Fairly English Story: Difference between revisions

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m (Dai-Guard moved page Fairly English Story (Fanfic) to Fairly English Story: Remove TVT Namespaces from title)
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* [[Casual Danger Dialogue]]
* [[Chekhov's Armory]] - Subverted. The author takes the tiniest things and creates whole plotlines with them, so readers start looking for [[Lost]] level patterns. In reality, the author's really just playing [[Xanatos Speed Chess]].
* [[Chess Withwith Death]] - You Just Lost The Game.
** Minato's also got a contest going on with the Reaper too.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]] - Minato. [[Military Brat|Makes sense]] [[Brits With Battleships|when we meet the uncle who raised him.]]
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** [[Can't Bathe Without a Weapon]] - Don't ask where he was keeping that spare Evoker. Just… don't.
* [[Crazy Enough to Work]] {{spoiler|- Minato discusses a plan with an enemy over the police radio, then says that only a fool would attempt it. He then tells said enemy to ask Adachi just what kind of [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Fool]] Minato is.}}
* [[Crossover]] - [[Persona (Videovideo Gamegame)|Persona]], [[Persona 2|Eternal Punishment, Innocent Sin,]] [[Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne]], [[Shin Megami Tensei II]], [[Devil Survivor (Video Game)|Devil Survivor]], [[Shin Megami Tensei If]], [[Shin Megami Tensei (Franchise)|Shin Megami Tensei]], [[Persona 4]], [[Devil May Cry]]. Turns out that last one actually does count as SMT.
* [[Conveniently-Timed Attack From Behind]] - {{spoiler|Attacker was a [[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
** Akihiko did it for Minato too, at one point.
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** [[Tear Jerker|The Prequel. Just... The Prequel.]]
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: The author himself admits mainly getting his information off the Megami Tensei Wiki; though there are some errors that would have been avoidable.
** Case in point, his Tatsuya Suou has aparently killed Philemon. Who invokes [[As Long Asas There Is Evil|As Long As There Is Good]].
** Similarly, Tatsuya describes the Wild Card as an 'impossible' power (or, for reference's sake, an Innocent Sin), which begets an Eternal Punishment. As the respective title's pages explain, the titles refer to Tatsuya himself, not his Wild Card.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|Did Cthuhlhu Just Punch You Out?]]
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* [[Divine Parentage]] - {{spoiler|Ryoji got a girl pregnant.}}
* [[Don't Look At Me]] {{color|white| - Rio's Shadow}}
* [[Drunk Withwith Power]] - Both played straight and literally.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]
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* [[Flat What]] - A ''lot''.
* [[Foreshadowing]] - Whenever Minato maxes a Social Link, this happens.
* [[Fun Withwith Acronyms]] - The sequel is named "'''F'''or '''E'''very '''S'''oul".
** Then there's '''F'''airly '''E'''nglish '''S'''tory.
** And now '''F'''ace '''E'''very '''S'''hadow.
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* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - While watching [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]], the characters note that Simon's voice [[Yuri Lowenthal|sounds a lot like]] Minato.
* [[High Altitude Battle]] - {{spoiler|Minato and Dante on a suicide mission to destroy an [[Airborne Aircraft Carrier]] full of enemies.}}
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]] - If Minato offers you a gun the size of a small child to shoot him in the back with, [[Backstab Backfire|Don't Do It!]]
** In addition, most, if not all, of Minato's problems are caused by his actions, so this trope also applies to him. ''[[It Got Worse|A freaking lot!]]''
* [[Hope Spot]]
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* [[Katanas Are Just Better]] - Averted in an epic [[Oh Crap]] moment.
* [[Kill Steal]] - Happens in Tartarus many times.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]] - Usually works.
* [[Kill It Withwith Ice]]
* [[Kill It Withwith Water]]
* [[Kinda Busy Here]]
* [[Knife Nut]] - Minato has rules to stop himself from overusing them.
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* [[Level Grinding]] - They call it "Training".
* [[Life or Limb Decision]] - Minato often has to do this. He usually winds up picking the other guy's limb.
* [[Line in Thethe Sand]] - Done after the November Full Moon.
** Not quite what the trope means, but the following quote was just too good to pass up on.
{{quote| '''Minato in Chapter 59''': "This is the line in the sand... To cross this line is to cross me. And to cross me is to end."}}
** {{spoiler|Said to the protagonist of [[Shin Megami Tensei (Franchise)|Shin Megami Tensei]] and Kerberos.}}
* [[Last Second Chance]] - If his enemy is human, he will usually give them a couple of warnings to back down before slaughtering them. [[Complete Monster|Usually.]]
* [[Ley Line]] - Suggested as a reason for why Japan gets all the Persona problems.
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* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]] - Kenjamin, but then he grows to like it.
* [[Narnia Time]] - Time in the Velvet Room passes either hyper-fast or not at all. A more prominent example, however, would be the passage of time in the demon world
* [[Never Bring a Knife Toto A Fist Fight]] - One of the first things we learn from this Minato's backstory.
* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] - This story loves this trope. Minato gives them, Minato gets them, we assume other people do too, but whenever Minato sees a fight he likes to join in.
** {{spoiler|Minato gave a truly gut-wrenching one chapter 88, and his opponent was still winning the fight.}}
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* [[Shout-Out]] - So many it rivals [[Shinji and Warhammer 40 K (Fanfic)|Shinji and Warhammer 40 K]]
** That's been shouted out too.
** [[Death Note (Manga)|Minato's thinking posture?]]
** [[Doctor Who|Minato's ''other'' thinking posture?]]
** [[Took a Level In Badass|Remember the Hermit? That thing stuck to the sound system who used that electric attack]] [[Fake Ultimate Mook|that was an absolute pushover to beat?]] [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|It's the Chouginga Gurren Lagann.]]
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* [[Showy Invincible Hero]] - Admittedly, he is very powered, but he never gets hit by Hama or Mudo, and the closest thing he's had to a loss is a tie, running away, or picking up an a fatal mistake his opponent made and ripping it to pieces in panic.
** Averted. The difficulty catches up with him towards the end.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]] - Minato's last name is Arisato, but the author didn't know that at first. Whoops. He even lampshades it later, but decides to stick with it.
* [[Sphere of Destruction]] - How else do you {{spoiler|someone who keeps bursting out of her corpse alive and well every time you brutally slaughter her?}}
* [[Smith Will Suffice]]
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* [[Vigilante Man]] - I'm sure you can guess by now.
* [[Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?|Wanna Do Something Bang Out Of Order?]] - You will quickly learn to love this phrase and what it causes whenever uttered.
* [[Wanton Cruelty to Thethe Common Comma]] - Apostrophes, rather.
* [[The War Sequence]] - Suprisingly, {{spoiler|way, waaaay before the actual war chapter.}} First time was when S.E.E.S. had to force their way through a [[Zerg Rush|train cart full of Shadows which were packed in there like sardines.]]
* [[Weak but Skilled]] - {{spoiler|Adachi. Despite having Personae that are half as strong as Minato's, he ''still'' manages to hand him his ass through over half of the battle.}}