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== DC Comics ==
* Many fans rejected the [[Character Derailment]] of Dr. Leslie Thompkins, ultra-pacifist doctor and well-loved member of [[Batman (Comic Book)|Batman]]'s supporting cast, and decided that she absolutely did not allow a teenage girl to die an agonizing death in order to teach Bruce some sort of lesson about the dangers of vigilantism. It was later [[Canon Dis Continuity|retconned out of existence]] with the [[AuthorsAuthor's Saving Throw|revelation that Stephanie Brown didn't actually die. Leslie just lied about it and smuggled her out of the country.]]
** Not sure if that really qualifies as an author's saving throw, as it's still pretty far removed from how the character has behaved at any point in time prior to that story arc.
** One of the writers of the above events snapped at fans and told them that "You're going to buy the comics anyway!" Probably true, but it increased their disgust.
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* Bob Ingersoll notes that he believes [ Question # 26 didn't happen] with the well deserved reason of a hero letting someone guilty of "two counts of aggravated murder" free [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|because it's Christmas]].
* Many fans of [[Shazam|Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family]] try to ignore what's happened to them since Infinite Crisis, given that the Marvels have basically been DC's punching bag since then. The series ''The Trials of Shazam'' is an especial sore point for the fans. Basically:
** The Marvel Family's [[The Obi -Wan|ancient and powerful mentor]], the wizard Shazam, was apparently [[Killed Off for Real]] during a battle with the Spectre to further the plans of the villains of Infinite Crisis.
** [[The Cape|Captain Marvel]] was [[Put On a Bus]] and made caretaker of the Wizard's power, forcing him to spend virtually all of his time sitting inside of a mountain at the heart of time and space and being unable to really interact with the outside world much at all. This was supposedly to let him deal with mystical threats beyond those of normal superheroes, but when a threat comes along that was intended to literally reshape the nature of magic in the DCU, Cap's involvement was essentially to sit down at a table and chat with some people for one issue and do nothing else.
** [[Sidekick|Captain Marvel Jr.]] was [[Brought Down to Normal]], then underwent [[The HerosHero's Journey]] in an attempt to make him [[The Cape|the new Champion]] during the aforementioned ''Trials of Shazam''. The problem was the series itself was so poorly written that not even the excellent artwork could save it, making everyone doubt that this will be a true case of a [[Sidekick Graduations Stick]]. To make matters worse, the idea of the series was to make Junior, now called Shazam, a hero that only dealt with magical problems. The creator actually said "Why is someone with the powers of the gods stopping robbers?" to which this troper can only reply [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|"Because he's a HERO you idiot, and when a hero sees someone doing something evil, they DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT."]]
*** Yeah, you can thank [[Judd Winick]] for that. Putting aside the fact that it is incredibly stupid to fundamentally change a character/superhero "team" that, by and large, hasn't been changed since they were created back when Winick's ''father'' was a child, the "justification" is even worse: it is equivalent to saying that since Superman is the strongest hero on Earth, there should be no reason for him to stop common criminals and non-powered supervillains.
** [[Distaff Counterpart|Mary Marvel]] was [[Brought Down to Normal]] as well, and was not allowed to go on [[The HerosHero's Journey]] that Captain Marvel Jr. did, and instead wound up seeking out [[Black Adam]], both a [[Fallen Hero]] and [[Evil Counterpart]] of Captain Marvel. <s>She convinces Adam to give her [[Black Magic|his power]], which gives her a brand new [[Evil Is Sexy|tight black costume complete with super-short skirt]]. Naturally, superpowers taken from someone evil results in Mary having a [[Face Heel Turn]] as she slowly decides that [[Evil Feels Good]], after using her powers to turn two security guards into statues. Eventually she has a [[This Is Your Brain On Evil]] realization, rejects her powers, and goes on another quest to atone, eventually getting her original powers back at slightly reduced levels. Then Darkseid shows up and offers her Black Adam's powers again, but clearly this quest has taught her that evil superpowers are bad, accepting power from evil beings is also bad, and so she'll just punch him in the face, right? Nope, instead she apparently suffers a case of [[Aesop Amnesia]], accepts the power and not only becomes evil of her own free will, but goes all out [[Drunk On the Dark Side]], complete with an even more [[Stripperiffic]] outfit.</s> ''[[Countdown to Final Crisis]]'' happened, but unlike most of the stuff that was declared [[Canon Dis Continuity]], Mary still had to be evil. She was '''supposed''' to be merely possessed by a New God, but had to be reworked after ''Final Crisis'' was over. So she's now evil because of Black Adam's [[Bad Powers, Bad People]]. Some of the worst examples of [[Corrupt the Cutie]] and [[Character Derailment]]. EVER.
** ''JSA'' writer [[Geoff Johns]], in an effort to [[Must Make Amends]], started trying to undo the above mess, though the results are still mixed. Captain Marvel was [[Brought Down to Normal]] by Black Adam and his resurrected wife Isis, leaving him in his mortal form of 16 year old Billy Batson. Billy went to the JSA for help, and when a big fight erupted, was forced to accept Black Adam's power by way of Mary Marvel and joined [[The Dark Side]] against his will. Shazam (the wizard, not Captain Marvel Jr.) [[Unexplained Recovery|got better]] and promptly depowers EVERYONE, leaving Billy and Mary normal teenagers, but thankfully no longer evil (Mary having a [[My God, What Have I Done?]] moment) and turning Adam and Isis into stone statues. Shazam then leaves in a huff, ticked that Billy had failed in his position as the new Wizard, that Mary had become evil and that Captain Marvel Jr. was now going around using Shazam's name and using different powers. So to sum up, Captain Marvel Jr. is the only active Marvel Family member at the moment and he's barely shown anywhere at the moment. Is it any wonder fans like to pretend the last several years never happened?
** The latest revamp of Captain Marvel (now known as Shazam) following the recent DC reboot is proving to be just as unpopular with fans: Billy Batson is a rude little jerk, and Shazam now wears a hoodie.
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** The assumption of [[Fanon Discontinuity]] has become so prevalent that many Marvelverse fanfic writers don't even bother to add a disclaimer mentioning that the writer is ignoring Civil War in a particular fanfic, as it's pretty much implied.
* Ask [[Spider Man]] fans who liked the marriage, and they'll tell you that Mary Jane and Peter Parker are still happily married. ''One More Day'' was a rejected idea by [[Running the Asylum|a fan]] who hated the last 30 years of ''Spider-Man''.
** There was a period in the '90s where someone had the [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|bright idea]] to get MJ on a plane and have her [[Killed Off for Real]] when it exploded; after the revenge-and-grief subplot was over and readers were told that she was really, truly dead, Spidey immediately became swingin' single - hanging out with his friends in clubs, having a new roommate, being flirted with by new women. It didn't work. The outcry prompted an [[AuthorsAuthor's Saving Throw]], MJ came back, and if the entire storyline happened at all, it was simply that there was a brief scare where she was thought to be dead.
** It's easier to just say the entire time Joe Quesada worked at Marvel as Editor-In-Chief never, ever happened. He's just some random internet troll who insults the fanbase of the characters for enjoying the past 30 years of Spider-Man comics, and he never put Warren Ellis in charge of ''[[Iron Man]]: Extremis'' so Warren could [[Did Not Do the Research|not do the research]] and basically wipe out all of Iron Man's past storylines and characterizations, nor did he allow Iron Man to be further derailed in Civil War or for Spidey to become a slut after retconning his marriage to MJ. Everything that happened in Iron Man's third volume starting with issue #26 and his ''Mask in the Iron Man [[Y 2 K]]'' story never happened, either.
* This whole Totem concept introduced by [[J Michael Straczynski]], which has been disregarded by many. Spider-Man did not get his powers from a spider-totem; Morlun suffered from a case of [[Mistaken Identity]] in going after Spidey; Spider-Man never died after getting his eye ripped out before coming back from the dead to eat Morlun alive; and he never got any new powers.
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* Fans of [[Captain America]]'s partner The Falcon insist that he was never revealed to have been a pimp. And the less said about "Iron Cap", the better.
* Due to the massively unpopular rewrites of canon history and the characters themselves, most fans of Malibu Comic's Ultraverse tend to ignore the books written after Marvel Comics bought the rights to them in the mid-90s.
* Dr. Doom has been through a number of [[Character Derailment|Character Derailments]] over the years, causing many fan rejections. Fortunately, the concept of the Doombot has already been introduced: Doom uses a lot of robots, some of which don't quite act right. This conveniently lets fans and (and future writers who want to make an [[AuthorsAuthor's Saving Throw]]) explain away any drastically inconsistent appearance of Doom as a Doombot:
** Dr. Doom ''most certainly'' did '''not''' get his ass handed to him by [[Iron Man|Tony Stark's]] new team of fascism-abiding "Avengers" in a flagrant violation of international law against a sovereign nation, and to suggest that he was then subsequently imprisoned by said miscreants is just laughable. Such libelous poppycock is ''beneath'' the notice of Doom.
** He also absolutely ''did not'', at any time during this clearly fictional sequence of events, ever lapse into speech patterns whose vulgarity, crudity, and misogyny would have shamed both the intellect and character of your average gang-banging crack addict.