Fan Verse: Difference between revisions

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If they keep it coherent and get enough interest, [[Fan Verse]] writers can single-handedly influence [[Fanon]], possibly to the point of being [[Ascended Fanon|canonized]] as an [[Expanded Universe]].
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* There is a ''Digimon'' fanfic series that goes like this: The first two season are one continuity, while the third, fourth and fifth all get their own, outside of the elements of Ryo and his OC Ben (an American Chosen/Tamer) which serve as continuity links between the Adventure and Tamers worlds. They have been on a long hiatus, and there may not be any more.
* There is a truly awesome one of these for ''[[Urusei Yatsura]]'' called [ ''The Senior Year''], started by Fred Herriot. It takes the original setting, characters and runs with them, adding new and interesting characters, places, cultures (including many [[Shout Out|ShoutOuts]] to other anime) and spans at least 20 years through its various sequels.
* The ''Neon Genesis: Goddess'' series by [ Slayer] combines ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' and ''[[Ah! My Goddess (Manga)|Ah My Goddess]]'' for an interesting effect on the story of ''NGE.'' It also has about two dozen spinoffs and continuations.
** [ "Superwomen of Eva"] turns basically the entire female cast of ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' into superheroines. Misato becomes [[Incredible Hulk (Comic Book)|She-Hulk]], Asuka [[Ghost Rider (Comic Book)|Ghost Rider]], Rei the [[Silver Surfer]], Ritsuko [[Spider-Man (Comic Book)|Spider-Woman]], Maya ''all'' the [[Fantastic Four (Comic Book)|Fantastic Four]], Mana [[Iron Man]]...even some spinoff-only girls and the canonically ''dead'' mothers get into the game.
** ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion R]]'' was all written by one author but it has two branching continuities and has itself spawned fan fiction (such as ''[[Colon Cancer|Neon Genesis Evangelion: R: Redemption]]''). It's also unusually detailed for a piece of fan fiction and elaborates substantially on the [[Ancient Astronauts|nature of the angels]] compared with the original series.
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* ''[[One Piece]]'' has one in the [ Crew of the Axe Universe] due to the main fanfic crossing over with several other fics, and those fics crossing over with more fics.
* Ashamed as I am to bring this up, I can hardly believe it hasn't been here yet. It's very much a fetish fanfic crossover, but it's been around for a long time and spawned many storylines, including multiple interactive "Choose Your Own Adventure" style stories. It's the very NSFW fanverse [[Fanfic/Wild Horses And Pokegirls|Wild Horses And Pokegirls]] where Ranma is sent to a very twisted Pokemon altverse where, at some point in history, women were crossed with pokemon so that now, everyone has some level of poke DNA, and very few girls look human, especially after puberty. Those that do, don't usually stay that way for long.
* Debbie (Dai-chan) began The Powers of Crests universe for the [[Digimon]] fandom on [[Fan Fiction Dot]], which was expanded upon by Creedogmon, and an author named DayDreamer9 has begun a third imagining.
* ''[[Arceus Archives (Fanfic)|Arceus' Archives]]'', otherwise known as the Archiverse, is one of these to the Pokémon fandom.