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In a nutshell, a [[Fan Hater]] is someone in a [[Hatedom]], who hates ''not only'' the work, but ''also'' the [[Fandom|fans of that work]].
The thing is that to these people, art is [[Serious Business]], and they treat their enjoyment of art the way [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|some people]] take to [[Tournament Play|competitive gaming]]. If you like anything not up to their standards, they will either mock you, mock that thing in front of your face, or just go on a diatribe about why you shouldn't like that thing. They also seem to stereotype fans, to make matters worse, such as (anybody whom likes comic books are obese losers; anyone who likes anime is some annoying, anti-American, over-obsessive wannabe Japan-fetishizing freak; people who like cartoons are manchildren; anyone who likes metal/punk is a wannabe tough guy; people who like rap are wangsters; etc.). [[Fan Hater|Fan Haters]] tend to refer to the targets of their hatred as the "[[Lowest Common Denominator]]" or "unwashed masses".
As a work becomes more popular, the probability of such a group appearing approaches one. Today's media landscape seems to encourage this somewhat, because [[In a World]] where [[Executive Meddling|executives and producers]] seem to believe in [[Quality By Popular Vote]], and because [[Ratings]] are so important in determining what keeps getting made and what gets [[Screwed By the Network|canceled]], it's easy for fans of one thing that might be on the verge of getting canned to resent the people who are making another work so popular (and thus keeping it on the air), as they blame those fans for their own favorite work's misfortune.
But others seem to just want to rail against fans simply because they think it makes them superior. This group is comparable to [[Moral Guardians]], only it's their own subjective tastes they are trying to guard. They really love to make up fake stories about how fans are [[Complaining About People Not Liking the Show]]. These kinds of people are a big reason for some people's mentality of [[He Panned It, Now He Sucks]]: [[Fan Hater|Fan Haters]] are always waiting for an opportunity to pounce, and even a single negative critical opinion of something is usually enough to "justify" their "this thing is bad and you should feel bad for liking it" rants. It also contributes to [[Complaining About People Not Liking the Show]]: because there are quite a few [[Fan Hater|Fan Haters]] out there, some fans mistake an honest criticism of a work for Fan Hating and get ''[[Disproportionate Retribution|very defensive]]''.
It is a very odd phenomenon, because after all, different people enjoy different things. And maybe they just enjoy it for one reason or another, not because of their sexual orientation, not because of their intelligence, not because they're old or inexperienced, they just happen to like it. But chances are if you like something that's subject to fan haters, expect one of those comments to be thrown at you. It's incredibly rare (at least, [[GIFT|on the internet]]) to see someone who actually acknowledges that maybe you like different things not because you're mentally ill or homosexual or "haven't seen a 'true' something".
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* ''[[The Best Page in The Universe]]''
* ''[[Television Without Pity]]''
* ''[[IM DbIMDb]]''
* ''[[Game FAQs]]''
* ''[[YouTube]]''
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* [[Hype Backlash]] - In which they hate a work simply because of the attention it has received or is receiving. A subset hates things that are critically-acclaimed.
* [[Internet Backdraft]]
* [[ItsIt's Popular, Now It Sucks]] - In which a work is hated for having mass appeal, selling out and abandoning the "true fans".
* [[ItsIt's the Same, Now It Sucks]] - in which they hate you merely because you like something that they see as the same as something else.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Misaimed Fandom]] - In which they hate you for liking something the "wrong way".
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* [[Scrub]]
* [[Serious Business]] - The [[MST3K Mantra]] most certainly does ''not'' apply.
* [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] - In which you get hate for playing a game the "wrong way."
* All the [[True Art]] pages
* And especially [[Guilty Pleasures]], because they'll try to make you feel guilty for it.
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== [[Fanfic]] ==
* ''[[My Immortal]]'' is basically set in a world with this as its [[Planet of Hats|hat]]. There are but three sorts of people in ''My Immortal''-land; "goffs", "posers" and "preps". Being a "goff", which entails wearing black clothes from Hot Topic and listening to the emo bands the author likes, is the One True Path and everyone else sucks for existing. "Preps" are the unwashed masses who shop at Abercrombie & Fitch and worship [[Britney Spears]]. "Posers" are "preps" who try to be "goffic" but listen to the "wrong" music and are [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Heinous?|thus evil]].
== [[Film]] ==
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** Adam and Morgan (less and less as of late, as we might get two reviews in a week now) flame them because, as they've stated repeatedly, they get hate mail every time they review a JRPG or anime-licensed game, regardless of the actual score they give.
* In ''[[Friends]]'', it's mentioned that Chandler once broke up with a girl because she didn't hate Yanni.
* Some random Fox affiliate ([[Mis Blamed|not Fox News]]) does not like [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Bronies,]] stating they're a bunch of [[Adult Child|manchildren]] who quit their jobs to watch the show.
* In ''[[Big Brother]]'''s 11th American Season, four previous players were invited as "guests" to give their insight on the current game being played. Danielle stated that she wanted [[The Scrappy|Natalie]] to win, and held up her hand to silence the audience, who begun to boo.
** Players have taken potshots at the fans of other players (or even previous seasons) but these have never made the feeds. There was also controversy in Season 13 where Jeff had gone off on a rant, not only insulting the premise of ''[[Harry Potter]]'' but also taking a few potshots at the fans.
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== [[Web Original]] ==
* See this article from [[The Onion]]: [ "Man Who Enjoys Thing Informed He Is Wrong"]
* [[The Spoony Experiment (Web Video)|The Spoony One]] made a series of videos talking about his hatred for ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'', ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'', and ''[[Final Fantasy X 2]]''. This has caused Noah Antwiler (who plays Spoony) to take some real backlash, with him having to point out that Spoony is a character and not everything "he" says is Noah's real opinion. He did have to backtrack on a few jokes, such as in the ''FFX'' review where [[Dude, Not Funny|he calls upon all sane people to murder fans of the game]].
** Then things got a little worse when Noah (not Spoony) disparaged Nintendo<ref>Saying they needs to shut the doors on all of their primary franchises, especially ''Zelda'', which he calls [[ItsIt's the Same, Now It Sucks|an unchanging series]]</ref> and ''[[Tron Legacy (Film)|Tron Legacy]]''<ref>Calling the movie crap and one of the worst films of 2010 and insulting anyone who liked it by saying they have low standards and are easily entertained</ref>.
** He also said that if you like [[Final Fantasy XIII]], you are lying to yourself.
*** Same with ''[[Battlestar Galactica]]''.
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** He also proclaimed that anyone who enjoyed ''[[Transformers Revenge of the Fallen]]'', even as a [[Guilty Pleasure]], should be hauled into a concentration camp and killed.
* Black Pawn Movement is made up of a group of fans and anti-fans of the series ''[[Twilight (Literature)|Twilight]]'', dealing with the most obnoxious fans on Youtube. Since the Twilight hype has died down, they have been switching to music, such as Lady Gaga, Insane Clown Posse, and Justin Bieber.
* ''[[What the Fuck Is Wrong With You (Web Video)|What the Fuck Is Wrong With You]]'': Nash has quite the beef with [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Bronies.]]
* [[The Nostalgia Critic (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Critic]] mostly averts this, due to his [[Doug Walker|actor's]] fear of [[Reviews Are the Gospel]], but he tongue-in-cheekly calls anyone who likes the [[Jim Carrey]] ''[[How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Film)|Grinch]]'' an idiot.
** The punchline to said video was the Critic being baffled that [[Critic Proof|the viewers didn't take his review as The Gospel.]]
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