Fatal Fury/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Char Clone]] - Based on [[Street Fighter|Ken Masters]], who happens to be a [[Char Clone]], making him a [[Char Clone]] by proxy.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]] - While he gained some training from Tung Fu Rue, the bulk of his technique was self-taught from years of wandering the streets, getting into fights, and simply figuring out what worked and what didn't.
* [[Do -It -Yourself Theme Tune]] - Kazukiyo Nishikiori, Terry's seiyuu for the animated features, sings "Yoake no Legend" ("Legend of Dawn"), the ending theme of [[The Movie]].
* [[Disappeared Dad]] - Jeff.
* [[Eagle Land]]
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** [[Her Heart Will Go On|His Heart Will Go On]] - ''Twice'', in fact. [[Iron Woobie|Poor guy]]. Just be thankful that Blue Mary wasn't introduced, or she too may have been subjugated to this.
* [[Heroic BSOD]] - Suffers from one due to {{spoiler|the [[Heroic Sacrifice|death]] of Sulia in [[The Movie]].}} He recovers quickly, just in time to {{spoiler|''[[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|curbstomp]]'' '''''[[Physical God|Mars, the God of War]]'''''}}.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - Would you believe that his dub voice for the anime is the same as [[Gundam Wing|Heero Yuy]]?
* [[The Hero]]
* [[I Don't Know Mortal Kombat]] - [[media:[[Terry Plays AO Fs]].jpg|There's one official art]] that portrays him having a hard time [[Shout -Out|playing]] ''[[Art of Fighting]]'' at an arcade (though, strange enough, [[Pac-Man Fever|he complains at the demonstration screen]]). [[The Movie]] has a very similar scene where he plays a fighting game in [[Shout -Out|Neo-Geo Land]], and loses, something that a little kid [[Lampshade Hanging|points out]].
** For bonus points, ''AOF'' 's John Crawley is playing ''Fatal Fury 2'' next to Terry in said artwork.
* [[I Know Madden Kombat]] - The Power Dunk is a modified slam dunk.
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* [[Blow You Away]] - Uses wind-based projectiles.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[Characterization Marches On]] - In the first two games, Joe was relatively [[Nice Guy|laid-back and reserved.]] It wasn't until the [[The Anime of the Game|anime specials]] (complete with [[Nobuyuki Hiyama]]'s [[Pigeonholed Voice Actor|trademark]] [[Hot -Blooded|fiery passion]]) that Joe evolved into the guy we know today. This characterization has stuck ever since ''3''.
* [[Demoted to Extra]] - Since the ''KOF'' series started, he's gone further and further into the background.
* [[Hachimaki]] - [[Wearing a Flag On Your Head|With the Japanese flag on it]].
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Nobuyuki Hiyama]] - His seiyuu since ''Fatal Fury 3''.
* [[The Other Darrin]] - Katsuhisa Namase to [[Nobuyuki Hiyama]].
* [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]]/[[Spam Attack]]
* [[Talking to Himself]] - Katsuhise Namase voiced Joe, Billy, Geese, and Laurence in ''2'' and ''Special''.
* [[Throw It In]] - The dev team at SNK was so impressed with Hiyama's performance as Joe in the second anime special (extra [[Hot -Blooded|Hot Bloodedness]] and all), that they decided to have him actually voice Joe from ''3'' onwards.
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]
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* [[Old Master]]
* [[Schrodingers Cat]] - Died in the first anime special, but is still alive in the game series.
* [[Shout -Out]] - Has lots of things in common with Kame Sennin/Master Roshi from ''[[Dragonball]]'', but his personality is different (especially in that he's not a pervert).
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]] - Due to hilarious [[Bowdlerization]] of his win quotes.
* [[Super Mode]] - In the first game only, right after losing 1/3 of his life and until losing another third, he would morph into a hulking giant much stronger than his regular self. [[Temporary Bulk Change|In later games his ability to become gigantic like this is used more freely.]]
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** [[Dragon Their Feet]] - Implied in the cellphone novel ''Stray Dog, Stray Wolf''.
* [[Gratuitous English]]/[[Surprisingly Good English]] - Depends.
* [[Heel Face Turn]] - EX Billy does this in ''Real Bout Special'' realizing that without anyone to care for him, he should start clean and change his ways. [[Real Men Wear Pink|He even tints his bandana and cane pink]]. Sadly, many are freaked out by the redeemed and gentle Billy. Mai shoots down the guy's advances without hesitation, [[Single -Target Sexuality|although Billy should have been expecting that...]]
* [[Morality Pet]] - Lilly, too.
* [[No Smoking]] - His one pet peeve. He wears the sign on the back of his jacket and [[Berserk Button|will knock the block off of anyone who blows smoke in his face]]. The only exception to this rule would seem to be Geese.
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** ... but the fact he is English probably means that it ''should'' be pronounced "Cane."
* [[Shirtless Scene]] - Somewhat. He wears a jacket, but no shirt underneath.
* [[Shout -Out]] - His original apperance was similar to former British pro-wrestler Dynamite Kid. His redesign in the ''Real Bout'' series has Billy looking like [[Guns N' Roses (Music)|Axl Rose]] (only without long hair).
* [[Simple Staff]]
* [[Super Strength]] - Relatively speaking, it would take a great deal of might to properly utilize a three-section staff held together by chains with great tensile strength.
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** His ''Real Bout Special'' form's name of "Nightmare Geese" started out as this as well. ''The King of Fighters Maximum Impact 2'' [[Sure Why Not|canonized it]].
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]] - Has a nasty scar on his back from the survival of his first fall. He also has a gaping slash mark going across his chest, believed to have been inflicted by {{spoiler|Krauser when Geese had attempted to kill their father.}}
* [[Go Out Withwith a Smile]] - Maniacal grin, actually: Geese sees his death as the last slap in Terry's face, and he lets it show as he falls.
* [[Hidekatsu Shibata]] - Seiyuu in the anime special and [[The Movie]].
* [[Immortality]] - Speculation rages over whether Geese received immortality from the Jin scrolls.
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* [[Hammerspace]] - Where she keeps all of her fans.
** Seems to overlap with [[Victoria's Secret Compartment]].
* [[Hello, Nurse!]] - Gets reactions from several male characters, especially in ''Fatal Fury 3''.
* [[Highly-Visible Ninja]]
* [[Kotono Mitsuishi]] - Her seiyuu in the anime specials.
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* [[Lisa Ann Beley]] - Dub voice for [[The Movie]], [[The Other Darrin|taking over from]] Sarah Sawatsky in the second anime special.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]] - To [[Flanderization]] levels.
* [[Nipple -and -Dimed]] - Averted in the anime movie. For you pervs there are brief nip-slips that can be seen if [[Freeze Frame Bonus|one looks hard enough]], as many have pointed out.
* [[Ninja]]
* [[Paper Fan of Doom]]
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* [[She Fu]]
* [[She's Got Legs]]
* [[Side BoobSideboob]] - In her later incarnations.
* [[Single -Target Sexuality]] - Guess who!
* [[Stripperiffic]] - Since the very start, but the anime exaggerated it much further, and the spinoff games also ran with it.
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] - Mai is suppossed to be one (or at least believes to be), and to her credit, she tries hard. [[media:[[Mai Teas]].jpg|One of the official arts]] has her wearing a kimono while apparently hosting a tea ceremony for Terry and Andy, and this is invoked again in ''[[media:000s8dcq.png|The King Of Fighters: KYO]]'' during one of Kyo and Yuki's dates.
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* [[Flanderization]] - His love of '''JUSTICE'''!
* [[Hair Flip]] - His [http://snk.wikia.com/wiki/File:Kimkaphwanrbff.gif sprite] for the ''Real Bout'' series has Kim doing this.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Hot Dad]]
* [[Kiai]] - Whenever he starts whipping out his specials, expect the sound barrier to be utterly ''[[No Indoor Voice|broken]]''.
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* [[Love Freak]]
* [[Martial Pacifist]] - Although he occasionally shows flashes of being a [[Technical Pacifist]] when confronting villains.
* [[Shout -Out]] - The aforementioned [[Kiai]]? [[Fist of the North Star (Manga)|Kenshiro]] did it first.
* [[Talking to Himself]] - Satoshi Hashimoto voices Terry and Kim.
* [[Team Dad]] - To his ''entire'' Taekwondo school.
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* [[Blood Knight]]
* [[Blow You Away]] - Gigatech Cyclone.
* [[Bullet -Proof Fashion Plate]] - Used as a visual cue in the second anime special; whereas Geese has visibly aged and has been scarred, Krauser has retained his [[Bishonen|youthful looks]], showing who is the better and more fearsome fighter of the two.
* [[Clothing Damage]] - Self-inflicted, no less! [[Lampshade Hanging|Poked at]] with his ''Real Bout 2'' ending, where his butlers become more and more PO'ed at having to refit Krauser's armor just for him to break out of it. Eventually, they [[Megaton Punch|uppercut]] him into the stratosphere.
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]] - According to ''Memories of Stray Wolves'', Krauser committed suicide sometime after his loss at the hands of Terry.}}
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* [[Public Domain Soundtrack]] - [[Ominous Latin Chanting|Dies Irae]] in ''Fatal Fury 2'' and ''Special''. [[Ominous Latin Chanting|Lacrimosa]] in the ''Real Bout'' series.
* [[Ret Canon]] - Originally, Krauser was simply a rival crimelord whom Geese was afraid to take on. The anime specials established Krauser and Geese's relationship as that of {{spoiler|half-brothers}} and SNK went with this scenario for the games from ''Fatal Fury Special'' and onward.
* {{spoiler|[[Self -Made Orphan]] - Killed his father to become the Earl of Strolheim. Subverted in that he didn't hate Krauser Sr., he just did it because he had to.}}
* [[Shirtless Scene]] - When he breaks out of that armor, that is.
* [[Shout -Out]] - [[Captain Obvious|His name]], taken from [[Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart]] and one of the ring names from former pro-wrestler Karl Istaz.
* [[SNK Boss]]
* [[Spirited Competitor]]
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* [[Bonus Boss]]
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]/[[Marth Debuted in Smash Bros]] - Although he was created to be the protagonist of ''Dominated Mind'', Alfred's first appearance was in ''Real Bout 2'', a game released ''months'' before his proper debut. Since ''Dominated Mind'' was never released outside Japan, most people overseas know him for being a bonus boss in ''Real Bout 2''.
* [[Fingerless Gloves]]
* [[Fun Personified]]
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* [[Brainwashed|Brainwashing]] - White's preferred method of dealing with rivals.
* [[But for Me It Was Tuesday]] - White with Alfred's village.
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]] - Shows up in Yamazaki and Hon-Fu's endings in ''Real Bout 2''.
* [[Expy]] - White is a [[Shout -Out]] to Alex from ''[[A Clockwork Orange (Film)|A Clockwork Orange]]''.
* [[Eviler Than Thou]] - Enthralls Billy Kane, Geese's former [[The Dragon|Dragon]], to his will.
* [[Evil Eye]] - Wields a rod with an eyeball atop it, which figures largely in most of his attacks.
* [[Facial Markings]] - Which look like eyeliner.
* [[Flip -Flop of God]] - He's either Billy's half-brother, or some random crime lord [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere|who popped out of nowhere]].
** [[Fanon]] seems to go with the former, since it gives him a ulterior motive for going after Billy.
* [[Keiji Fujiwara]] - His seiyuu, in a ''grand'' case of [[Playing Against Type]].
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* [[Psychic Powers]] - Mind control and precognition, mainly. He's also got some illusion-generating abilities, which hints at telepathy.
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[SNK Boss]] - Can't jump, duck, dash, or block, but has high priority over ''everything''.
* [[Taking You With Me]] - [[Kaizo Trap|After being beaten]], White fires a desperation attack that kills your character instantly if it connects unless your character blocks low or jumps over it. But afterward you have a couple of seconds to [[Can't Get Away With Nuthin'|make him pay dearly for cheating against you]].
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** [[But Not Too Foreign]] - His dad is a Native American, but his mom is Caucasian.
* [[Multicolored Hair]] - [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]] and black[[Hair Color Dissonance|/]][[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|blue]].
* [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]]
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]
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* [[Ascended Extra]] - Only for this game. Makes a cameo latter as one of the Lillien Knights under B. Jenet's service.
* [[Shout -Out]] - His father, mother, and sister are respectively named Darren, Samantha, and Tabitha and his dog is named Lassie. Somebody at SNK must have been a big fan of 1960's Hollywood sitcoms.
=== Characters introduced in ''Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition'' ===
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* [[Angst]] - Or [[Wangst]].
* [[Disappeared Dad]] - We're still not sure whether Geese actually died or if it was just a case of [[Never Found the Body]].
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]] - Rock is the kid who shows up in Terry's endings in ''3'' and throughout the ''Real Bout'' series.
* [[Eiji Takemoto]] - His seiyuu's first famous role.
** '''[[Ace Attorney (Visual Novel)|OBJECTION!!!]]'''
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* [[No Social Skills]] - Rock can function normally in society, but since [[Raised By Dudes|he grew up surrounded mainly by men]], [[Adorkable|he's flustered by women]], hence his shy reaction to B. Jenet (whom he suggests to get less revealing clothes). However, this doesn't stop him from helping those in need (as seen in his interactions with Hotaru).
* [[Oedipus Complex]] - Rock is pretty much ''defined'' by his hate of his [[Disappeared Dad]], Geese Howard.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]] - Subverted and later played straight in his ending.
* [[Suspiciously Similar Song]] - Part of his theme, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flPBoVYkyx4 "Spread the Wings,"] is taken from Robert Miles's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCbO-3hjPok "Children."] It's purely intentional, as the composer is a fan of Miles.
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** [[Cool Mask]]
* [[Mighty Glacier]]
* [[Shout -Out]] - A few of his moves seem to mimic that of Japanese pro wrestler Tiger Mask.
* [[Spinning Piledriver]] - [[In a Single Bound|Ahem...]] [[Meteor Move|Big]]. [[Finishing Move|Fall]].
* [[Talking to Himself]] - Shares a seiyuu (Hikaru Hanada) with Butt.
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* [[Never Found the Body]] - He's shot by SWAT teams in his ending and falls into a river, his fate never revealed.
* [[Serial Killer]]
* [[Shout -Out]] - Just like [[The King of Fighters (Video Game)|Mature and Vice]], some of his attacks are named after heavy metal bands.
* [[Wolverine Claws]]
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* [[Big Eater]] - One of his winposes has him eating two large apples and a bomb in one gulp each.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]
* [[Cross -Dressing Voices]] - Voiced by [[Junko Takeuchi]].
* [[Junko Takeuchi]] - His seiyuu. Years later, she'd go on to voice [[Naruto (Manga)|Naruto]], [[Hilarious in Hindsight|another loud-mouthed, hyperactive ninja]].
* [[Ninja]]
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* [[Carpet of Virility]]
* [[Does Not Like Shoes]] - All official artwork depicts him barefoot. [[Overly Narrow Superlative|All three of them!]]
* [[Expy]] - Shares [[Hot -Blooded|quite]] [[Badass|a]] [[Rule of Funny|few]] [[Eighties Hair|traits]] with [[Segata Sanshiro (Advertising)|Segata Sanshiro]].
* [[Hammerspace]] - One of his winposes has him pull out a wooden panel as big as he is. Fine and dandy until [[Fridge Logic|you realize the implications]] of [[Willfully Weak|him being as competent a fighter as everyone else]] [[With My Hands Tied|even though he carries several pounds of wood underneath his dogi]].
* [[Hermit Guru]] - Deliberately lives and trains in a forest, away from the city, with the aforementioned bear.
* [[Hot -Blooded]] - Played both for laughs and seriously.
* [[Hotblooded Sideburns]] - Full force.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]] - Hopefully he's joking, but the sight of Tizoc makes Marco hungry. He mistakes him for a giant poultry.
* [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]] - His Zanretsuken move is a staple of Kyokugenryu Karate.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]] - [[All There in the Manual|His profile specifically mentions]] a tendency to cry while reading Disney picture books.
* [[Scary Black Man]]
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* [[Detect Evil]] - Inherited his father's "justice sense."
* [[Generation Xerox]] - Played straight at first, but Jae's ending has him contemplating on if following his father 100% is the right way to go.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Instant Fanclub]] - Has one. Sausu herself is a part of their ranks.
* [[Justice Will Prevail]] - [[Like Father, Like Son]].
* [[Playing With Fire]]
* [[This Is Unforgivable!]] - "Evil cannot be forgiven!"
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* [[Knight Templar]] - Wholeheartedly supports Kain's plan to build a better Southtown through survival of the fittest cullings.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Self -Inflicted Hell]] - An interesting detail: he hates hot places, but chooses to fight in a flame-filled underground chamber.
* [[Secret Stab Wound|Secret Bullet Wound]] - Hides an injury he received protecting Kain, a bullet which is ''still lodged in his chest''.
* [[SNK Boss]] - Very powerful, yet is playable by using a code.
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* [[Playing With Fire]] - Wields blue flames (purple in-game) similar to those of the Orochi.
** Of course... some circles believe him to have ties to Orochi.
* [[Shout -Out]] - Kain's name is a homage to novelist [[Robert A. Heinlein]].
** [[Cain and Abel]], anyone? It's [[In Name Only]], but still...
* [[SNK Boss]] - Is playable by using a code, but is harder to control than Grant, since many of his moves are charge attacks.
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* [[Femme Fatale]]
* [[Friend to All Children]] - We see that she's not [[The Vamp]] when Terry catches her giving food and money to the local street children.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - In English, she's voiced by Willow Johnson, best known as [[Inuyasha (Manga)|Kikyo]] and [[Mobile Suit Gundam (Anime)|Lalah Sune]]. Noticing a trend here?
* [[High Heel Face Turn]]
** [[Love Redeems]]
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* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Hero Worshipper]] - Idolizes [[Big Brother Mentor|Terry]], which leads to a subversion when Terry goes through his drunken [[Heroic BSOD]].
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - Voiced by a young Tony Sampson in English. You might recognize the name as that of [[Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy (Animation)|Eddy]].
* [[Masami Kikuchi]] - His seiyuu.
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* [[Healing Hands]] - Her powers.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Voiced by Myriam Sirois, who has a limited list of VA credits, but is famous for voicing [[Ranma ½ (Manga)|another blue-haired protagonist]]... {{spoiler|Akane Tendo}}.
* [[Intimate Healing]] - After Terry's first fight with Jamin, his injuries are so serious that she strips down and lays with him to let her healing take full effect. Some cuddling, a [[You Must Be Cold]] moment and a bittersweet talk take place then. [[Heartwarming Moments (Sugar Wiki)|Awwwwww.]]
* [[Half-Identical Twins]]
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* [[Proper Lady]]: Beautiful, polite, soft-spoken but not an [[Extreme Doormat]], and extremely coolheaded when push comes to shove.
* [[She's Got Legs]] - She's actually introduced [[Male Gaze|legs first]]. (That one's kinda justified as that particular take also included Jae Hoon, who's a very short kid back then.)
* [[Shiho Niiyama]] - Her seiyuu. She [[Talking to Himself|also]] [[Cross -Dressing Voices|voices]] young Jae Hoon.
* [[This Is Something He's Got to Do Himself]] - When Kim is being trounced by {{spoiler|Cyber Cheng}}, Joe gets pissed off and decides to help; however, Terry asks Joe to not intervene because doing so would crush the faith of Myeng Swuk and (most importantly) Kim's sons. Cue to a shot of Myeng Swuk staring at her husband's fight and holding her scared kids comfortingly, [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|completely focused on staying calm and on trusting Kim no matter what.]]
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* [[The Dragon]]
* [[Graceful Loser]]
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]
* [[Kenji Utsumi]] - His seiyuu.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]] - When Terry first clashes with him, Jamin is shown to have the [[Super Speed|upper hand in the speed department]]. Terry also notes that he's as strong as Krauser, a foe whom he ''barely'' defeated.