Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Dreaded]]: {{spoiler|After she comes [[Back From the Dead]], the Zebra Remnant refer to her as 'Maiden of the Stars', a title they previously reserved for Nightmare Moon.}}
* [[Dreadful Musician]]: Surprisingly averted. Her music with Octavia's contrabass is rough around the edges, but is apparently quite pleasant. {{spoiler|Octavia's soul [[Soul Jar|may be helping.]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]: Attempts suicide twice after she's forced to gas Stable 99. In the first case, she attempts to stay behind as the stable floods with chlorine. [[Deal Withwith the Devil|The Goddess catches on and has Lacunae teleport her out.]] In the second, she [[Averted Trope|fails to shoot herself]] because she forgot to turn off her gun's safety.}}
* [[Drunken Master]]
* {{spoiler|[[Eat Dirt Cheap]]: Following her augmentation, BJ is able - and required - to eat scrap metal and gems to maintain her cybernetics.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]:}} [[Subverted]] in Chapter 22. {{spoiler|Her friends ''think'' it's a heroic sacrifice, when it's actually [[Driven to Suicide|more of a suicide attempt.]]}}
* [[Heroic Self-Deprecation]]
* [[Hero Worshipper]]: To [[Fallout Equestria (Fanfic)|the Stable Dweller]].
* [[Hurting Hero]]
* [[Idiot Hero]]: BJ often misses things that other characters catch on to quickly, asks more verbose characters to explain things in simple terms, and berates herself for lacking intelligence.
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* [[Sanity Slippage]]: Has moments of this, particularly when the stress, guilt, chem abuse, {{spoiler|brain damage and taint contamination}} start piling up on her. She suffers recurring hallucinations and nightmares involving a stallion she calls the Dealer, due to his association with cryptic playing card-related metaphors, and in one case threatens him only to find that she's actually pointing her gun at Glory's head.
** At least, Blackjack [[Fallout Equestria Project Horizons (Fanfic)/WMG|assumes he's a hallucination...]]
** Blackjack {{spoiler|[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E25 Party of One|has a tea party with the ministry mare figurines]]}} in Chapter 41.
* [[Scars Are Forever]]
** [[Covered in Scars]]
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* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: Unintentionally. Blackjack's emotional instability often ends up influencing her narration of events.
* [[Walking Disaster Area]]
* [[Warrior Poet]]: Sort of. Blackjack has a tendency to break out in crude, often violent songs, including renditions of certain numbers from ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]''. However, she quickly takes to a musical instrument and the narration of her [[Tranquil Fury]] in Chapter 22 is interspersed with an adapted version of [[William Blake]]'s ''The Tyger''.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Though she uses various weapons [[Combat Pragmatist|when nothing else is available]], BJ prefers to use a [[Shotguns Are Just Better|combat shotgun]].
** While she prefers shotguns for most of the story, she tends to [[Throw-Away Guns|ruin them within days, or even hours]]. In recent chapters she mainly carries a [[Hand Cannon|12.7mm pistol and a pair of .45-70 revolvers]].
** She also tends to carry an [[Absurdly Sharp Blade]]. First a [[Bad Withwith the Bone|dragon claw]], then a {{spoiler|[[Katanas Are Just Better|starmetal katana]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[We Can Rebuild Him|We Can Rebuild Her]]}}
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* [[Foil]]: To Blackjack.
* {{spoiler|[[Functional Addict]]: A lifelong Med-X addict. [[Despair Event Horizon|At least until he steals the Med-X slated for Scotch Tape's lung transplant and damages her stasis pod in the process, nearly leading to her death.]]}}
* [[Hates Being Touched]]: [[Rape Asas Backstory|Justified.]]
* [[Sociopathic Hero]]: At times. Occasionally lapses into [[Comedic Sociopathy]], such as when Rampage complains that she's getting caught in his grenade blasts.
{{quote| P-21 laughed as he popped open Persuasion and loaded a new grenade. [[Immortal Life Is Cheap|“Oh, this is very therapeutic.”]]}}
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* [[Master of Unlocking]]: P-21 is the only member of the party with significant lockpicking or computer skills.
* [[The Quiet One]]
* [[Rape Asas Backstory]]: [[Crapsack World|As standard for a Stable 99 buck.]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Blue to Blackjack's red, red to Glory's blue.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father|Scotch Tape, I Am Your Father]]
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** [[Subverted|She gradually becomes a much stronger, more confident character]] despite ([[Iron Woobie|or perhaps due to]]) her various traumas.
* {{spoiler|[[Broken Angel]]: After Enervation damage claims her wing.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Averted]] when an encounter with Killing Joke transforms her into a [[Cursed Withwith Awesome|Rainbow Dash]] [[Expy]]. Of course, this comes with several [[Loss of Identity|problems]] [[Hero Withwith Bad Publicity|of its]] [[The Mind Is a Plaything of Thethe Body|own]].}}
* [[The Chick]]
* [[Combat Medic]]: Once the Chapters get into the 20's, Glory develops the confidence to provide aerial fire support.
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* [[Covert Pervert]]: In Chapter 30, Glory is quite happy to make use of the hoofcuffs, blindfold and ball gag she salvaged from the ruins of a lingerie shop.
** [[Brains and Bondage]]
* [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]]: {{spoiler|Rainbow Glory.}}
* [[Does Not Understand Sarcasm]]
* {{spoiler|1=[[The Exile]]/[[Mark of Shame]]: Thanks to Operative Lighthooves and Minty Fresh.}}
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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Blue to P-21 and Blackjack. Though the roles are [[Covert Pervert|eventually]] [[Brains and Bondage|reversed]] in Glory and Blackjack's sexual relationship.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]
* [[Wide -Eyed Idealist]]: Wholeheartedly believes in the Enclave, even {{spoiler|after Operative Lighthooves [[Break the Cutie|betrays her]] and has her [[The Exile|branded as a dashite.]]}}
=== Rampage, aka. Arloste ===
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* [[Beware My Stinger Tail]]: Rampage has barbed wire woven into her tail hair.
* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Body Horror]]: Taint exposure causes Rampage to mutate - her hide turns scaly, and she spontaneously grows a single wing while a horn emerges from the side of her face. Fortunately, [[Kill It Withwith Fire|she 'gets better']].
* [[Broken Bird]]: Very much. Largely a result of {{spoiler|[[My God, What Have I Done?|killing her daughter]]}}.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Rampage's origin is a mystery even to her, but most of her known past is [[Rape Asas Backstory|deeply]] [[My God, What Have I Done?|unpleasant]].
* [[Death Seeker]]
* [[Doesn't Like Guns]]: Rampage [[The Berserker|fights exclusively in melee]], but the reason for this is never discussed.
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* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: {{spoiler|The Angel of Death refuses to kill Blackjack in Chapter 33, asserting that she gives her victims the peace of death to end their suffering, not to assist in suicide.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|“I give a gift to end suffering. You spurned that gift,” she purred in my ear. “Take your own damned life.”}}}}
* [[Feel No Pain]]: [[Averted]], leaning her [[Healing Factor]] towards [[Blessed Withwith Suck]] territory. Of course, that didn't stop her from jumping into a wood chipper on a bet.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Friend to All Children]]: Rampage loves children, and helped start the Crusaders along with Priest. Seeing a foal suffer is probably her biggest [[Berserk Button]]. Unfortunately, {{spoiler|[[Enemy Within|one of her personalities]] is a [[Would Hurt a Child|foal-murdering serial killer.]]}}
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* [[Immortality Hurts]]
* [[Immortal Life Is Cheap]]: To the point where Blackjack can be reasonably expected to shoot her in the head if she steps out of line.
* [[Implacable Man|Implacable Mare]]: It takes [[Disintegrator Ray|massive]] [[Off Withwith His Head|damage]] just to slow her down.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Little Miss Badass]]/[[Cute Bruiser]]: If Rampage's body is completely destroyed, she regenerates as a small filly and takes several days to grow back to her adult weight.
* {{spoiler|[[Mind Hive]]: See [[Split Personality]].}}
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]]: Only Priest and the Crusaders call her Arloste. Everyone else calls her Rampage.
* [[Slasher Smile]]: Often a sign that {{spoiler|the [[Enemy Within|Angel of Death]] is taking over.}}
* [[Split Personality]]: Rampage appears to suffer from [[wikipedia:Dissociative Identity Disorder|Dissociative identity disorder]], leading to sudden changes in personality. {{spoiler|She actually [[Mind Hive|contains the souls of multiple seperate ponies]], which constantly battle for dominance over her body. Discovering this leads her to question whether 'Rampage' even exists at all.}}
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=== Lacunae ===
* [[Elephant in Thethe Living Room]]: As with Fawkes in [[Fallout 3]], nopony seems to pay much attention to the enormous, minigun-wielding alicorn following Blackjack around. Somewhat justified in that Lacunae makes an effort to conceal her wings.
{{quote| '''Lacunae:''' One advantage to being a giant unicorn is that few bother you with ''why'' you are a giant unicorn.}}
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: {{spoiler|The Goddess is going to die. How this will affect Lacunae remains to be seen.}}
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* [[Affably Evil]]: Dresses smartly, conducts himself politely. When he's not sending monsterponies to harass Blackjack, of course. {{spoiler|Or flipping out and feeding entire settlements to industrial equipment.}}
* [[Breath Weapon]]: [[Deadly Gas|Pink cloud]].
* [[Deal Withwith the Devil]]: Repeatedly offered, {{spoiler|always [[Averted Trope|denied]]. [[Villainous Breakdown|He doesn't take rejection well.]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Despair Event Horizon]]}}
* [[Evilutionary Biologist]]: Strongly implied. {{spoiler|It's an act to hide his [[I Have a Family|true motivation]], which he's ashamed to admit to}}.
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* [[Fallen Hero]]: {{spoiler|Both Deus and Gorgon}}.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid|Half Pony Hybrid]]: Gorgon is part pegasus, part cockatrice.
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|Deus is blown in half when his guns backfire, setting off their ammo reserves}}.
* [[Immune to Bullets]]: Gorgon. Immune to lasers and explosives as well. {{spoiler|But not rock crushers.}}
* [[Really 700 Years Old|Really 200 Years Old]]: Deus and Gorgon were alive during the war.
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* [[Motive Rant]]: Lampshaded in Chapter 30.
{{quote| May I rant a little? I think that, since you’ve seen fit to give me the role of a villain, I’m entitled to give a little explanation?}}
* [[Playing Withwith Syringes]]: {{spoiler|Afraid that the Enclave military at large is planning to attack Thunderhead, his goal is to adapt the raider virus to infect pegasi, presenting a more direct threat for them to focus their attention on. Chapter 42 reveals that he has succeeded, and that his agents used Neighvarro pegasi as test subjects.}}
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: In Chapter 30, he explains in his [[Motive Rant]] that {{spoiler|everything he's done has been to protect Thunderhead in hopes of sustainable surface contact in the future. Granted, the details include a fair amount of genocide, but still, it's enough to convince [[Hot-Blooded|Blackjack]] to call a truce.}}
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* BFG: Carries a pair of anti-dragon autocannons on his armor. Apparently they can vaporize a pony from two miles with near-perfect accuracy. See [[Gun Porn]].
* [[Evil Gloating]]: At the climax of Chapter 32.
* [[Face of an Angel Mind of Aa Demon]]: When Blackjack sees his face, she notes that he looks "surprisingly gentle". {{spoiler|It's the last thing she ever sees without prosthetic eyes.}}
* [[General Ripper]]
* [[Gun Porn]]: Goes into exquisite detail explaining the capabilities of his [[BFG|BFGs]].
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=== Stable 99 Antagonists ===
* {{spoiler|[[Dying Asas Yourself]]: Daisy}}.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|Rivets and Midnight}} are well on their way to one of these by the time {{spoiler|Blackjack gasses Stable 99, thanks to [[The Virus]]}}.
* [[For the Evulz]]: Daisy is a blatant sadist, and admits as much in the first chapter.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Daisy and the Overmare both had [[Abusive Parents|awful childhoods]].
* [[It Got Worse]]: Stable 99 is an unpleasant place to begin with, as are many of the residents. Much more so when {{spoiler|the [[The Virus|raider virus]] [[Ascended to Carnivorism|infects the stable]]}}.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Daisy breaks P-21's leg for no particular reason in the first chapter. Later, {{spoiler|Daisy makes Blackjack [[If You're So Evil Eat This Kitten|eat Rampage's heart]] to maintain her raider disguise despite knowing who she is, and the Overmare [[Rape Asas Drama|rapes P-21]]}}.
* [[Rasputinian Death]]: {{spoiler|Daisy gets shot by [[Frickin' Laser Beams|Glory]] and [[Gatling Good|Lacunae]], has her back legs [[Stuff Blowing Up|shredded by a grenade]], wrestles with [[The Berserker|Rampage]] long enough to get [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|shot several more times]], and has enough life left in her for a [[Dying Asas Yourself]] moment}}.
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* [[Armor-Piercing Attack]]: Taurus' rifle.
* [[Cyborg]]: Professor Zodiac.
** {{spoiler|[[Brain In Aa Jar]]}}
* [[Genius Ditz]]: Virgo.
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]}}
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: {{spoiler|Professor Zodiac sacrifices her cybernetic organs, and any chance of being mobile in the near future, in order to save Blackjack's life.}}
* [[Intangible Man|Intangible Mare]]: Gem and Mini, at will. {{spoiler|Unless they get [[Tele Frag|telefragged]], that is}}.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: Aries' power armor is equipped with a flamer and napalm grenades.
* [[Mission Control]]: Aquarius.
* [[Power Armor]]: Aries.
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: {{spoiler|Gem and Taurus}}.
* [[Shot in Thethe Ass]]: Blackjack scares Virgo off by grazing her rump.
* [[Spank the Cutie]]: Blackjack to Aquarius.
* [[Taking You Withwith Me]]: {{spoiler|Gem to Deus.}}
=== Macintosh's Marauders ===
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* [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]: {{spoiler|While in Lacunae's mind, Blackjack encounters personified representations of Trixie's self-loathing and Twilight Sparkle's remorse. Trixie is an [[Extreme Doormat]] prostitute, while Twilight [[Drowning My Sorrows|drinks heavily]] and [[My Greatest Failure|rants about her mistakes]] in the ruins of Ponyville Library.}}
* [[Break the Cutie]]: {{spoiler|Fluttershy. A moment of indiscretion from Goldenblood destroyed their relationship and cost them their unborn daughter.}}
* [[Cyborg]]: {{spoiler|Rover, the red-vested diamond dog leader who once [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E19 A Dog and Pony Show|kidnapped Rarity]], has survived the apocalypse and two centuries in the wasteland thanks to his augments. He's pretty much the only surviving Friendship is Magic character seen in either the [[Fallout Equestria (Fanfic)|main story]] or Project Horizons to be more or less still himself, instead of becoming a [[Our Ghouls Are Creepier|ghoul]], [[Hive Mind|alicorn drone]], [[Brain Uploading|computer]] [[Soul Jar|program]], [[Baleful Polymorph|tree]], or [[And Zoidberg|Rampage]].}}
** {{spoiler|Turns out he's also become a [[Hidden Depths|skilled augmentation surgeon.]]}}
* [[Facial Horror]]: Silver Spoon and Prince Blueblood have both become ghouls. Silver Spoon is a Glowing One whose glasses have been [[Eye Scream|melted onto her face.]] Blueblood's facial decay has left him with a permanent, ear-to-ear [[Glasgow Grin]].
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: Silver Spoon is apparently unaware of her condition, and wanders Boneyard pining for her best friend. Readers of [[Fallout Equestria (Fanfic)|Fallout Equestria]] will realise that Diamond Tiara {{spoiler|was [[Driven to Suicide]] shortly after the megaspell exchange.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Florence Nightingale Effect]]: Fluttershy apparently had a close relationship with Goldenblood, to the point of bearing his child. [[Foregone Conclusion|It ended badly.]]}}
* [[Not Quite Dead]]: Very likely {{spoiler|Octavia}}. While Blackjack finds her skeleton, {{spoiler|her bulletproof contrabass and a cryptic letter from Rarity suggest that the instrument is probably her [[Soul Jar]]}}.
* [[Posthumous Character]]: As in [[Fallout Equestria (Fanfic)|Fallout Equestria]], most appearances of [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|FiM]] characters are either through memory orbs or as monsters.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]:
** [[Heroic Sacrifice|Big Macintosh]].
** [[Speech Impediment|Twist]], [[Cheerful Child|of all ponies]], was a member of [[The Squad|Macintosh's Marauders]] before the bombs fell. {{spoiler|Her soul - or at least, some vestige of it - lives on as part of Rampage}}.
** Prince Blueblood - now a ghoul - has had two hundred years to practice his swordplay {{spoiler|and stew over his [[Ax Crazy|psychopathic obsession ]][[Stalker Withwith a Crush|with Rarity.]]}}