Fairly English Story: Difference between revisions

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* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]] - Minato's sense of priorities aren't always the same as everyone else's.
* [[Acquired Situational Narcissism]] - Minato does a lot of awesome things. This often inflates his ego. Now he's much more humble, but still points out that he is awesome on several occasions.
* [[Arc Words]] - First it's "Price on your honesty", then "[[Doctor Who (TV)|Fire and Ice and Rage]]".
* [[Ascended Extra]] - The Reaper is turned into an actual character. Yeah.
** {{spoiler|Adachi}} starts off as just a nice little cameo. By the end of the story, he has become part of a huge cast of supporting characters, while {{spoiler|the sequel has him joining the main cast proper.}}
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* [[Crazy Enough to Work]] {{spoiler|- Minato discusses a plan with an enemy over the police radio, then says that only a fool would attempt it. He then tells said enemy to ask Adachi just what kind of [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Fool]] Minato is.}}
* [[Crossover]] - [[Persona (Video Game)|Persona]], [[Persona 2|Eternal Punishment, Innocent Sin,]] [[Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne]], [[Shin Megami Tensei II]], [[Devil Survivor (Video Game)|Devil Survivor]], [[Shin Megami Tensei If]], [[Shin Megami Tensei (Franchise)|Shin Megami Tensei]], [[Persona 4]], [[Devil May Cry]]. Turns out that last one actually does count as SMT.
* [[Conveniently -Timed Attack From Behind]] - {{spoiler|Attacker was a [[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
** Akihiko did it for Minato too, at one point.
* [[Colour-Coded for Your Convenience]] - [[Bottomless Magazines|Devil Rounds]].
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{{quote| "Will you say [[Candle Jack]]?" {{spoiler|{{smallcaps| ''Very well; [[Candle Jack]], happy?''}} }}}}
* {{color|white| [[Candle Jack|Hello.]]}}
* [[False -Flag Operation]] - {{spoiler|[[Framing the Guilty Party|Minato does this to shift the blame of destroying an old military warehouse to Strega by taking his shirt off, covering himself in demonic tattoos, putting on a hood and running aware from the scene of the crime with a gun.]]}} [[Magnificent Bastard|He thought this up seconds after the fight ended.]]
* [[Fan Nickname]] - Minato gives these out to people. Extra points go to {{spoiler|"Kenjamin"}} for the [[Bilingual Bonus]].
* [[Fangs Are Evil]] - Or at least a sign of demonic power.
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* [[Headphones Equal Isolation]] - Minato listens to less and less music as he gets more responsible. He plugs in the headphones only when he's running from these responsibilities.
* [[Help Yourself in The Past]] - He gets a skill that lets him do this, and it's powered by Awesome.
* [[Heroic BSOD]] - {{spoiler|Happens briefly but then he gets punched in the face and gets over it. [[Angst? What Angst?]]?}}
* [[Heroic RROD]] - Valhalla {{spoiler|which, in game, gives him invincibility for one turn before shunting his HP down to 1. Much the same happens when he uses it.}}
* [[Heroic Resolve]] - Minato, but others would too if he gave them a chance.
* [[Heroic Sociopath]] - Minato. [[Doctor Who (TV)|Fire and Ice and Rage, indeed.]]
* [[He's Back]] - Several times. Now he's back to stay.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - While watching [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]], the characters note that Simon's voice [[Yuri Lowenthal|sounds a lot like]] Minato.
* [[High Altitude Battle]] - {{spoiler|Minato and Dante on a suicide mission to destroy an [[Airborne Aircraft Carrier]] full of enemies.}}
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]] - If Minato offers you a gun the size of a small child to shoot him in the back with, [[Backstab Backfire|Don't Do It!]]
** In addition, most, if not all, of Minato's problems are caused by his actions, so this trope also applies to him. ''[[It Got Worse|A freaking lot!]]''
* [[Hope Spot]]
* [[Hot -Blooded]] - Surprisingly, Minato
* [[How Do I Shot Web?]] - {{spoiler|Minato never figures out how to use the Hollow Arcana until just before he loses it.}}
* [[How Much More Can He Take?]] - Minato Vs {{spoiler|Margaret}}, Nyx.
* [[Ho Yay]] - To the extent where Minato considers whether he's Homophobic or just plain tired of it.
* [[Humans Are Bastards]] - Yet, Minato likes them.
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* [[Knife Nut]] - Minato has rules to stop himself from overusing them.
* [[Knight of Cerebus]] - Ikutsuki. {{color|white| In more ways than one.}}
* [[Large Ham]] - One of Minato's back-up plans to defeat Nyx is to [[Hot -Blooded|shout as hard as he can]].
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]] - Minato gets this often in the first half of the story.
* [[Lampshade Hanging]] - Minato often gets irritated at the spooky voices in his head reminding him that he's farming friends for demonic powers at the most inappropriate times.
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* [[Narnia Time]] - Time in the Velvet Room passes either hyper-fast or not at all. A more prominent example, however, would be the passage of time in the demon world
* [[Never Bring a Knife To A Fist Fight]] - One of the first things we learn from this Minato's backstory.
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]] - This story loves this trope. Minato gives them, Minato gets them, we assume other people do too, but whenever Minato sees a fight he likes to join in.
** {{spoiler|Minato gave a truly gut-wrenching one chapter 88, and his opponent was still winning the fight.}}
* [[Not So Different]] - Minato's conversations with Arcana Shadows often go this way.
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* [[Red Armband of Leadership]] - Lampshaded in {{spoiler|The battle for Arisojack.}}
* [[Refuge in Audacity]] - Main character's a [[God Mode Sue]]? That's fine, make everything else God Mode Sues too.
* [[Remember When You Blew Up a Sun?]] - ''All the time''.
* [[Religion of Evil]] - The Nyxists.
* [[The Rest Shall Pass]] - Instead of the Shadows splitting up, Minato has to fight the Fortune Shadow alone while everyone else takes on Strength. {{spoiler|Aigis finishes it.}}
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* [[Sarcastic Devotee]] - Pharos.
* [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]] - One set of Shadows sent Minato back in time a week. He trained in Tartarus then jumped the Shadows ''just after'' they sent his past-self back.
* [[Shout -Out]] - So many it rivals [[Shinji and Warhammer 40 K (Fanfic)|Shinji and Warhammer 40 K]]
** That's been shouted out too.
** [[Death Note (Manga)|Minato's thinking posture?]]
** [[Doctor Who (TV)|Minato's ''other'' thinking posture?]]
** [[Took a Level In Badass|Remember the Hermit? That thing stuck to the sound system who used that electric attack]] [[Fake Ultimate Mook|that was an absolute pushover to beat?]] [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|It's the Chouginga Gurren Lagann.]]
* [[Shonen Upgrade]] - Turning him into a [[Badass Abnormal]]. {{color|white| He loses them though. Then gets them back and uses then properly.}}
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* [[The Stoic]] - Justified exceptionally well. {{spoiler|Brain damage from the car crash that killed his parents also killed the lobes that link emotion to facial expressions. He has to force every scowl, every laugh, every smile. He's learnt to be good at it.}}
** [[Not So Stoic]] - Subverted. {{spoiler|The more Stoic Minato looks, the less Stoic he's feeling.}}
* [[Story -Breaker Power]] - By the end, everyone. Even the ''Mooks'' are Story Breakers, so it evens out.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] - Minato's is still Minato. And yes, it is that damn scary.
* [[Super Mode]]
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* [[Taking the Bullet]] {{color|white| - Akihiko for Shinji}}
* [[Tank Goodness]] - {{spoiler|Chapter 94. It does not look good.}}
* [[Time Travel]] - Remember the [[Doctor Who (TV)|Stone Angels]]?
** Breakbeat?
* [[Tragic Monster]] {{spoiler|- Hermit}}
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* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]] - Aigis. {{color|white| Minatos.}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]] - More or less Minato's modus operandi. ''FOR EVERYTHING.''
* [[Wham! Episode]] - Arguably hurt more than the original game's.
** Chapter 103. That is all.
* [[Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?]] - Scrolls? Quasi-dimensional armoury? {{spoiler|Personal munitions factory in the kingdom of demons that he rules?}}