Fan Nickname/Comic Books: Difference between revisions

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* Superdickery - Anytime Superman does something that isn't exactly very heroic. Common occurrence in the Gold and Silver age comics. [ there's a Website of the same name chronicling all instances of this]
** Note that this is different than the [[Super Dickery]] trope, which refers to when covers or previews show a good character apparently act like a dick out of context to intrigue readers/viewers.
** The [[Moral Dissonance]] version of the term Superdickery also has the derivatives [[Batman|Batdickery]] <ref>which can refer to dickery committed by Batgirl, Oracle, or Tim Drake's Robin too</ref>, [[Wonder Woman|Wonderdickery]], [[The Flash|Flashdickery]], [[Green Lantern|Lanterndickery, Guardiandickery]], [[Green Arrow|Arrowdickery]], [[Nightwing|Wingdickery/Robindickery/Dickdickery]], [[Spider-Man|Spiderdickery]], [[Fantastic Four|Fourdickery]], [[Captain America (comics)|Capdickery]], [[Iron Man|Irondickery]], [[X-Men|X-dickery]], [[The Hulk|Hulkdickery]], and finally the catch-all terms "Herodickery" and... "Superdickery".
* Supermenso ''(lit. Supermoron in Spanish)'' - His nickname in the Mexican comic book fandom.
* Supes - [[Superman]] (pronounced like "soups").
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** [[Wangst|Superboy-Whine, Superprick-Prime, Cryin' Prime, Spasticboy-Prime, Whinyboy-Prime, Emobitch-Whine, Super-Manboy-Asshole-Prime...]] can do this all day, people...
** Superboy-Prime is often shortened to "SBP", and is thus also called "PMS".
* Given his depiction in [[Superman: At EarthsEarth's End]], many call that Superman "Bearded Idiot" as a result of [[Atop the Fourth Wall|Linkara]]
* Not quite a ''nickname'' per se, but using his initials in [[Ho Yay|the same context]] as [[Theme Initials|Lois Lane's]] often crops up in discussions of [[Lex Luthor]]; e.g.: "the other L.L."
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* "Starro the Barbarian" - the [[Retcon|recently revealed]] [[Humanoid Aliens|true form]] of [[Starfish Aliens|Starro the Conqueror]].
* "Gay for Justice", the name given to the much-maligned "Justice League Cry for Justice" miniseries that amidst its other terrible decisions made the first word of its subtitle look very much like "gay" due to capitalization and font.
** [[DC Nation]] posters refers to "Cry for Justice" as "Cry for Good Writing"
* ''[[Countdown to Final Crisis]]'' is so reviled it defies having a nickname. It's name is simply pronounced in a tone of withering disgust, conveyed through the internet with italics, emphatic ellipses, or is preceded by notation such as *seethes* or *grinds teeth* or *groans*
* Peej refers to [[Power Girl]], based on the acronym PG. The nickname is frequently, but not always, used by fans who are annoyed that a woman who is at least in her mid-twenties is referred to as "girl."
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== Vertigo ==
* The big blue junk - Dr. Manhattan's... erm... equipment in ''[[Watchmen (comics)|Watchmen]]''
** Downtown Manhattan, Lower Manhattan, the manhattan meatpacking district...
** Interestingly, an in-universe [[Fan Nickname]] exists for his ability to teleport anyone anywhere, "The Manhattan Transfer".
* Before the evil author finally wrote in the names of Snow and Bigby's children in ''[[Fables]]'', some of them had fan nicknames. Most common was "Puff" for {{spoiler|the seventh, an invisible wind-sprite}} to the point where there was even a filk about "Puff the Magic Wind Cub." Eventually, his name was revealled to be "Ghost." Apparently, Bigby wants his kiddies names to sound cooler.
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== Captain America ==
* Cap - [[Captain America (comics)]]. Has been canon for awhile, but still one of the most popular nicknames fans use for him.
** Cap's Kooky Quartet - The all-new, all-different Avengers lineup from 1965 consisting of Captain America and then [[Heel Face Turn|newly reformed]] ex-villains [[The Archer|Hawkeye]], [[Super Speed|Quicksilver]], and the [[Winds of Destiny Change|Scarlet Witch]].
** Bucky Cap - [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Bucky in his role as the current Captain America]]. Another ascended nickname.
*** Robo-Arm of Doom - Bucky's bionic left arm.
* The Mighty Shield - Carried by [[Captain America (comics)]]. Never referred to as such in the comics. ''Often'' referred to as such on fan discussion boards. Comes from the theme song to a '60s cartoon: "When Captain America throws his mighty shield!"
== Iron Man ==
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* Der Eisenfuhrer - Tony Stark, after leading the effort to throw fellow heroes into the Negative Zone prison camp and becoming head of the Initiative. Usually used derisively by fans as a reference to bad writing (see also: [[Batman|Batdickery]]).
** Also known as "Bureaucrat in Chief" during his 'Director of SHIELD' era
* When his armour became sentient and insanely possessive it became known as Tony's "Abusive Boyfriend".
== Spider-Man ==
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== X-Men ==
* Claremazon - Quite a few female characters (including but not limited to Storm, Sage, Shadowcat, and Psylocke) when written by [[Chris Claremont]]. Let us just say that undue [[Chickification]] is ''not'' a [[Author Appeal|flaw in his writing]].
** Earlier than that the term "Claremont woman" had already been quite popular, applying not just to superheroines, but also some supporting characters, e. g. because of a famous scene where Moira MacTaggert joined a battle with an assault rifle. It was the opposite of a "Stan Lee girl" or "woman", i. e. the females who tended to play a subdued role in battle and were frequently used as damsels in distress during the [[Silver Age]].
* [[Claremont Coefficient|Claremontization]]: the accumulation/development of increasingly entangled continuity complications such as [[Kudzu Plot|Kudzu Plots]], [[Continuity Snarl|Continuity Snarls]], [[Retcon|Retcons]], [[Tangled Family Tree|Tangled Family Trees]] and [[Love Dodecahedron|Love Dodecahedrons]] over the course of a run on a title. Claremont is possibly the most famous instigator of this effect, during his [[X-Men]] runs.
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* Marvel comics deserves special mention in that it propagated the use of nicknames to refer to many of its own characters with their "next issue" blurbs. For the record, Iron Man is Shellhead, Daredevil is Hornhead, Thor is Goldilocks, Hulk is Greenjeans, Jade Jaws, or the Jade Giant, Spider-Man is Webhead, the Webslinger, and Wallcrawler, etc, etc.
* [Adjectiveless] Avengers - The main Avengers title (as opposed to the [[New Avengers]], [[Young Avengers]], Secret Avengers, [[Dark Avengers]]...)
* The Big Three - [[Captain America (comics)]], [[Iron Man]], and Thor; generally considered the cornerstones of the Avengers.
** Namor, the original Human Torch and [[Captain America (comics)]] when referring to Timely Comics (Marvel's Golden Age precursor).
* Bleedball - When Speedball had his powers changed during [[Marvel Universe|Marvel's]] ''[[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]'' [[Crisis Crossover|crossover event]], to the extent where he had to wear a iron-maiden-esque suit and was renamed "Penance". [[Dork Age|This wasn't well received by comic fans]], when a otherwise [[Fun Personified|happy-go-lucky character]] got changed so that he needed to feel pain for his powers to work.
* King of Everything - For Norman Osborn when the US Government decided he should be in charge of everything concerning supers.
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*** Also known as "Kirby Krackle".
* D'n'A/DnA - [[Dan Abnett]] and Andy Lanning, writing partners for Marvel's cosmic line in the 2000s and (for at least some period time) [[The Authority]].
* Joephisto - Marvel Comics editor-in-chief [[Joe Quesada]], thanks to the spectacularly misconceived ''[[One More Day]]'' storyline in ''Amazing [[Spider-Man (Comic Book)|Spider-Man]]'', which [[Retcon|retconned]] Spider-Man's marriage by having him make a deal with the Marvel Universe's resident [[Satan|Devil]], Mephisto. [[J. Michael Straczynski]], who was writing ''Amazing'' at the time, asked to have his name removed, but was eventually talked out of it. Quesada was completely for this change, despite earlier promising not to mess with Spider-Man's history via a "magic retcon".
** Other fan nicknames include "Joe Quesadilla", "Big Joey Cheese", and "That Bastard".
** Joe Skrullsada has also gained some popularity.