Fantastic Measurement System: Difference between revisions

→‎[[Comic Books]]: clean up, replaced: [[The Incredible Hulk| → [[Incredible Hulk|
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m (→‎[[Comic Books]]: clean up, replaced: [[The Incredible Hulk| → [[Incredible Hulk|)
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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* When [[The Incredible Hulk|Amadeus Cho]] studies magical phenomena, he measures the reality-warping field strength in "hercs", one herc being equal to the field strength of his friend Hercules. It sounds like "hertz" so it's pretty natural to tack on SI prefixes like megahercs or gigahercs, but most of the measurements he gives are between zero and five hercs.
* The various ''[[Transformers]]'' franchises use various [ units of length] and [ time]. While they used generic "cycles" a lot, the earliest Cybertronian units of measurement had such names as "breem," "vorn," and "orn."
