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* Both the Shadows ''and'' the Vorlons in ''[[Babylon 5]]'' attempted to force the evolutionary development of the younger races, disagreement about the best way to go about this eventually led to all out war.
* This is the plan of Adam from the fourth season of ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', by combining demon and human parts to create a superior race.
* John Lumic, creator of the "parallel Earth" Cybermen in ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'', sees his creations in this way. Davros, in the original series, created the Daleks for much the same reason.
** And the Daleks themselves, who tried to create Dalek/Human hybrids to overcome their weaknesses--only for Dalek Sec to be influenced a little ''too'' much by his new human side. He, naturally, pays the price.
* {{spoiler|Alpha}} from ''[[Dollhouse]]''.
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* The Master from ''[[Fallout]]'' was very much an adherent of Evilutionary tenets in the [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] mould (certainly, the backdrop of a [[After the End|post-nuclear apocalypse]] lent his reasoning some gravitas). The Enclave, the adversary of the sequel ''Fallout 2'', {{spoiler|was in fact a kind of inversion of this trope. being among the last "purebreed humans" in the world, they were planning to commit genocide of all the various mutated strains of humanity that had cropped up, effectively "turning back the clock" on evolution. It is up for discussion whether one of the optional courses of action towards the end of the game, in which the [[Player Character]] convinces one of the scientists responsible for the plan to turn the [[Weapon of Mass Destruction|WMD]] they had intended to use for this upon his fellows instead, is a case of using the Evilutionary argument in a more "benign" context}}.
** A [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for Science characters in ''[[Fallout]]'' is when the Vault Dweller, after passing a skill check, {{spoiler|points out that the Master's Super Mutants are entirely sterile and thus doomed to extinction. They're actually ''physically incapable'' of biological evolution.}}
** The ''Old World Blues'' DLC of ''[[Fallout New Vegas]]'' has the Think Tanks, with Dr. Borous in particular being responsible for the [[Demonic Spiders|Cazadores]] and [[Mix -and -Match Critters|Nightstalkers]] (which he claims are as [[Metaphorically True|docile as they are sterile]]) as well as subjecting his dog Gabe to some pretty terrible experiments (though it's possible to [[My God, What Have I Done?|make him feel regret for the latter]]). They're also responsible for a [[Festering Fungus|special spore]] that infects living people and have made lobotomized people into psychotic zombies (or Lobotomites), a process that you barely managed to survive due to the bullet in your head from the beginning of the game.
* Professor Hojo from ''[[Final Fantasy VII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VII]]'' was almost a textbook Evilutionary Biologist, and a [[Complete Monster|thoroughly nasty piece of work]].
* He was predated however, by ''[[Final Fantasy IV (Video Game)|Final Fantasy IV]]'''s Dr Lugae, who was every bit as bad, even if he had less screentime.
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* Parodied by ''[[Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]]'' [http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20081030.gif here].
** And again [http://www.smbc-comics.com/?db=comics&id=1695#comic here].
* Also parodied in ''[[Everyday Heroes]]'' -- as a [[Shout -Out]] to Marvel's High Evolutionary (mentioned above), two members of the S.A.V.E.U.S. team were created by the Somewhat-Below-Average Evolutionary.
* [[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Red Mage]] has been known to dabble into this field from time to time, as displayed by the page quote.
* Professor George Lonsdale, (the real) [[Big Bad]] of [[Magellan]]'s fifth chapter ([http://magellanverse.com/?p=656 "Worst Field Trip Ever"]). He truly believes that [[Lego Genetics|splicing animal and human DNA]] is the next big evolutionary. But then he's also clearly shown as experimenting on innocents (including his own son) [[For the Evulz]] as much as anything else.
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