Fallen States of America: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.FallenStatesOfAmerica 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.FallenStatesOfAmerica, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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In a worst case scenario, it is even possible for the nation to cease to exist as we know it, either being swept into anarchy, broken up into new nation states, the area as a whole being replaced by a new power. If the term "The Former United States" is said, this most likely happened.
Expect to see major cities from coast to coast become [[Wretched Hive|massive slums]], with the poor and homeless roaming the streets, sometimes with the tarnished remains of [[Product Placement|familiar]] or [[Bland -Name Product|similar]] staple American businesses. What remains of the wealthy will be living in [[Urban Segregation|fortified enclaves,]] separated from the common rabble, and the middle class will become all but extinct. Shanty towns become a common sight, and the only form of "reliable" rule is from organized criminal organizations who will jump on the opportunity to take advantage of the desperate situation or [[Mega Corp|large corporations]] who can now operate above the law thanks to a weakened, corrupt, and/or apathetic government.
What is left of the government (if one even still exists) will be immensely ineffective and corrupt, with greasy politicians trying to hold onto power, or gain power by proposing solutions to regain the nation's once former glory and by claiming that [[Herbert Hoover|prosperity is right around the corner,]] or by arrogantly still believing (or trying to fool the populace) that the nation is still strong, despite obvious evidence to the contrary.
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<!-- %% '''To prevent flame wars, limit RealLife examples to historical situations that most historians agree was a low point in American history, [[RuleofCautiousEditingJudgment this is not a place to showcase your dislike of certain cultural beliefs, recent politicians, political parties or political policies.]]''' -->
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* This is basically the state of the UCAS (United Canadian and American States) in ''[[Shadowrun]]''. It's a standard [[Cyberpunk]] dystopia, with much of the original U.S. lost to the Native American nations, extensive [[Mega Corp]] influence, and so on.
* This is the end result of the ''OGRE'' universe, though to be fair, {{spoiler|the entire rest of the world goes first.}}
* The 80s action-inspired free game ''[http://livresdelours.blogspot.com/p/in-english.html The Hard Way]'' features an America much like the one from ''[[Escape From New York]]'', with MICOM<ref>'''M'''ilitary-'''I'''ndustrial '''COM'''plex</ref> and the Yuppies controlling everything, Manhattan being turned into a state penitentiary, political dissent being considered treason under the "[[Does This Remind You of Anything?|Freedom Act]]," HOMSEC goons blackbagging people at night and sending them to FEMA camps, Chinese-Americans being interned because of the current war against China, survivalists, death cults and racial supremacists thriving outside the big cities; and everyone with slave wages, potato chips and TV sets -- basically a corporate-fascist America nightmare. All this in the backdrop of a three-way conflict between the US, the Chinese and the Soviet Union for the last remaining natural resources, with the [[Crapsack World|rest of the world not being much better than America]].
* ''GURPS'' has a time-travel supplement that describes an alternate timeline where Germany has won World War 2 and made the U.S. a police state under it's influence after annihilating a few cities to show the who's boss.
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