both superbly skilled, (seemingly) immortal assassins created/raised by Hereti Corp, and Kusari even claims they're sisters. Since Kusari has never been seen without her mask on, speculation rages as to whether or not she is actually an [[Evil Twin]].
* Lord Tedd in ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' along with Shade Tail. Ellen tried to be this for a while but quickly gave up on it.
* In ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]'' with the main characters being the [[Evil Counterpart|Evil Counterparts]] of the true Light Warriors which travel the world since then stumbling from one disaster into another. Also, there are the other warriors which are also (mostly) way less evil than the protagonists.
* ''[[Shortpacked]]'' gives us McAwesome's Parasailing and Chocolate Bakery... or, more accurately, the titular store is the [[Evil Counterpart]] to McAwesome's. [[Benevolent Boss|Gustavo]], Evan, Rose and Zaph are well-adjusted [[Expy|expies]] of [[Bad Boss|Galasso]], Ethan, Amber and Faz. [[Ronald Reagan|Ronnie's]] counterpart is [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]], Ninja Rick's is a pirate, and Robin's is [[Pollyanna|Agatha]] from her original SEMME team. The others so far don't have counterparts, {{spoiler|but Mike moonlights there, and [[Doctor Jekyll and Mister Jack Daniels|gets drunk]] to do so, so he's his own counterpart}}.
* ''[[Sonichu]]'' has a few for both its titular character and the [[Author Avatar]]. For the titular character, there's Metal Sonichu and Black Sonichu/Blachu/Blake, though Blake turns good. For the [[Author Avatar]], there's Naitsirhc, whom takes Evil Counterpart to a major extreme.
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** In ''Alien Force'', Kevin pulls a [[Heel Face Turn]] and gets his own [[Evil Counterpart]] as a result, Mike Morningstar/Darkstar, who also has energy absorption powers. Ben, in the meantime, gets a new [[Evil Counterpart]] in Albedo, who doubles as his [[Evil Twin]].
* [[Darkwing Duck|Negaduck]] -both versions, the first arguably moreso, as he is the the dark half of Darkwing's personality, given form after he is zapped by Megavolt's Tron Splitter device. He resolves to kill his Posiduck counterpart, so as to conquer the underworld undeterred. The second, from an alternate universe, is no less evil, as he delights in the thought of murder, and at one point tries to destroy all of St. Canard in one fell swoop.
* In ''[[Metajets]]'', The Stunt-Hawks are a trio of criminals flying newer, more advanced transforming jets designed by the same man who designed the good Metajets.
* In ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', there are numerous parallels between [[Team Mom|Katara]] and [[Magnificent Bastard|Azula]]: roughly the same [[Improbable Age|age]], they are both are the daughters of leaders with leadership skills of their own, both freakishly [[The Gift|powerful and talented]] prodigies with their elements, both at least occasionally overbearing control freaks and possessed of a dangerous temper when provoked. On opposite lines of the [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] divide they may be, but taking into account their fathers' personalities/influences they are far more alike than one may think.
** Azula also serves as an [[Evil Counterpart]] to both Zuko and Iroh. As Zuko's, she shows what he could have been if he really did have everything he ''thinks'' that he wants (and 50 extra I.Q. points, at least). As Iroh's, she trys to steer Zuko down the wrong path rather than the right one. This is [[Lampshaded]] in a dream sequence Zuko has, in which he is being consulted by a red dragon and a blue dragon on which path to take in life, good or evil. The red dragon, who advocates good, has Iroh's voice, while the blue, who advocates evil, has Azula's. This situation comes true in Season Two's finale, in which Zuko {{spoiler|chooses Azula's way}} only to regret it.
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* Red X to Robin in the ''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]'' animated series, although Red was more of a "[[Wild Card|Morally Ambigious]] Counterpart". Also, Blackfire to Starfire.
** [[Word of God]] says they designed Slade to be an evil version of Batman, though Batman himself never appears in the series (except possibly once, in silhouette).
** From a team standpoint, the HIVE are the evil counterparts to the Titans, at least before they became flanderized into joke villains. Brother Blood doesn't start out as an evil counterpart to his [[Arch Enemy]] Cyborg, but becomes such during the events of the third season finale.
* Vlad to Danny in ''[[Danny Phantom]]''. True to the trope, the [[Not So Different]] speech is one of Vlad's favourite tactics, leading to the expected denial from Danny.
** Dark Danny-his evil future version- is the other evil counterpart to Danny.
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** [[Lawful Evil]] is the evil counterpart of [[Lawful Good]] and [[Lawful Neutral]].
** [[Neutral Evil]] is the evil counterpart of [[Neutral Good]] and [[True Neutral]].
* [[Complete Monster]] (a character who is pure evil) is the evil counterpart of [[The Messiah]] (a character who is pure good).
* [[Cut Lex Luthor a Cheque]] is the evil counterpart of [[Reed Richards Is Useless]].
* [[Dark Is Evil]] is an evil counterpart of both [[Dark Is Not Evil]] and [[Light Is Good]].
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* [[Religion of Evil]], [[Path of Inspiration]] and [[Corrupt Church]] are all evil counterparts of [[Saintly Church]].
* [[Ron the Death Eater]] is the evil counterpart of [[Draco in Leather Pants]] (or maybe that's the other way around).
* [[The Remnant]] is the evil counterpart to [[La Résistance]].
* [[The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized]] is the evil counterpart of [[The Revolution Will Not Be Villified]].
* Every other [[Screw This Index, I Have Tropes|Screw the Rules, etc.]] trope and [[Just Following Orders]] is the evil counterpart of [[Screw the Money, I Have Rules]] and [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]].