Evil Evolves: Difference between revisions

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== Tabletop Games ==
* Evolution is fair part of the [[Planet of Hats|hat]] of the [[Horde of Alien Locusts|Tyranids]] of ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]''. They evolve very rapidly, but there are special creatures called norn queens in the hive fleets, which (aside from controlling their reproductive processes) analyses the DNA of organisms from a recently consumed planet for useful adaptations to incorporate into the next generation of gruesome gribblies in the fleets production chambers.
* The Phyrexians of ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' are constantly improving upon their [[Cannon Fodder|mechanical fighters]], and they [[Horde of Alien Locusts|recycle the flesh of fallen enemies to create new soldiers]] (called ''newts'').
** You wouldn't even know that the first Phyrexian was a vanilla 0/3.
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== Video Games ==
* A trademark of the ''[[Resident Evil]]'' games is the constantly evolving enemies, probably best reflected by the boss of Resident Evil 2, the G-Mutant, aka Birkin. Every time you defeat him he just evolves into his next form, so you have to "kill" him about a half dozen times in just as many forms.
* Fittingly for a race inspired by the Tyranids, the Zerg in ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' are constantly enhancing their abilities and expanding their ranks via the DNA of other races.
* ''[[Warning Forever]]'' has enemy ship that constantly grows according to how you destroyed it last time. Attacked from behind? It grows more armor on back. Attacked from side? Same thing. Hit it from the blind spot? It grows missile launcher. And it never ends.
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[[Category:Evil Tropes]]
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