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''Exit Fate'' is a freeware RPG similar to [[Suikoden]], wherein you can recruit seventy-five playable characters. It also bears some similarity to [[Chrono Cross]]. <ref>[[Shout-Out|You can even unlock the menu sets of these two games.]]</ref>
The story centers on a man named Daniel, a colonel in the Kirgard Army. Kirgard and Zelmony are two nations at war, fights breaking out every 20 years or so. On the eve of the invasion of Helman Island, Daniel blacks out and wakes up in the middle of the woods, only to be branded a traitor.
Seeing no other alternative, he joins the other side in order to try and bring a swift end to the war. He is then put in charge of a special unit to defend Zelmony, whereupon... erm...
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* [[Catch Phrase]]: Almost every character drops one either when talked to, taken into the active party, or losing their army unit. They usually also fit the character's personality very well, especially the message when they join your active party. Some memorable examples:
{{quote|Merrick: "Arg! Damn you!" (which ''of course'' is not the joining message,<ref>which is "I'll show you a thing or two", by the way.</ref>, but his unit losing text.)
[[Nothing Is Scarier|Shin]]: "Hmm."
Naja: "For all my people!"
[[Talking Animal|Kl]][[Cats Are Superior|aus]]: "I'll honor you with my presence."
[[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe|Sef]]: "My heart lies beneath my sword! I shall forfend injustice in this world!"
[[Lady of War|Griever]]: "I go where fate takes me." (unit loss, again)
King: "Arf! Arf!", of course.
[[Joke Character|Royston]]: "Oh? Are we going on a trip?"<ref>He even says this when taken to the final dungeon for the epic, world-influencing showdown. A trip. Oookay. But don't expect a picnic...</ref> }}
* [[Cats Are Superior]]: [[Played for Laughs]] with [[Talking Animal|Klaus von Lichtenheim]].
* [[Chain Pain]]: Outsider wields a chain as his [[Weapon of Choice]].
* [[Character Portrait]]: Anyone who is either recruitable or relevant to the plot has one. This, like [[You All Look Familiar]], leads to a [[Chekhov's Gunman]] effect.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Due to the effects of [[You All Look Familiar]], this is the primary means of determining whether or not a character is plot-important or otherwise worth talking to.
* [[Cherry Tapping]]: Try to finish off a boss with [[Improbable Weapon User|Beau's book of law or Mai's designer purse]]...
* [[Chest Monster]]: For example, in {{spoiler|Deke's mansion}} and in the Vishnu Citadel.
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* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: Daniel is often accused of this. In actuality, it's mostly due to a combination of being framed and [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right|ignoring orders he doesn't like]].
* [[Church Militant]]: Deus and Luther.
* [[Click. "Hello."]]: Done by Clint to {{spoiler|Brunhild}}.
* [[Colonel Badass]]: Daniel starts out as a Colonel, and the badassitude is a natural consequence of being the hero of an RPG. Same applies to Angel. Bruce ''tries'', but...
* [[Compensating for Something]]: Trevor's ridiculous [[BFS]] is mocked by both Daniel and Sick for this reason.
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* [[Cutscene Incompetence]]:
** Fairly early on, a couple of soldiers somehow manage to knock out ''all eight'' people in the party without a fight after Daniel [[Stupidity Is the Only Option|falls into a painfully obvious trap]].
** In some of the later war battles, you'll probably start wishing you could just take your party in and cut a bloody swath through the opposing army without bothering with yours, particularly when you've been fighting the enemy [[Mook|mooks]] enough that you can wipe out six of them before they even get the chance to attack. [[Difficulty Spike|The last battle in particular]].
* [[Cutscene Power to the Max]]: In his [[Heel Face Turn]] cutscene, {{spoiler|Rorschach}} strikes down more than a dozen soldiers from behind, but later, when he becomes playable, he is one of the weaker characters.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: [[Token Evil Teammate|Most of]] the [[Casting a Shadow|Dark-elemental characters]] you can recruit. Shin is definitely ''something'' evil (God knows what) and a few others (like Deke the [[Mad Scientist]]) are questionably moral at best, but most of the rest are perfectly nice people (Francesca is just a goth and Derek is an ordinary guy who just happens to be a skeleton, for instance). Even {{spoiler|Vanrushal, a ''vampire'',}} is decent enough, if rather smug. Played straight with [[Blatant Lies|legitimate importer]] Marcello and, as already mentioned, Shin.
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* [[Dumb Blonde]]: [[Zig Zagged]]. Tiffany, the [[Stripperiffic]] dancing girl, eventually leaves her partner to pursue a career in academics. But after you recruit her, she admits that she found all that studying to be extremely boring. However, she seems to have either learned a lot or have a lot of talent, since she has a very high magic stat that can't come from nowhere. (Though admittedly intelligence and magic power aren't the same in this game)
* [[Eldritch Location]]: The Spiritual Plane. Weird monsters, an [[M. C. Escher]]-esque sky and [[Interface Screw]]...
* [[Elegant Gothic Lolita]]: Francesca... in a [[Medieval Stasis]] setting.
* [[The Emperor]]: {{spoiler|Siegfried, of the Almengan Empire.}}
* [[Enemy Within]]
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** Beau is actually a good spell caster on par with Midian and the others despite starting at level 10 and seeming weak.
** [[Talking Animal]] Klaus is a powerful [[Glass Cannon]] with good MP+ and light-element for healing.
** Whatever [[Stripperiffic]] [[Valley Girl]] Tiffany studied at Faraday University, it helped: Her magical powers can compete with several powerful mages like Mai.
* [[Magnetic Hero]]: Acknowledged. The maximum count of ''75 player characters'' should tell enough.
* [[Marathon Boss]]: All the secret {{spoiler|shadow}} bosses. Even when you've been [[Level Grinding]] so much that you're able to OHKO nearly everything, even the Dracoknights from the last dungeon, and even {{spoiler|the Hand of Fate itself}} wouldn't get more than two turns, you still need about 10 minutes to defeat a bunch of those nasty {{spoiler|Shadow Legionnaire}} random encounters. The bosses themselves need many many turns to get down - it's the worst with {{spoiler|Ljusalf and Yan Angwa}}. All of them have at least one [[Total Party Kill]] attack, and your buffs ''will'' wear out. Fighting them is dominated by buffing, restoring fallen characters and refreshing buffs, and you are likely to run out of most healing spells.
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* [[One-Man Army]]: One war battle is against {{spoiler|the Demon Commandos}}. You have to call in ''your whole army'' to take on {{spoiler|two guys}}, and it still isn't easy.
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: Subverted for laughs.
{{quote|'''Trevor:''' [[Stock Phrase|It's shameful, but we're not done for yet! We can still show them our greatest skill!]]
'''Daniel:''' They still have more?
'''Sick:''' Uh, Trev? What's our greatest skill?
'''Trevor:''' The art of escaping, of course! }}
* [[Only One Name]]: Notable exceptions are Daniel Vinyard, Angel Windsor, Jovian Knight, Charles Ryan, Bast Gunwood, Siegfried Jådengand and Clint Harrison. Just about every other character in known by only one name. The game isn't really consistent about using the first or the last name either, even when it includes a title ([[First-Name Basis|Erin/Captain Erin]], [[Last-Name Basis|Keyser/General Keyser]], ...).
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* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: Despite [[You Fail Logic Forever|what Luther says]], this is not because they play organs.
* [[Out of Focus]]: Many characters who were important in the beginning because they helped Daniel a lot and were practically a [[Nakama]] with him are just pushed into the background later on. For example, {{spoiler|Ayara}} gets a long scene in chapter 6 or 7 where she complains very much about the fact that Daniel doesn't seem to care about her anymore... she seems to be jealous of a whole war that must be ended, due to the [[Bodyguard Crush]] situation. {{spoiler|But the author obviously still cares about her - or he expected the fans to do - and in the end she finds happiness too, if in an unexpected way. Maybe that's an accomodation towards the [[Shipping|shippers]], but all in all, it fits the storyline and is kind of a recompense for the torturing jealousy she had to suffer from before.}} Here it could be [[Justified Trope|justified]], since the army gets bigger and bigger and the conflict spreads over the whole world and Daniel's position becomes more and more important as the story progresses.
* [[Overrated and Underleveled]]: Jasper. He's treated like a powerful fighter, but his stats are subpar.
* [[Pamphlet Shelf]]: Found in the Hall of Memory.
* [[Paranoia Gambit]]: Bast's plan against Keyser {{spoiler|after Mayfall in invaded}}. The logic is that if they do anything that makes sense, then [[Crazy Prepared|Keyser will have taken it into account]], but if they do something that doesn't seem remotely worth the trouble, it'll throw him off and make him start questioning his own decisions.
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* [[Personality Powers]]: Variously averted, subverted, and played straight. Daniel, the [[The Messiah|nice]], [[Reluctant Warrior|pacifistic]] hero is light-elemental, while hotheaded, berserk Joshua is water-elemental. Most characters just seem to have a random element tacked on to them that doesn't have anything to do with their personality at all, though. Elements seem to be a [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|gameplay element]] mostly.
* [[Pirate Girl]]: Sally. Might also be exaggerated, since she's "just" a young girl who owns her own ship. Her grandfather had been a famous [[Pirate]], but she herself isn't an actual one -- just acts like one, complete with an accent.
* [[The Plan]]: Most of Keyser's and Bast's plans are one of these.
* [[Playing Both Sides]]: Variation; {{spoiler|Brunhild framed Daniel in order to pit him against Kirgard. The timing of the war was probably the Empire's fault as well, and they certainly benefited from it.}}
* [[Plot Tumor]]: The {{spoiler|Demon Commandos}} practically have an arc devoted to defeating them, though [[Tropes Are Not Bad]]...
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*** Or the druids' names, which already were those of Havali [[NPC|NPCs]] in ''[[Last Scenario]]''.
*** There is a menu set called "Hilbert Set" that makes the interface look very similar to Last Scenario's.
** Hmm...a dog named [[EarthboundEarthBound|King]].
** So, this guy is named Shiro... And he uses the... [[Shirow Masamune|Masa]][[Final Fantasy|mune]].
** Also, there is a character called [[Final Fantasy|Cid]], who happens to be a [[Spoony Bard|spoony]] [[Final Fantasy IV|bard]].
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* [[Wutai]]: Despite being a pseudo-European fantasy world, Mayfall, Blackwater Port, and Amen Corner all have distinctly Asian architecture. Not to mention the NINJA VILLAGE. The presence of Shiro (a Kimono-wearing Samurai) and Merrick, (an [[Eagle Land]]-style military commander) in the same state does not help things. (Not just the same state, but adjacent cities.)
* [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe]]: Sef.
* [[You All Look Familiar]]: Played straight with all the normal, unnamed citizens and soldiers in the game, and averted with all the recruitable characters and most of the plot-important ones.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]:
** The final boss says these ''exact'' words to Daniel right before you fight them.
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