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* [[Pet the Dog]]: Subverted in the season 9 premiere. {{spoiler|He saves Lois from getting killed by Diane, only because [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You|he wants to be the one to kill her]].}}
** Played straight at times especially with Brian.
* [[Ping -Pong Naivete]]
* [[Pint-Sized Powerhouse]]
* [[Psychic Powers]]: During the events of ''Super Griffins''.
* [[Smart People Speak the QueensQueen's English]]: Possibly. There's some controversy over whether his accent is Received Pronunciation or Boston Brahmin.
* {{spoiler|[[Stable Time Loop]]: Due to an accident with time travel, Stewie caused the Big Bang.}}
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: Invoked when he snipes {{spoiler|Diane}}, who's about to kill Lois.
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*** [[Furry Denial]]: In the recent seasons Brian went from a dog with human traits to a human in a dog disguise.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: Brian has several of these with humans.
* [[Iron Butt Monkey]]: A particularly brutal one in recent seasons, seems to fall victim to [[Family-Unfriendly Violence|prolonged graphic]] [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|beatings]] a frequent episode.
* [[Irony]]: [[Seth Macfarlane]] uses his natural speaking voice for a character that's not human (even though Brian hardly, if ever, acts like a dog. In the rare times he does, it's wooden and unconvincing -- i.e., when he barks).
* [[Jerkass]]: In recent seasons.
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* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: Seems to have developed this around Brian, who constantly manages to inadvertantly offend or infuriate him immensely, often leading to a rather vicious verbal (and sometimes physical) beatdown by Quagmire. Ironically the odd occasion Brian genuinely lashes at him, he is more passive aggressive.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: His established hatred for Brian has led to Quagmire developing increased [[Hair-Trigger Temper|aggressive and occasionally outright violent tendancies]] over petty (and often inadvertant) offenses from the latter, as well as a [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|similar bouts of snobbish preachiness]] as his nemesis.
* [[The Jail BaitJailbait Wait]]: While Quagmire has had sex with underage girls as young as twelve, he's apparently willing to wait for Meg. More than almost anyone else on the show, he also seems to genuinely care for her, much more so than her own family, everyone else in Quahog, and the universe at large.
** Possibly a set up for [[Wife Husbandry]]?
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: He's kinda become one in recent years. He grew attached to his illegitimate daughter, and, during his infamous rant against Brian, revealed that he works at a soup kitchen to help the homeless. He also gave said daughter up when he realized she would be happy, and he expressed disapproval when Peter pretended to be crippled (in the '[[Star Wars]]'' special).
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* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: When he {{spoiler|kills the Noid}}
* [[The Danza]]: Mayor Adam West is voiced by...surprise, surprise, [[Adam Westing|Adam West]] [[Adam West|himself]].
* [[The Jail BaitJailbait Wait]]: Adam West falls in love with Meg, but is willing to wait until she's mature enough for a full romance.
** He also does this to shield her from a potential erupting scandal. He didn't want her to have to endure constant scrutiny.
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* [[Alpha Bitch]]
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Yeah, she's a complete bitch, but so far, Brian has [[Hannibal Lecture|brutally deconstructed her to her face]], Chris has publicly [[Break the Haughty|humiliated her]], Peter has [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|repeatedly bashed her face into a fire extinguisher]], and Meg [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|beat the living hell out of her]] for all the shit she's done to her. Oh, and [[Wounded Gazelle Gambit|Stewie got her arrested for pedophilia]]. And after she and her friends humiliated Meg, Lois got Quagmire to molest them all.
* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Used to appear on a regular basis, now she only get very short appearances, usually once per season. This is mostly due to the fact that Connie appears in Meg centered episodes.
* [[Flanderization]]: Originally she was just the popular Libby character who would make fun of Meg for her efforts to try to fit in with the popular kids. But nowadays she goes out her way to tease Meg even if Meg is just minding her own business. And her bullying tactics have gotten needlessly cruel over the years.