Family Guy/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Bumbling Dad]]: In the earlier seasons, Peter did seem to try to do the best for his kids, even if it never turned out right.
* [[The Ditz]]: Peter really ain't smart at all.
* [[Disability as an Excuse For Jerkassery]]: Uses his mental retardation to get away with ''lots'' of jerkassery.
* [[Domestic Abuser]]: [[Played for Laughs]] most of the time, and Lois tends to give as good as she gets.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: Depends on the episode, where he varies from this to [[Affably Evil]] to just [[Neutral Good]] or [[True Neutral]]
* [[Fat Idiot]]: Fat, check. Idiot, check.
* [[The Fool]]
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: although he's ''faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar'' from being a hero.
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* [[Genki Girl]]: When she gets assertive the wrong way, mainly in the episodes "Breaking Out Is Hard To Do," and "Deep Throats."
* [[Hot Mom]]: A source of quite a few jokes (and episodes) is how Peter managed to marry the rich, beautiful, talented Lois Pewterschmidt.
* [[I Surrender, Suckers]]: Lois is about to be taken in for shoplifting in "Breaking Out is Hard to Do." She goes to get her purse...and makes a vehicular escape.
* [[Jerkass]]/JerkWithAHeartOfGold: In later seasons (though arguably more a case of [[Comedic Sociopathy]] early on).
** By the end of season 8, her [[Jerkass|Jerkassness]] is comparably worse than Peter's, because although Peter dwells on the edge of [[Comedic Sociopathy]], he is obviously too stupid to know any better and can never really grasp any Aesops that are thrown his way for long (although he does have his [[Pet the Dog]] moments), but Lois obviously knows better and yet acts meanly in more insidious ways.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: At her worst.
* [[Mama Bear]] but sometimes also [[Abusive Parents|Abusive Mom]]
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** It's become something of a running gag to mention that Meg was entirely unplanned for and was almost aborted. During her second pregnancy (again unplanned for due to a broken condom) Lois apparently drank and smoke a lot in lieu of an abortion but stopped halfway which is why Chris is so stupid. She also used marijuana while pregnant with Stewie which is why he's so intelligent.
** She threatened Quagmire after he attempted to sleep with Meg now that she was 18, saying she'd cut his penis off and feed it to Brian if he goes near Meg again.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Lois's reaction to Meg calling her out on [[Not So Above It All]] below in the episode "Seahorse Seashell Party."
* [[Not So Above It All]]: Meg has called her out on the fact that she is generally no better than a drug addicted whore who has let both Bill Clinton and Gene Simmons "go to town on her".
* [[Really Gets Around]]: Implied in her younger days. She was called "Loose Lois" for a reason.
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** In the most recent episode, Meg's mention of her teacher "rubbing her shoulders for 45 seconds" is taken seriously and Lois is shown to be quite concerned.
*** Though when her story [[It Got Worse|gets worse]], Lois doesn't quite focus on what Meg's saying.
** In the ''[[South Park]]'' parody episode ''Cartoon Wars'', she is the only character without dialogue.
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: In earlier episodes, while still somewhat luckless, Meg was a far less exaggerated punching bag. She was actually a primary target of concern and affection from her parents, most of her abuse stemming from their inadvertent and non discriminate bumbling. This was actually taken to the point of [[Spoiled Brat|affecting her demeanor]], often acting like a somewhat self absorbed and manipulative [[Daddy's Girl]].
* [[Chew Toy]]: Yes, plenty of fans enjoy Meg's [[Butt Monkey]] status.
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* [[Tsundere]]: She showed some tendencies of this towards Neil Goldman early on, namely in the episode "The Kiss Seen Around the World".
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Meg unleashes a HUGE one on Chris, Lois, and Peter during a hurricane. This is the hurricane three-parter when [[The Cleveland Show]], [[Family Guy]], and [[American Dad]] aired back-to-back. Compared to Cleveland Junior calling out the rest of the Tubbs on ignoring the National Weather Service, and Francine calling out Stan on how he made things infinitely worse with his idiotic actions that nearly killed the family, Meg has done the longest series of pointing out the hardest flaws out of three characters.
** She calls Chris a douchebag who only treats her like crap because Peter and Lois do it and that he is not a good brother to her. She calls Lois a horrible, condescending mother who has the nerve to point out every flaw Meg has, despite generally being no better than a drug-addicted whore whom has spent the past 17 years trying her best to destroy Meg from day one when she should've been protecting her and acting like a mom. Meg admits she'd prefer to never see Lois again once she turns 18, and this reduces Lois to tears. She calls Peter an uneducated, selfish drunk who is unable to provide for his family and terrorizes the community on a daily basis with his psychotic antics. He goes out of his way to shove Meg's face in his ass and fart in it, and Meg comments that if anyone in the outside world got a good idea of how Peter treats her, he'd be in jail. At first, Peter is just giggling at Meg's words, until he realizes she's criticizing him, which leads to Chris and Lois ganging up on him, and being reduced to tears like Lois was. However, Meg watches as the rest of the family immediately turn on one another now that their flaws have been brought to clarity, and realizes that without her acting as a lightning rod for their aggression, the Griffins would more or less turn on one another like a pack of wolves. So she apologizes and states that everything was her fault, sacrificing her chance to finally break free of her torment for the sake of keeping the family together. Brian calls her a noble human being for making such a sacrifice.
* [[The Unfavorite]]: Part of the [[Butt Monkey]] thing above; Peter and Lois even apparently agreed that if they could only save two of their kids in a crisis, Meg is the one who gets screwed over.
** And of course, when Lois has to save Joe from falling to his death:
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* [["Well Done, Son" Guy|"Well Done Daughter" Girl]]
* [[Wolverine Claws]]: During the events of ''Super Griffins''. Actually, her fingernails only grow a few inches.
* [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]: Shows instances of this.
==== Christopher Cross "Chris" Griffin ====
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* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type IV]]. Was originally a [[Villain Protagonist]], but became an [[Anti-Hero]] as the series progressed.
* {{spoiler|[[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other]]: In the episode when Brian plans to save Peter by giving up his kidneys that will result in Brian's death, after Stewie kidnaps him to keep him alive, he becomes heartbroken while stating "I don't want to lose anybody", fearing that he doesn't want to lose Lois, despite him stating in earlier episodes that he wants to kill her. He also seems to genuinely care about his older siblings in an episode shown from his point of view. He is concerned when Meg is showing suicidal tendencies, and orders the local pedophile to stay away from his brother.}}
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Mainly prior to the Revival, but it's still there.
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* [[Future Loser]]: In [[The Movie]]
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: He converts many of his toys into diabolical inventions.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Sort of, since he became less of a [[Villain Protagonist]] as the series progressed.
* [[Incompatible Orientation]]: Occasionally demonstrates he may have a crush on Brian.
* [[Jerkass]]: Less and less after each season, however.
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'''Stewie:''' ... it most certainly does not. }}
* [[Word of Gay]]
* [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]: The main reason why he can't keep a potential relationship together, he either scares them away, or in the case of Olivia, murders them.
==== Brian Griffin ====
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* [[Off the Wagon]] (but occasionally ends up back on it)
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Used to be this.
* [[Parental Substitute]]: Towards Stewie at times.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: In early episodes, Brian was rather stoic and humorless, rarely changing demeanor outside to give advise to Peter or the odd dry quip. As he developed in later episodes he becomes more emotional.
* [[The Pornomancer]]: Brian tries to be romantic, but invariably most of his encounters are quickies and one-night stands with women he barely knows, often brainless beauties (i.e. Jillian and the nameless blonde who mispronounced "escargot" and "Chablis" in "Brian Wallows, Peter Swallows"), as pointed out by Quagmire in his rant against Brian (with Quagmire pointing out that, yes, he goes after airheaded women too, but he doesn't put up a pseudo-intellectual front to get in their pants the way Brian does).
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* [[Super Speed]]: During the events of ''Super Griffins''.
* [[Talking Animal]]
* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: Quagmire accuses Brian of this in his famous rant, citing the fact that Brian is trying to steal Lois away from Peter, the man who saved his life and gave him a good home.
** The silly thing is this got resolved long before this episode came about, so Quagmire really just bringing up old information. ''[[Fridge Logic|Exactly how did he know about that anyway?]]''
** Actually Brian had indicated lingering feelings for Lois on several occasions afterwards.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: The idea early on obviously was that he was Peter's best friend, but by season 9 the only long-term positive interaction he has is with Stewie, and it's their friendship that results in ''The Road to..." episodes.
** Although its not to the same extent, he often shows a lot of kindness towards Meg too.
* [[Welcome to Hell]]: {{spoiler|When some Halloween pranksters dye his fur magenta, he gains the sympathy of the Pink Panther.}}
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]: This was more of an issue in earlier seasons, but now Brian is almost universally [[Furry Denial|silently treated like a human]] by family and strangers alike, with occasional amusing [[Furry Reminder|Furry Reminders]].
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* [[Papa Wolf]]: He does genuinely care for his sister Brenda's well being, and is willing to even murder her fiancee if it at least stops said fiancee from harming her permanently. [[Asshole Victim|Not that said fiancee didn't deserve it.]]
** Also barely contains his fury at Brian for accidentally mistaking his niece for a boy, as she lost all her hair through chemotherapy. One gets the impression that if it wasn't christmas and they were in line to see Santa, Quagmire would have beaten the living daylights out of Brian.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: In the episode "Jerome is the New Black," Quagmire gives [[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|a spectacular]] one to Brian, who has spent the entire episode trying to be his friend. It helps that the points he makes are quite valid [[Take That Scrappy|as they were based on complaints viewers had been making about Brian for a good while]]. However this also had the effect of making Brain look more sympathetic especially considering later episodes.
{{quote|'''Quagmire''': OK. I'll tell ya. You are the worst person I know. You constantly hit on your best friend's wife, the man pays for your food and rescued you from certain death, and this is how you repay him? And to add insult to injury, you defecate all over his yard. (getting angrier) and you're such a sponge. You pay for nothing -- you're always like "Ooh, I'll get you later," but later never comes. And what really bothers me, is you pretend that you're this deep guy that loves women for their souls, but all you do is date bimbos. Yeah, I date women for their bodies, but at least I'm honest about it. I don't buy them a copy of ''[[The Catcher in The Rye]]'' and then lecture them with some 7th Grade interpretation about Holden Caulfield is some profound intellectual, he wasn't. He was a SPOILED BRAT. And that's why you like him so much -- he's YOU. GOD, you're pretentious. (brimming with indignation) And you delude yourself by thinking you're a great writer, even though you're terrible. You know, I shoulda known Cheryl Tiegs didn't write me that note... she woulda know there's no "A" in the word "definite." And what I think I hate most about you, is your textbook liberal agenda. How we should (mockingly) "Legalize Pot, maaan..." How big business is crushing the underclass, how homelessness is the biggest tragedy in America... well what have YOU done to help?! I work down at the Soup Kitchen, Brian... never seen YOU down there... you wanna help? GRAB A LADLE. And by the way, driving a Prius does not make you Jesus Christ. Oh, WAIT -- you don't believe in Jesus Christ, or any religion for that matter... because "religion is for idiots." Well who the HELL are YOU to talk down to anyone?! You failed college TWICE, which isn't nearly as bad as your failure as a father -- how's that son of yours you never see? But you know what? I could forgive all of that... all of it... if you weren't such a BORE. That's the worst of it, Brian. You're just a big, sad, alcoholic BORE. ''Sigh...'' Well, see ya, Brian. Thanks for the fucking steak.}}
* [[Refuge in Audacity]]: Many of his recent rants (see [[Self-Deprecation]] and [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]). In addition to the other examples under this character sheet, Quagmire has complained about never being given his own spinoff unlike Cleveland, to which Peter in response lampshades that Quagmire is a [[Memetic Molester|convicted rapist]].
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: When he aggressively beats the living daylights out of Brian:
{{quote|'''Quagmire:''' "If I ever see you anywhere near my house, I'll '''BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!!!''' '''NOW LAY THERE AND DIE, YA PIECE OF CRAP!!!'''"}}
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* [[Spin-Off]]: ''[[The Cleveland Show]]''
* [[Token Minority]]
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: He used to be a [[Extreme Doormat]] but after he found out Loretta had slept with Quagmire and Peter then [[Teach Him Anger|taught him anger]], he has become very confident and unafraid to stand up for himself.
==== Joe Swanson ====
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* {{spoiler|[[Blondes Are Evil]]}}
* [[Everyone Went to School Together]]: Revealed to have went to the same high school as Lois
* {{spoiler|[[Revenge]]: Lois wasn't very kind to her in high school embarrassing her in front of the whole facility. She still carried the grudge into her career and used Lois newfound stargaze of her to get any scandalous information and air it on the news.}}
==== Tricia Takanawa ====
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* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Used to appear on a regular basis, now she only get very short appearances, usually once per season. This is mostly due to the fact that Connie appears in Meg centered episodes.
* [[Flanderization]]: Originally she was just the popular Libby character who would make fun of Meg for her efforts to try to fit in with the popular kids. But nowadays she goes out her way to tease Meg even if Meg is just minding her own business. And her bullying tactics have gotten needlessly cruel over the years.
** [[Justified Trope|Justified]] / [[Shown Their Work]]: A lot of actual [[Real Life]] bullies are very much the same.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk]]: She's an absolute bitch to Meg, even after Meg showed her the cuts she deliberately gave herself as a result of Connie's cruelty towards her.
* [[The Other Darrin]]: She was voiced by Fairuza Balk in earlier appearances and Lisa Wilhoit in later appearances.
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* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: To Meg
* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Used to appear a lot in the first three seasons. However, after the show was brought back, he only gets occasional cameos, and spends entire seasons without being even mentioned.
* [[ExtravertedExtroverted Nerd]]
* [[Hollywood Nerd]]
* [[Missing Mom]]: {{spoiler|Miriam was killed by Diane Simmons in the Season 9 premiere.}}
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* [[Combat Pragmatist]]
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Versus Evil]]: How her stint with Stewie ends.}}
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Big time.
* [[Lady Macbeth]]
* [[Little Miss Badass]]
* [[Violently Protective Girlfriend|Violently Protective Love Interest]]: Kills a kid just for ''pushing'' Stewie.
* [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]