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* '''An Ancient Accent.''' Alice speaks or writes English from thofe dayf before movable type had given uf the letter 's'.
If a work has a character who falls into one of the immortality tropes you can be 99% certain that, at some point, their age is going to come up in conversation or otherwise be brought to the attention of the audience in (at least) one of those ways or a variation thereon.
[[Exposition of Immortality]] is '''not''' the same as [[Time Travel]]. Characters who end up with memories of past times or encounters with historical figures solely due to temporal tourism did not live through that period of history, and thus, aren't demonstrating their extreme longevity at all. Such characters may, however, be encountered by people who know them in the future via [[Time Travel]]. [[Exposition of Immortality]] ''only'' applies to characters who're unusually long-lived or actually immortal. Naturally old characters reminiscing does not invoke this trope.
Closely related to [[Really 700 Years Old]], [[Time Abyss]] and [[Older Than They Look]]. Often involves [[Dreaming of Times Gone By]], [[The Time of Myths]] and settings with a [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]].
[[Exposition of Immortality]] will often lead to two sub-tropes being invoked: Exposure Of Immortality and Evidence Of Immortality.
* Exposure Of Immortality: When a character in a work is immortal they are often either perceived to be normal or actively trying to be perceived as such. Sometimes, they'll need to out themselves to the world at large in order to prove the existence of the supernatural to doubters and deal with a greater threat. Sometimes, they just want to prove it. And sometimes, they're exposed by others deliberately; either to reveal their True Nature and bring about their downfall or during the course of a mundane investigation that uncovers their secret.
{{quote|Exposure Of Immortality: When an immortal is outed by themselves or other parties.}}
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Code Geass]]'': C.C. states that she knew [[Benjamin Franklin]]. The date in the show is in an alternate New Tens.
* ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'': [[Really 700 Years Old|Resident immortal Evangeline]] recalls Negis Father and a couple of things outside that range (including recalling her past with exact details).
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* In ''[[ClanDestine]]'', a group of villains figure out that Adam Destine is immortal based on finding portraits of him, all at the same apparent age, spanning several hundred years.
* ''[[Fables]]'': Tommy Sharp plans to do this to the Fables living in Fabletown. He's been gathering evidence of their inhuman nature; following Bigby and photographing him shapeshifting, but also checking back on the title deeds of the land and buildings in Fabletown - all owned by members of the Fable community since old New York was New Amsterdam and early photos of them dating back into the 19th Century which show that none of them have aged.
* ''[[Preacher (Comic Book)]]'': {{spoiler|Proinsias}} Cassidy. He's a vampire and was made one during the Easter Rising in Dublin 1916, which makes him 80+ during the series' run. He tells Jesse all about how he was turned and how he came to America and all the friends he's left behind and lost to old age through the years during a long conversation on top of the Empire State Building. [[Unreliable Narrator|Turns out he missed a few details, though.]]
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** Major ''League'' character [[King Solomon's Mines|Allan Quatermain]] keeps coming back to life anyway, even without the benefits of the Fountain of Youth he receives in the comics. Much as with Orlando, it's through his conversations with Mina that we connect the youthful Allan Junior with the allegedly deceased elder Quatermain.
* ''[[Lucifer]]:'' During opening arc ''The Morningstar Option,'' Lucifer returns to Hell for a conversation with Remiel in which he reminisces about the time before The Fall and before the creation of Man.
* ''[[The Sandman]]'''s Hob Gadling. Hob lives forever, thanks to the whim of Dream. He meets up with Morpheus every 100 years, allowing for several instances Such Memories in their conversations with each other; the changing times get a visual reference in the differing costumes and backgrounds shown; ranging from the Tudor tavern they first meet in to the glass and chrome, trendy wine bar they're shown in at the end of ''Men Of Good Fortune.''
** Orpheus remembering his wedding, his dismemberment by the Maenads, and the arc involving Johanna Constantine retrieving his severed head from Revolutionary France.
** Thessaly. Her "name" is actually a pseudonym, taken from the region near [[Ancient Greece]] she used to live in when she was young. She gets referred to as "the Thessalian" by several of the supernatural characters.
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== [[Literature]] ==
* [[Iain Banks]]' [[The Culture]] novels have a number of entities that need some exposition of their long, long lives. Most of the Minds are effectively immortal and many of them have been around for hundreds and occasionally thousands of years.
** ''[[The Culture/The Player of Games|The Culture]]'': Chamlis Amalk-Ney, the aging drone who's one of Gurgeh's close friends on Chiark Orbital, is at least four thousand years old by it's own admission (no one is impolite enough to look up it's construction date to find out if it's really ''older''). In between the drone's much larger body than a more modern drone, like the [[Comedic Sociopathy|warped and snarky]] Mawhrin-Skel, and those two sniping insults at each other about their respective ages, there's also Gurgeh's own musing about the age of Chamlis and how long the drone's been living on Chiark.
* ''[[Discworld]]'': Many of the golems evoke this trope via their ancient scripts and long memories. Anghammarad is a particularly extreme example, on account of being at least 20,000 years old and remembering states and languages that no living creature on the Disc does.
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* [[David Gemmell]]'s ''Dark Prince'', one of the Sipstrassi novels, has an epilogue in which the [[Ancient Greece|Greek]] philosopher Aristotle is strongly implied to also be Leonardo da Vinci; maintaining his long life with the use of [[Green Rocks|Sipstrassi]]. The time is given as "unknown," but when {{spoiler|Parmenion}} asks about what happened to Alexander, we're told he died seventeen hundred years ago.
* The Howards in [[Robert Heinlein]]'s ''Future History'' series, particularly Lazarus Long, are usually too careful to accidentally reveal their true ages. Though a third of ''[[Time Enough for Love]]'' is Lazarus recollecting things that happened over his 2300 year life (most of it things that haven't happened yet, considering he was born in 1912).
* ''[[Last Legionary]]'': In ''Galactic Warlord'', Talis patiently explains to Kiell that the alien Glr is not an "it" but a she, and that the Ehrlil are very long-lived, the scientist who first encountered her was his father. Flr herself chips in that she's four hundred, and still considered a wayward youth by her people.
* [[H.P. Lovecraft]]'s ''The Strange Case of Charles Dexter Ward'' has characters who speak with a distinctly 17th century cant and write their Latin in the mode of the 9th century A.D.
* [[John Masefield]]'s [[The Box of Delights]] had Ramon Lully, aka Cole Hawlings, 14th century philosopher posing as a 1930s children's entertainer. His reveal comes courtesy of the [[Big Bad]], Abner Brown, who's been in pursuit of him for some time and shows his henchmen a book with pictures of Lully when he was alive which look remarkably like Hawlings.
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* ''[[Babylon 5]]'' has Kosh and Lorien, both of whom have invoked the ''"I was old when the world was young"'' line. Sebastian, the Vorlon Inquisitor invokes the Such Memories subtype when reminiscing about his past life as [[Jack the Ripper]].
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' being a TV show about vampires, demons and other supernaturals has several instances of a character getting to show off their long history. Angel, Spike and Dru (among others) all get to reminisce about the past and it gets shown to the audience in several [[Flash Back]] sequences.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'' uses this on several occasions. Fourth Doctor serial ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S16 E3/E03 The Stones of Blood|The Stones of Blood]]'' is a case of Incriminating Evidence in the form of a set of portraits showing the villain over several centuries.
** [[Doctor Who/Recap/S13 E5/E05 The Brain of Morbius|The Brain Of Morbius]] contains a sequence in which the three previous incarnations of the Doctor are shown, and [[Canon Discontinuity|eight additional faces beyond that]]. Morbius asks ''"How far back Doctor, how long have you lived?"'' - even by Time Lord standards, it seems The Doctor has been around for a while.
* ''[[The Event]]'': The extraterrestrials look just like humans, but live much longer and age slowly. Photos of these characters taken decades ago, but still looking just the way they do now, are often the only clue the human characters get that reveal the true nature of friends and family members they thought they knew very well.
* ''[[Forever Knight]]'' has several types. Nick has Incriminating Evidence photos, mementos like Joan of Arc's cross and plenty of memories he likes to share, usually [[Once an Episode]].
* ''[[Lexx]]'': His Divine Shadow's Divine Predecessors have attained a [[Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri|clinical immortality]] by being a [[Brain In a Jar]]. The first episode of the run of TV movies, "I Worship His Shadow," has one the Predecessors sharing his memories of the destruction of the Brunnen-G two thousand and eight years before.
* ''[[Lost]]'': The character Richard never ages, which we first see in a flashback when Ben meets him as a child and Richard looks exactly the same. Through time travel and more flashbacks, we see Richard in various eras, still looking exactly the same as he does in the present.
* In an episode of the newer ''[[Outer Limits]]'', a character proves she's immortal by having her father-in-law-to-be look up a photograph of a portrait of the wife of Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816), who she is.
* ''[[Sabrina the Teenage Witch]]'': Hilda and Zelda mention that they had all the money because they kept a lot of common items over time and sold them when they found they'd become valuable antiques.
* ''[[Sanctuary]]'': Between the revelations and remembrances about times she worked for the French Resistance, sailed on the ''Titanic'' and had sex with the man who became [[Jack the Ripper]], ''Sanctuary'' wants you to know Helen Magnus has lived through her 159+ years on this Earth.
* "Dr. Curtis Knox" in ''[[Smallville]]'' is never implicitly referred to as Vandal Savage, but that's pretty much who he is. A Civil-War era photo of a bearded Knox which Lex shows Clark confirms he's immortal, or at least older than he looks. He also tells Chloe that he was once Jack the Ripper himself.
* ''[[Star Trek]]''
** In the ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series|Star Trek the Original Series]]'' episode "Requiem for Methuselah", Mr. Spock finds a waltz by Johannes Brahms written in original manuscript in Brahms' own hand inside Flint's home, but it is totally unknown. Likewise Flint has a collection of Leonardo da Vinci masterpieces that have been recently painted on contemporary canvas with contemporary materials. Flint later admits that he ''was'' Brahms and da Vinci.
** In "Time's Arrow", a two-part episode of ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'', the ''Enterprise'' crew runs into Guinan, the El-Aurian bartender on their ship, while on a [[Time Travel]] trip to the 19th century. She's shown talking with [[Mark Twain]] and Jack London; but when Data approaches her, believing that she too, has traveled through time, she doesn't know him or the rest of the crew.
** In an episode of ''[[Star Trek: Voyager|Star Trek Voyager]]'', a member of the Q-continuum shows us a picture of him and an ancestor of Will Riker from the time of the [[American Civil War]].
* In the ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' episode "Something Wicked", Sam discovers the identity of the witch they are looking for, because he finds a news article with a picture of the witch as a doctor back in the 1890's.
* ''[[Torchwood]]'''s Captain Jack Harkness shows his age every way possible. There's his Army greatcoat, his Webley revolver, a [[Photo Montage]] of him through the ages in one episode, him remembering meeting fairies in 1909 and being the British contact for the 456. Not being a native of the 19th century, he speaks normally, though.
* ''[[True Blood]]'' has done this a few times. Bill gets given a Civil War era photo of himself, Russell and Talbot have centuries old paintings and tapestries decorating their home, Russell has his collection of trinkets and trophies from down the ages and Maryann not only has her ancient statue but speaks Ancient Greek.
* In the original [[Twilight Zone]] episode ''Long Live Walter Jameson'' the titular character is a history prof. who knows his stuff, who has a retiring colleague who comments on his appearance, and who is seen in a Civil War picture.
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== [[Radio]] ==
* Sebastian Baczkiewicz' drama serial ''Pilgrim'' for [[The BBC|BBC Radio 4]] features the 900-year old William Palmer, cursed to live forever by a Lord of Faery. Most of the exposition of Palmer's age comes from his memories and conversations with other supernaturals.
== [[Tabletop Game]] ==
* ''[[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]]'' 1990s campaign ''Utati Asfet: The Eye Of Wicked Sight'' featured a [[Big Bad]] who dated back to the Egyptian Empire. The players have an opportunity to uncover this at one point via a set of diaries, documents and paintings.
* In the ''[[Ravenloft]]'' setting, Dr. Van Richten realized that the fiend Drigor had been manipulating a particular family for generations when he looked at the family journals, and realized their writing styles hadn't changed for the past two hundred years.
* ''[[Shadowrun]]''. Some of the elves in the game are immortal and have lived thousands of years, but this is not generally known. Several supplements provided evidence of their great age.
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* ''[[Fallout 1]]'': Harold, a ghoul-esque mutant you can meet in The Hub, was five years old when the Great War began, and emerged from Vault 29 in 2090. The Vault Dweller encounters him in Oldtown in 2162. He'll tell you a little about his life in Vault 29 and what he remembers of the beginning of the war if you ask.
* ''[[Fallout 2]]'': Harold can be encountered once again by the Chosen One. Along with much of the ghoul population of Necropolis, he's settled in an abandoned nuclear power plant and formed a small town named Gecko. FO 2 is set a further 80 years after 1, making Harold 189 when the Chosen One meets him.
* ''[[Fallout 3]]'': Many of the ghouls you can encounter in Underworld lived through the war and can tell what, frequently little, they can remember of the time before. Carol, the ghoul running the bar and eatery there was born in 2051, twenty-six years prior to the Great War.
** Some of his dialogue and unused security logs in the terminals imply that Fawkes was alive during the initial FEV experiments conducted in Vault 87 prior to the war.
** Harold makes his third and final appearance (to date) in Fallout 3. A further fifteen years down the line from the last time a player could meet him in FO 2, Harold's most distinguishing feature, a tree growing out his head has now mostly consumed his body; making him into a face growing out of a tree.
* ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'': Mr. House, once you finally get to meet him, reveals himself to be quite a bit older than you might have been expecting. He's got quite the collection of pre-war artifacts, and he's more than happy to pay you to increase them, too. {{spoiler|He's also reduced to living in a life support system and communicating entirely through electronic screens and his robot minions, but given that he was born 260 years ago, that's not bad going.}}
* Sovereign, Harbinger and the other Reapers of the [[Mass Effect]] series make a lot of noise about how they were here ''long'' before humans and that they'll be here ''long'' after they've devoured them all.