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** Negi himself is getting to this point in the Magic World under the guise of "Nagi", because of his resemblance to his father, and because he goes and fights in a massive Tournament.
* The title character of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' had achieved this by the time of the ''A's to StrikerS'' [[Comic Book Adaptation|supplementary manga]], with tales about her reaching legendary status, with all that it entails.
{{quote| '''Subaru:''' [[Continuity Nod|By the time she was nine years old, she was already AAA Rank and had solved an interdimensional crisis case. And she managed to stop a dangerous weapon said to be impossible to destroy!]] <br />
'''Teana:''' [[Cassandra Truth|That just sounds like a rumor]]. What kind of [[Improbable Age|nine year old]] [[Lampshade Hanging|was she]]? }}
* Quant, a Ranker from ''[[Tower of God]]'', who only appeared in person in one story arc where he revealed himself as rather buffoonish and a manchild, must be one of the most popular characters in the Tower since his face is on nearly everything from public service announcement posters over chocolate bars to strength measuring devices.
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== Fanfiction ==
* Clan Gully after they saved {{spoiler|Baron Beltorey}} in ''[[The Tainted Grimoire]]''. He is an influential person.
{{quote| '''Beltorey''': This incident is going to spread like wildfire, and whether for better or worse, this small <ref> The official number then</ref> eight-person clan is now officially on the map.}}
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]: Curse of the Black Pearl'':
{{quote| '''Norrington:''' You are without a doubt the ''worst'' pirate I have ever heard of.<br />
'''Jack Sparrow:''' But you ''have'' heard of me. }}
* The ''[[Mystery Team]]'' was once a well-respected and popular part of their town.
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* Moya's crew in ''[[Farscape]]'' has built up quite a few impressive exploits as a result of being chased all over the galaxy by bad guys. As a result, word has gotten around, though the stories are a bit... exaggerated, in some respects.
** First, in "Suns and Lovers":
{{quote| '''Borlik:''' You know, I heard he destroyed a Peacekeeper Gammak Base, murdered an entire Nebari battalion, even laid waste to a Shadow Depository. The guy was a devil: he raped and pillaged, he popped eyeballs--<br />
'''Crichton''': Whoa-whoa! Where do they get these stories? Let's set the facts straight. First off, there was no raping, very little pillaging, and Frau Blucher popped all the eyeballs. }}
** And again in "Scratch and Sniff":
{{quote| '''Raxil:''' Two guns? I mean... I thought you were the Great Crichton & D'Argo! I mean... you blew up a shadow depository! I thought you'd bring pelshfer charges! And a plasma bomb! And a really big gunship! BUT NO! YOU BRING NOTHING! YOU BRING TWO LITTLE WEAPONS THAT WOULDN'T KILL A NIKNIK!<br />
'''D'Argo:''' ''(hesitantly)'' You... have heard of us?<br />
'''Raxil:''' Yeah. I've heard stories. But obviously they aren't worth a bucket of dren! }}
* By the end of the series, [[Stargate SG-1]] has made the entirety of Earth's forces both famed and feared throughout the Milky Way Galaxy.
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== Poetry ==
* [[William Shakespeare]] warns about this in ''Sonnet 25'':
{{quote| ''The painful warrior famoused for fight,<br />
After a thousand victories once foiled,<br />
Is from the book of honour razed quite,<br />
And all the rest forgot for which he toiled:'' }}
* Tennyson's ''[[The Charge Of The Light Brigade]]'
{{quote| "When can their glory fade?<br />
O the wild charge they made!" }}
== Theater ==
* In ''[[The Pirates of Penzance]]'', the offer of the [[Go, Ye Heroes, Go and Die]] song:
{{quote| ''Go, ye heroes, go to glory —<br />
Though ye die in combat gory,<br />
Ye shall live in song and story! '' }}
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* In ''[[Assassin's Creed II]]'', bards will sing about your exploits ''to you'', and if you are [[Karma Meter|notorious]], wanted posters with your name and (obscured) face start appearing, while town yellers will start denouncing you. During multiplayer, you can sometimes hear the town yellers mentioning your single-player character.
** During the last Lair of Romulus in ''[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood]]'' (Basilica di San Pietro), while you're trailing the target cardinal, a group of other cardinals can be overheard discussing you:
{{quote| '''Cardinal #1:''' His name is Ezio Auditore.<br />
'''Cardinal #2:''' Who?<br />
'''Cardinal #1:''' The Assassin. Killed the Banker. They say he walks the halls of ''il Vaticano'' ("the Vatican"), with no one able to stop him. }}
** By [[Assassin's Creed Embers|1524]], legends about Ezio's skills have spread as far as China.