Fatal Racing: Difference between revisions

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** [[Harder Than Hard|Beating]] [[That One Level|Bonus 4]] with the DeSilva]].
*** To elaborate: The level is basically a giant straightaway that wraps around so cars [[Selective Magnetism|drive upside down]] for half of the track. The main hazard is that it is very difficult to avoid <s>accidental</s> intentional collisions by other cars and the pit lane is in the middle of the road. The DeSilva is the slowest car in the game, giving the opponents plenty of opportunity to slam into your rear bumper.
* [[Shout -Out]]: [[The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy|Well,]] [[Red Dwarf (TV)|the]] [[Star Trek (Franchise)|default]] [[Alien (Film)|drivers']] [[2001: A Space Odyssey|names]] [[The Black Hole|have]] [[The Day the Earth Stood Still|loads]] [[Blake's Seven (TV)|of]] [[Forbidden Planet|these]].
* [[Spiteful AI]]: Frequently, cars will do a 180 and run tracks backwards with the deliberate intent to take out any car on the grid. This frequently includes you.
** They'll take out their own partners, especially if their partner is you. You can sometimes force them back in the right direction using the macro message keys (F6 - F8), but chances are they'll acknowledge and ignore.
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[[Category:Racing Game]]
[[Category:Fatal Racing]]