Farscape/Recap/S02/E11 Look at the Princess: A Kiss Is But A Kiss: Difference between revisions

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* [[Everyone Can See It]]: [[Averted Trope|Except Crichton]]. Chiana and D'Argo's relationship had flown right over his head.
{{quote| "How come I'm always the last to know?"}}
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Princesses]]
* [[The Evil Prince]]: Clavor, obviously.
* [[Exact Eaves DroppingEavesdropping]]
* [[Fake Out Make Out]]: Trying to avoid further propositioning at the club, Aeryn performs the kiss-test on ''Rygel!'' They do their best to look as happy as possible until the failed suitor leaves, at which point they both [[Spiteful Spit|spit in disgust]].
* [[Foreshadowing]]: D'Argo and Chiana's taste test. D'argo thinks the taste-test is a bad idea, but Chiana overrules him and puts a drop on his tongue. They kiss, and (alas) D'Argo lets loose an irritated hiss. No good. Chiana reassures him it's okay; "We don't play by the rules they do."
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* [[Out of Order]]: Yup, it's happened again. The "Look at the Princess" trilogy was originally concieved by David Kemper as a two-parter. After filming it, however, there was about eighteen minutes of footage left over, all of it good. In three weeks, David Kemper wrote eleven extra scenes and threaded them in throughout the story. The bulk of the "unused" scenes were inserted into "Part 2 I do, I Think"; this is why and it's because of this that Part 2 is out of sequence in terms of production number.
* [[Playing Cyrano]]: Subverted with Chiana, whose relationship tips are suspiciously skewed toward convincing Crichton to boink her instead.
* [[Politically -Incorrect Villain]]: Clavor snapping at his servant, Ro-Na, for performances her duties in front of guests. "Stop it! I said, before I speak with them, not during!" She looks down, abashed, and Clavor turns back to Crichton and sighs casually, "Ignorant creature."
* [[Professional Killer]]: Clavor's hit squad.
* [[Prophetic Name]]