Excalibur (Comic Book): Difference between revisions

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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Pete Wisdom ''started off'' as a jaded, cynical [[Deadpan Snarker]]. During Tieri's short run on New Excalibur he became [[Butt Monkey|the butt of the humour]]. In the ''Wisdom'' miniseries and ''Captain Britain and MI: 13'' he gets a few snappy lines but for the most part he seems to be playing [[Straight Man]] to the weirdness of the rest of the team.
* [[Death Is Cheap]] (Well... it is a comic book, after all.)
* [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]: The Crazy Gang.
* [[Fisher King]]: The exact nature and extent of Captain Britain's ties to Britain varies with the writer. In one of Chuck Austen's comics, Captain Britain was beaten up and this caused earthquakes in Britain. This never happened before or since.
** When he's (temporarily) killed during [[Secret Invasion]], it's said that everyone in Britain felt it.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: There have been many, over the years. Meggan's heroic sacrifice was especially sad, because it was in a tie-in book for the [[House of M]] crossover where she saved the whole universe and nobody read it. {{spoiler|At least she's finally back now, after [[Like a Badass Out of Hell|bringing some hope to Hell for good measure]].}}
* [[My Local]]: The team would often go there to celebrate after a win. Or commiserate after suffering a beating.
* [[Oddball in Thethe Series]]: This series was not only [[Lighter and Softer]] than the other x-related titles, took place in a different part of the country, and had many non-mutants on the roster (a rarity for "X-teams"), but it features somewhat obscure [[Marvel UK]] characters that had little to nothing to do with the X-Men, and the stories were mostly sci-fi and fantasy based when most x-titles focused on whatever mutant hysteria was going on at any given time.
* [[Poor Communication Kills]]
* [[Progressively Prettier]]: When Nightcrawler first appeared in [[X-Men]] he was short and creepy looking. When he was moved to Excalibur, Alan Davis purposefully drew him standing at six feet tall and modeled his facial features after [[Errol Flynn]]. Sure, he was still a blue elf but he was noticably more chamring than his earlier Dave Cockrum incarnation. Other artists have followed suit for the most part.
* [[Wearing a Flag Onon Your Head]]: Captain Britain (and the entire Captain Britain Corps).
'''Original Series:'''
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** [[The Big Guy]]: Phoenix/Rachel Summers
** [[Team Pet]]: Lockheed the dragon
* [[Fun Withwith Acronyms]]: Most of the fictional government agencies had one of these. Sadly.
* [[Government Agency of Fiction]]: Plenty! There was the R.C.X., the Weird Happenings Organization, the Department of Unknown and Covert Knowledge (don't... uh, don't think too hard about that one.), S.T.R.I.K.E. and Black Air.
* [[Government Conspiracy]]: Black Air.
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* [[Kill and Replace]]: Poor, poor Courtney Ross. It does not pay to be the exact physical duplicate of a ruthless otherdimensional dictator.
** Also the Warwolves - extradimensional creatures who could suck out a person's ... let's say [[Life Force]], leaving just their empty skin, then put on the skin and pass as the person (despite being shaped like quadrupedal animals in their natural form). At one point they scour the globe to find exact lookalikes for the other X-Men so they can impersonate them.
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: This series was originally conceived as being more lighthearted than the [[X -Men|various]] [[X -Force|X-books]] [[X Factor|that were being published]] [[Wolverine|at the time]], [[New Mutants|which were pretty dark]].
* [[Lighthouse Point]]: Their base of operations, since it was the convergence of all realities.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: When she disappeared in ''[[X -Men|Uncanny X-Men]]'', Rachel was a stick-thin tomboy who usually wore gym clothes. When she reappeared in ''Excalibur'', she was built like a porn star (perhaps literally - she got her new body in the Mojoverse after all) and wore a skintight, stiletto-heeled, spike-studded, red leather catsuit when on duty, and as little as possible off duty.
** Meggan had her moments too (frankly, most women drawn by Alan Davis do; though Davis actually drew Kitty to look like a young girl ... [[Fetish Fuel|not that that stopped many people]]).
* [[Public Domain Character]]: There are a lot of references to [[King Arthur|Arthurian myth]].
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* [[West Coast Team]]: When Excalibur found out the X-Men were still alive, they decided to remain together, having [[True Companions|bonded]] over time, and styled themselves as the X-Men's European branch.
** For all intents and purposes, they were also the British ''Avengers'', partly because there were no other super-teams who could play that part, and partly because mutants were less controversial in Britain than in the U.S. at the time (just like [[Alpha Flight|Canada]], one suspects that the British took whatever superheroes they could get)
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: Feron the sorcerer accidentally turned himself into a waterfall, and his disappearance went uncommented on until the book's penultimate issue, five years later.
** In more of a "What Happened To Our Dramatic Reveal?" vein, the moment when Excalibur found out the X-Men weren't dead went completely unrecorded, as it became more and more awkward to explain why the X-Men hadn't been in touch with them. Eventually the writers were forced to admit, in the [[Letter Column]], that Excalibur did in fact know, and they'd been in touch via phone.
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]: Kylun, a huge sword-wielding badass raised in an alternate reality, has the mutant power of...perfectly reproducing any given sound. Fortunately, he doesn't really ''need'' a mutant power to kick ass.
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* [[Continuity Lock Out]]: Averted- while it's fun to know what the [[Shout-Out|Shout Outs]] and [[Continuity Nod|Continuity Nods]] mean, you don't need to understand them in order to understand what's going on.
* [[Covers Always Lie]]
* [[Cowboy Bebop Atat His Computer]]: the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, makes an appearance in the first issue. Inevitably, when the newspapers commented on this they got everything wrong, calling him [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1023597/Have-fear-Brown-help-save-world--new-comic-book-Captain-Britain.html SuperGordon] and/or saying he "[http://www.financialexpress.com/news/SuperGordon-to-help-save-world-in-Captain-Britain-fantasy/318214/ leads a counterattack]" against the invading Skrulls. In the comic, although he proves himself to be a competent leader, Gordon Brown does not develop superpowers and start wading into the fight ([[Rule of Cool|although that would be cool]]).
* [[Deal Withwith the Devil]] (Played with: {{spoiler|Pete Wisdom willingly releases a whole bunch of demons in order to get Merlin back so he can resurrect Captain Britain... which becomes a subversion of this trope when some of the demons decide that the rules of magic mandate that they ''offer him a reward''}}.
** The irony, of course, is that Wisdom could easily have just said "No, I Don't Want Anything". The imbalance of input/output would then have exploded the demons, and all that Britain would have to do would be to mop up the remaining Skrulls.
*** Also, the demonic Doctor Plokta is willing to give you what you want... anything you want... in return for your soul. What the characters do about this is up to them. Doctor Plokta dangles Captain Britain's (sorta) dead wife in front of him, offering to bring her back to life in return for his soul. He decides to [[Take a Third Option]].]]
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* [[Prequel]]: [[Paul Cornell]] laid out the groundwork for this series in his ''Wisdom'' miniseries.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: Dracula
* [[Rewarded Asas a Traitor Deserves]]: from the Skrull's perspective, at least- {{spoiler|John the Skrull}}.
* [[Ship Tease]] (the cover of issue 7)
* [[Shout-Out]]: [[Paul Cornell]] does this a lot, too. Two of the biggest [[Shout-Out|Shout Outs]] are John the Skrull (a Skrull pretending to be John Lennon) and [[Peter Pan|Tink]], the fairy princess, but there are loads more.