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The characters of ''[[Fate /Zero]]'', the novel prequel to [[Visual Novel]] ''[[Fate Stay Night|Fate/stay night]]''. The prequel details the events of Heaven's Feel IV - the 4th Holy Grail War.
Characters may overlap with those from ''Fate/stay night''. Go to [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night/Characters|its own characters page]] for their role in the Fifth Holy Grail War.
=== '''WARNING: This character sheet will assume that you have read ''[[Fate Stay Night|Fate/stay night]]''. Major spoilers will be found ahead for both ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'' and ''[[Fate /Zero]]''.''' ===
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{{quote| ''"Even if I am to carry "all the evils of this world", it won't matter. If that can save the world, then I'd gladly accept it."''}}
Hitman and "[[Mage Killer|Magus Killer]]" Emiya. Father of ''[[Fate Stay Night|Fate/stay night]]'' protagonists Emiya Shirou (adopted) and Illyasviel von Einzbern, and [[Anti-Hero]] of this story. Standing on the Cynical side of the [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]], he believes that it is impossible for everyone in the world to be happy; in order to be a true hero, one must eliminate the destructive factors which would in turn threaten the survival of humanity as a whole. Killing one to save a hundred, dozens to save thousands.
{{spoiler|He orders Arturia to destroy the Grail, setting the entire city on fire. Wandering aimlessly through the destroyed city, he finds a small boy, miraculously still alive. And thus ''[[Fate Stay Night (Visual Novel)|Fate/stay night]]'' officially begins.}}
* [[Anti-Hero]] - Unfettered and willing to kill the few to save the many.
* [[Ascended Extra]] - Went from a minor, backstory and flashback exclusive character in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'' to a major one in the prequel.
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Longcoat]]
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* [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique]] - Use of ''Time Alter'' causes significant damage to Kiritsugu's body, especially when speeding him up, thus he is unable to go beyond a twofold speed boost {{spoiler|initially. But with Avalon and its passive regeneration factor he was able to go three, and then four times faster, in his fight with Kotomine}}.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
* [[Dark Messiah]] - Kiritsugu in his Magus-killing prime was described as appearing at battles around the world only at their most critical stages. Combined with [[Necessary Evil]] and [[I Did What I Had to Do]], his ''modus operandi'' is exactly how Counter Guardians (the 'verse's resident Dark Messiahs) protect humanity from itself. {{spoiler|[[Like Father, Like Son]], [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night|indeed]].}}
* [[Dead Little Sister]] - {{spoiler|His childhood friend, Shirley.}} The fact that {{spoiler|his father was to blame for her transformation into a failed Dead Apostle}} hit Kiritsugu hard and paved the path to his cynical standpoint.
** As did the realization that {{spoiler|had he killed Shirley when she asked him instead of running away, he would have not only saved the village, but also allowed her to die as a human}}.
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* [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness]] - His pupils can be seen momentarily when he glares back at Saber near the end of episode 16, but they just as quickly return to their usual emptiness. They aren't even visible in scenes with Ilya.
* [[Dungeon Bypass]] - Episode 6/the start of Volume 2 sees him blow up Kayneth's magic fortress. Kayneth, being way too prideful, thought that nothing will be able to pass his multi-layered magic fortress.
* [[Fatal Flaw]] - His idealistic beliefs of "saving everyone", [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night|which his adoptive son takes up at his death]].
* [[Firing One-Handed]] - Uses his [[Rare Guns|Calico M960]] and Thompson Contender thus, despite the latter being modified to fire rifle bullets.
* [[Geas]] - He uses a self-geis scroll to {{spoiler|bind himself from attacking Kayneth in Volume 3 as part of a contract to remove both Kayneth and Sola-ui from the war. Of course, it doesn't say anything about ''someone else'' attacking Kayneth.}}
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]
* [[The Gunslinger]] - Which is why he is a 'magecraft user' and not a magus.
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]] - Kiritsugu's Mystic Code and conceptual weapon, the Thompson Contender, gives him the power to inflict this on any magus he fights against by turning his enemy's own magecraft against him and blowing his body up with his own overloaded prana. This is the main reason Kiritsugu is such an effective magus killer as his victims are essentially betrayed by their own magecraft.
* [[Hot Dad]]
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]] - Justification for blowing up buildings, taking hostages, sniping in public, etc.
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* [[Jedi Mind Trick]] - He is capable of convincing a bellboy that he is Kayneth and that "he" and "his wife" Sola-Ui have evacuated said bellboy's building.
* [[Jerkass Facade]]
* [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch]] - Often.
* [[Leitmotif]] - ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1R-U8UwcP4&fmt=18 Magus Killer]''.
* [[Mage Killer|Magus Killer]]
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* [[Troubling Unchildlike Behavior]]: Even as a boy, he barely blinked when called upon to [[Shoot the Dog]].
* [[The Unfettered]]
* [[Used to Be Aa Sweet Kid]]
* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]
* [[Villain Protagonist]] as an [[Alternate Character Interpretation]], he ''is'' using a ''[[Good Guns, Bad Guns|bad]]'' type of gun.
* [[War Is Hell]] - Here's a game. Read random quotes from Kiritsugu and [http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/William_Tecumseh_Sherman William Tecumseh Sherman] and see if you can tell who said what.
* [[Weapon of Choice]] - His Mystic Code, the Contender Custom.
* [[Wide -Eyed Idealist]] --> [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]
* [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?]] - [[Subverted Trope|He will]], [[Necessarily Evil|especially if it's the best way to save others]].
* {{spoiler|[[Your Days Are Numbered]]}}
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* [[Hard Work Hardly Works]] - Totally averted. He became such an outstanding magus through sheer determination and hard work.
* [[Hot Dad]] - well, his elemental attribute -is- fire...
* [[Horrible Judge of Character]] - Placed his youngest daughter in the care of [[Complete Monster|Zouken Matou]] (with entirely [[Abusive Parents|predictable]] [[Rape Asas Backstory|results]]) and then gave [[Treacherous Advisor|Kotomine]] his complete trust (with equally predictable results...)
** Justified with regard to Kirei, since we the audience know about Kirei's true nature thanks to his role in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]''. At this point in the storyline (up until near the end of the series eventually), ''not even Kirei is aware of how evil he really is''.
** Also, Tokiomi hands over Sakura to the Matous to protect her from having to go through hell because of her immense magical potential, but might have misunderstood the nature of the Matou family and its head and thus really has no idea ''exactly what Zouken is doing to her''.
* [[Irony]] - Tokiomi eventually realizes the possibility of his death in the Grail War, but fails to realize that it will come from betrayal rather than battle.
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* [[Manipulative Bastard]] - With mixed results, especially regarding Gilgamesh- he tries to win him over with a servile demeanor, which completely backfires.
* [[Pet the Dog]] - His last meeting with Rin. He also showed concerns over their safety during the ritual, tried to take them away from the battlefield, and he's visibly upset when innocents are caught in magical accidents. Along with Waver, he's also the only Master that is shown to be visibly upset by the actions of Caster and Ryuunosuke.
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]] - Tokiomi's elemental attribute.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]] - When it comes to Rin.
* [[Sharp-Dressed Man]]
* [[Smug Snake]] - Tokiomi tries hard to set himself up as a [[Magnificent Bastard]], summoning the strongest Servant, secretly having alliances with both the Church and another Master, and acting servile to Archer despite {{spoiler|intending to kill him in the end}}, all to make him the most likely to win the Grail War. Despite correcting his overconfident, arrogant attitude {{spoiler|after Risei's death}}, he fails to realize the treachery of his Servant and pupil.
* [[Unwitting Instigator of Doom]] - Introduced Kirei and Gilgamesh. Gave Sakura to Zouken Matou. 90% of the bad things that happen in [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]] result from this. Naturally, he [[Didn't See That Coming]].
* [[Wine Is Classy]] - Like Servant like Master.
* [[Weapon of Choice]] - His Mystic Code is a staff with a ruby embedded in the top.
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* [[Green Eyes]]
* [[Guns Are Worthless]] - Until Kiritsugu showed their effectiveness, after which he {{spoiler|[[Pragmatic Villainy|kills Risei with a handgun to frame the Magus Killer (though it fails)]]}}.
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]] - The fate of any magus who tries to throw down with Kiritsugu, since Kiritsugu's own Mystic Code is a gun that shoots an anti-magus bullet that destroys the target by shorting out their magic circuits and blowing out their bodies with their own overloaded prana. When Kayneth, a powerful mage, pours all his power into his already-powerful Mystic Code, Kiritsugu's bullet nearly tears Kayneth apart from the backlash.
* [[Immune to Bullets]] - His Mystic Code automatically shields him from damage, even explosions. Averted when Kiritsugu begins using his Thompson Contender on Kayneth.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]] - Volumen Hydragyrum, his Mystic Code, is 140 kg of weaponized mercury. He can shape it according to his will, creating anything from [[Combat Tentacles]] to [[Razor Floss]]. He can even use it to scout out his environment, locating enemies through their heat signatures and vibration.
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A talented student at the Clock Tower of the Magi Association. He developed a revolutionary concept on increasing magical potential with methods that go against the ancient tradition of bloodline inheritance. This prompted Kayneth (his teacher) to rip apart his manuscript. In retaliation, he steals Kayneth's summoning artifact and enters the War, intending to win the Grail to prove his own genius.
{{spoiler|1=After Kayneth's death, he is forced to take up the title of Lord El-Melloi II, eventually becoming one of the top lecturers of the Magi Association. He is quite close to Rin as a teacher, and is the man who, outside of ''HF'', dismantles the Fuyuki Grail system after the [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Fifth Grail War]]. In the ''All-Around TYPE MOON'' crossover Drama CD, he is also revealed to be ''Cafe Ahnenerbe'''s mysterious customer, and the narrator.}}
* [[Adorkable]] - It shows all the more since he's a straight-laced type A [[Tsundere]] Master with a [[Boisterous Bruiser]] for a Servant.
* [[Boring but Practical]] - Being incapable of more spectacular spellwork, he has to resort to clever applications of simple magic. He sees it as something to be ashamed of until Rider, who considers resourcefulness more impressive than raw strength, commends him.
* [[Butt Monkey]] - Iskander is pretty abusive.
** In the ''[[Crossover|All Around TYPE-MOON]]'' Drama CD, though being the first customer of ''Cafe Ahnenerbe'' his food order winds up getting ignored amidst the antics of [[Tsukihime (Visual Novel)|Arcueid]] [[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|and]] [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|company]], he gets ripped off by FSN!Rider ordering a pile of stuff on his account, beaten up by her two sisters for refusing to play along, knocked out by sampling [[Lethal Chef|Hisui]]'s cooking... You get the idea.
* [[Character Development]] - Goes from a self-centered, obnoxious, arrogant brat to a true man, {{spoiler|dignified and loyal follower of the great King of Conquerors that even ''Gilgamesh'' somehow considers worthy of living}}.
* [[Cheaters Never Prosper]] - He's the only Master in the war who ''doesn't'' cheat at some point, {{spoiler|and while he doesn't win, he makes it through the war alive, and is the only one of the surviving Masters who is better off at the end of the war than he was at the start.}}
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{{quote| {{spoiler|''Even though his entire head above the nose had been blown away without a trace, his lips still traced a smile of total bliss.'' }}}}
** {{spoiler|While his head still remains intact when he's killed in the anime, the last expression we see on his face is still a smile.}}
* [[In Love Withwith Your Carnage]] - To Bluebeard.
** [[Luminescent Blush]] - In the anime, Bluebeard's sadistic shenanigans often make Ryuunosuke's face turn pink in excitement.
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]
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* [[Determinator]] - He really did try his best, but in the end, he's just a runaway magus with no proper training whatsoever.
* [[Dogged Nice Guy]] - So dogged, he still hangs around Aoi despite her being married for several years to and having two children with Tokiomi. And he fails to realize that Aoi actually loves Tokiomi.
* [[Doomed Byby Canon]] - He enters the war on the condition that Zouken will release Sakura if he manages to win. Needless to say, he's destined to fail.
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]}} - {{spoiler|Kariya dies with a satisfied smile, comforted by dreams of escaping with Aoi, Sakura, and Rin and starting a family together.}}
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]] - Though he genuinely wishes to save Sakura and help Aoi, jealousy is definitely also one of his motivations. {{spoiler|At the end, his deepest wish is revealed: [[Tragic Dream|to win Aoi's heart, and to be called 'Daddy' by Sakura and Rin]].}}
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Initially uninterested in the Grail, after advice from Gilgamesh, he decides to investigate why the other Masters are participating. He finds Kiritsugu's wish - saving the lives of all others - to be the opposite extreme of his; therefore, he wants to face him personally, asking, "What is the worth, of a worthless being?"
He is also one of the possible [[Big Bad|Big Bads]] of ''[[Fate Stay Night (Visual Novel)|Fate/stay night]]''; go [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night/Masters/Characters|there]] for his role in the 5th Grail War.
* [[Arch Enemy]] - To Kiritsugu.
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* [[Batman Gambit]] - {{spoiler|After killing Tokiomi, he places the latter's corpse together with an unconscious Kariya in order to [[Kick the Dog|set Aoi against him]], then [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulates Kariya into kidnapping Irisviel]] with Berserker disguised as Rider using the former's Noble Phantasm ''For Someone's Glory''. This provokes Saber to attack Iskander, whose chariot is destroyed in the process. Gilgamesh then moves to finish off Iskander while Berserker duels Saber, ensuring that Kirei faces Kiritsugu alone.}}
* [[Battle Butler]] - To Tokiomi, in whose service he is obedient, dutiful, and effective. {{spoiler|Until he's not.}}
* [[Big Bad]] - While it was [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night|foretold by canon]], {{spoiler|as of ''zero'' he doesn't know it yet.}}
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]] - Of the ''Destruction'' sphere. His only finds pleasure in the suffering of others, which is ironic because [[Church Militant|his profession]] directly contradicts his "passion". He is, however, a slightly unusual spin on this trope as he spends most of his life trying to repress it {{spoiler|until late in the story}}. This may put him into [[Tragic Villain]] territory.
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]] - Master of the Baji Quan martial art, and capable of keeping up with Kiritsugu's attacks when Kiritsugu is using time manipulation to speed himself up to three times past the human limit.
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* [[Crazy Prepared]] - Bulletproof priest's robes, anyone?
* [[Deceptive Disciple]] - To Tokiomi.
* [[Desperately Looking for Aa Purpose In Life]] - Kirei's motivation for literally everything he does. With a little help from [[Manipulative Bastard|Gilgamesh]], he eventually [[Evil Feels Good|finds it]].
* [[Dissonant Serenity]] - In the novel, {{spoiler|his murder of Tokiomi is accompanied by a cheerful laugh and a bright smile.}}
* [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness]]
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* [[In the Back]] - Stabs Tokiomi in the back with the Azoth dagger Tokiomi gave him.
* [[Irony]] - [[Invoked Trope|Invokes]] it, killing Tokiomi with the Azoth dagger he gave to Kirei ''as a parting gift'', and then ''gives it to Rin as a gift''. It comes full circle in the next Grail War when Shirou kills him with the same dagger in one of the three routes.
* [[Karma Houdini]] - Avoids the consequences for his various evil deeds until ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]''.
* [[Kung Fu Wizard]]
* [[Mage Killer]] - Executors are trained to combat mages. He happens to be a very skilled one.
* [[Not So Different]] - Believes that he and Kiritsugu are very similar. {{spoiler|[[Subverted Trope|He's]] [[Foil|wrong]].}}
* [[Schrodinger Fu]] - With ''magic'' no less. {{spoiler|Kirei baffles Kiritsugu by using Magecraft to counter Kiritsugu's origin bullets, which are designed to kill magi with their own prana, by utilizing his command seals in place of his own magic circuits.}} According to the [[Light Novel]] this is {{spoiler|accidental on Kirei's part}}.
* [[Stalker Without a Crush]] - To Kiritsugu, though his single-minded obsession and casual {{spoiler|beatdowns/murder of Kiritsugu's wife and sort-of-love-interest}} may turn this into a [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|Does This Remind You Of Anything?]] scenario.
* [[Start of Darkness]] - ''[[Fate Zero (Literature)|Fate /Zero]]'' is his.
* [[Super Speed]] - Can outright dodge ''and parry'' bullets.
* [[Teen Genius]] - Graduating valedictorian from the Theological College of St. Ignatius at Manresa, where he was [[Student Council President]], after skipping two levels... at the age of fourteen. He became an [[Church Militant|Executor]] not long after.
* [[Throwing Your Sword Always Works]] - The standard equipment of [[The Church]]'s [[Church Militant|Militants]] are Black Keys, literal ''throwing swords'' held between the knuckles in a [[X -Men|Wolverine]]-esque manner.
* [[The Stoic]] - With [[Not So Stoic]] moments, such as {{spoiler|learning the truth about Kiritsugu, his fight with Kiritsugu in itself}}, and {{spoiler|his hysterical breakdown during the fire}}.
* [[Treacherous Advisor]] - To Tokiomi, again.
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Her Noble Phantasms are Excalibur, her signature weapon which she can use to launch a [[Sword Beam]], disguising it with the windy barrier "Invisible Air", and Avalon, Excalibur's sheath, which grants the holder [[Nigh Invulnerability]].
(Go to the ''[[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night/Servants/Characters|Fate/stay night]]'' page for her role in the 5th Grail War.)
* [[Action Girl]]
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* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Biker]] - She rides a motorcycle into battle against Iskander in the fourth novel.
** [[Badass in Aa Nice Suit]]
* [[Battle Ballgown]]
* [[Bifauxnen]] - Saber spends most of her unarmored time dressed in men's clothes at Irisviel's suggestion.
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* [[Heroic BSOD]] - Narrowly-averted after seeing Rider's [[Badass Army]] and having her beliefs on kingship shaken to the very core. A talk with Irisviel renews her confidence and her [[Temporal Paradox|wish]] - something she would carry until the climaxes of both ''Fate'' and ''UBW'' routes. She goes through it upon seeing Berserker revealed before her eyes as {{spoiler|Lancelot}}, and nearly gets killed as a result.
* [[Heroic Self-Deprecation]] - Her wish is full of this. She basically wants to ensure that the legend she comes from never existed in the first place because she believes she did an inadequate job at it, which leads to Rider's [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]].
* [[Honor Before Reason]] - Much more knightly and chivalrous than in the fifth war. While she retained her knightly attitude in the fifth war, she was nontheless a little more ruthless and more intent on winning rather than proving a point. So you could say that in the fourth war, the "knight" aspect of her personality took precedence to the "king" aspect, while it became the inverse in [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]. Considering the crap she goes through here, especially the disappointment in Kiritsugu, it's likely that she became a bit more cynical, whether she likes it or not. A case could also be made for Kiritsugu's own ruthlessness and pragmatic attitude towards winning the war rubbing off on her by the fifth.
* [[Hot Chick in Aa Badass Suit]]
* [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword]]
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]] - Her own justification to herself for {{spoiler|declaring war on Lancelot and starting a civil war. She personally wanted nothing more but for Guinevere and Lancelot to be happy, but as a king, had to declare war and bring them to justice.}}
* [[Identical Stranger]] - She looks very similar to [http://images.wikia.com/typemoon/images/8/80/Joan_i.png Jeanne d'Arc]. No wonder Caster thought she was Jeanne.
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{{quote| ''"You can't look at me. Worms can only look at the ground when they die, like the worms they are."''}}
The King of Heroes; [[The Epic of Gilgamesh (Literature)|the oldest, most venerable]] Heroic Spirit participating in the War. Summoned using the fossil of 'the first snake to shed its skin' as a catalyst, relating to his quest for immortality.
{{spoiler|As Arturia destroys the Grail, Gilgamesh standing beneath is covered by its [[The Corruption|black mud]], which grants him an actual, flesh-and-blood body. It should've also driven him insane, but his ego was apparently too strong for that.}}
He is an antagonist in all routes of ''[[Fate Stay Night|Fate/stay night]]'' {{spoiler|as [[The Dragon]] in ''Fate'' and [[Big Bad]] in ''Unlimited Blade Works''. In ''Heaven's Feel'', he lost in the [[Eviler Than Thou]]}}.
He possesses the Gate of Babylon, [[Hyperspace Arsenal|a portal that contains the prototypes of all the Noble Phantasms]], [[Cool Ship|an Ancient Babylonian Spaceship]], [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|and his wine cellar]]. He also has Ea, a [[Sword Beam|wave-motion]] ''[[This Is a Drill|drill sword]]'' which he uses for his finishing move ''Enuma Elish''.
(Go to the [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night/Servants/Characters|Fate/stay night]] page for his role in the 5th Grail War.)
* [[Above Good and Evil]] - How he defines himself. He is absolute. As a true king, justice is unnecessary to him. An interesting case as it is not really considered an evil point of view, it's actually the opposite. {{spoiler|It might even be taken literally as even all the world's evil is unable to corrupt such an "absolute existence"}}
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* [[Mundane Utility]] - In addition to all the weapons and cool tools that he keeps in the Gate of Babylon, Gilgamesh also apparently has a first rate wine cellar.
* [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]
* [[Only Friend]] - Gilgamesh turns down Iskander's offer of [[We Can Rule Together|ruling together]] because of this trope. Anyone who's familiar with [[The Epic of Gilgamesh (Literature)|the epic]] can probably guess who he's talking about.
{{quote| '''Gilgamesh''':It is unfortunate, but I do not require a second friend. Past and future, my companion will only be one - and there need not be two kingly ones.}}
* [[Person of Mass Destruction]]
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* [[Anti-Magic]] - Gae Dearg, the Crimson Rose of Exorcism, renders prana-infused weapons ineffective.
* {{spoiler|[[A Plague Onon Both Your Houses]]}} - {{spoiler|He dies cursing his luck, Kiritsugu, Saber, the Grail, and everything else in the world, cursing that their wishes become disasters. Turns out that he's right with regards to the Grail.}}
* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]] - With Saber.
* [[Beauty Mark]] - A ''plot important'' beauty mark.
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* [[Call Forward]] - Like Chu Chulainn in the 5th Grail War, Diarmuid is also {{spoiler|forced to kill himself}}.
* [[Chick Magnet]] - His "Mystic Face".
* [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]] - Seriously. What is his curse? ''Being a [[Chick Magnet]].''
** [[Blessed Withwith Suck]] - His [[Chick Magnet]] powers really ''are'' a curse. He originally died because his lord's wife fell in love with him, ending up in him being betrayed. Then his Master's fiancee ''also'' falls in love with him, {{spoiler|meaning he gets killed ''again.''}}
* [[Dual-Wielding]] - Equipped with two spears, though he usually drops one when fighting.
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
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* [[Wound That Will Not Heal]] - Gae Buidhe, the Golden Rose of Mortality, has the ability to inflict one.
=== Iskander ([[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"|Alexander]]) the Great (Rider) ===
==== Voiced by: [[Akio Ohtsuka]] ====
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{{spoiler|In the final hours of the War, he confronts Gilgamesh, who is holding the bridge against him. Having lost his chariot, he summons his army and charges Gilgamesh, who activates Ea, destroying the Reality Marble. Running alone, Iskander is bound by Enkidu and killed by Gate of Babylon. He is the fourth defeated Servant.}}
He possesses the Gordius Wheel, a chariot led by two divine bulls, which he uses for his trampling attack "Via Expugnatio". He also has the Reality Marble "Ionioi Hetairoi/[[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"|Aionion Hetairoi]]", which summons the [[Badass Army]] that he controlled in his life. He also has a sword called "Sparda" which he uses to summon the Gordius Wheel.
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* [[Friendly Enemy]] - He casually suggests that he and Saber have a drinking game and invited Gligamesh to join them when he happened to run across the guy. Until Kirei's Assassins show up, the three of them are sitting around a table, talking about their dreams, kingship and even comparing the quality of wine.
* [[Genius Bruiser]] - He's a LOT smarter that his personality would suggest. [[Fridge Brilliance|How else would he have won all those battles in Real Life?]] After interrupting Saber and Lancer's battle, he's the first to realize other servants were watching too, to name one example. He even has a skill called "Military Tactics."
* [[Go-Karting Withwith Bowser]] - He holds Gilgamesh to his promise of the two of them finishing off the remaining wine before {{spoiler|facing off in a deathmatch}}. The two were quite cordial and even clicked their goblets before draining them. Waver was surprised that the two got along quite well.
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]}}
* [[Heroes Gone Fishing]] - He spends his free time, among other things, watching military documentaries, planning world conquest, buying videogames, [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|and walking around the house not wearing pants.]]
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** [[Evil Is Not Well Lit]] - The lair he and Ryuunosuke use as their base of operations is all but shrouded in complete darkness.
** [[Evil Makes You Ugly]] - He was quite a handsome man before his descent into madness.
** [[Fallen Hero]] - As previously stated, he used to be an ally of Jeanne d'Arc. He is in the WRONG [[Fate /Apocrypha (Light Novel)|Fate storyline]].
** [[Faux Affably Evil]]
** [[Lean and Mean]] - He's really just skin and bones under those bulky robes of his. Especially apparent in the ED.
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** [[Necessarily Evil]] - How he views his actions, though the narrative makes it abundantly clear that this is but the delusion of an insane mind.
** [[Obviously Evil]] - Bulging eyes, bone-white skin, you ''know'' this guy is evil from the get-go.
* [[Fish Eyes]] - Appropriately enough, for a character with so many references to [[HPH.P. Lovecraft]]. An obvious reference to the "Innsmouth Look"
* [[Gonk]]
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Realization]] - At the very end of his life when Saber blasts him with Excalibur.}}
* [[Homage]] - To the works of [[HPH.P. Lovecraft]]. Not so much Caster as the creatures he summons - as to be expected from Urobuchi Gen, who previously wrote [[Cthulhu Mythos]] - inspired works such as ''[[Saya no Uta (Visual Novel)|Saya no Uta]]''.
** Another name for his Noble Phantasm is the ''Text of the Sunken Spiraled City'' - also known as the ''[[Cthulhu Mythos|R'lyeh Text]]''. Caster's appearance itself evokes the "Innsmouth look".
* [[Hope Spot]] - He likes to purposefully create them, to give his victims hope which he can then destroy.
* [[In Love Withwith Your Carnage]] - The reason he and Ryuunosuke get along so well is that they mutually appreciate each other's capacity for sadistic torture and murder.
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Mad Artist]] - Oh, the [[Squick]]. Also comes into play with his skill "Eye for Art", which allows him a chance to identify Noble Phantasms with an artistic quality to them.
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* [[Motor Mouth]] - When he's getting worked up.
* [[Playing Against Type]] - In universe, Gilles de Rais was a knight, more suited to one of the more combat oriented classes. It's a combination of Ryunosuke's botched summoning (he had no idea what he was actually doing) and the fact that only one class was left unclaimed at the time that the summoning occurred that results in Bluebeard being summoned as Caster.
* [[Powered Byby a Forsaken Child]] - Due to it being a central part of Blue Beard's legend and Ryunosuke summoning him as under the caster class this was pretty much a forgone conclusion. By the time he's finished though [[Complete Monster|its more like a forsaken pre-school.]]
* [[Self-Serving Memory]] - The way he tells the story of his death, you'd think it was entirely due to political rivals wanting to plunder his estates and had nothing to do with his murdering children as part of his demonology studies. According to history, he didn't have much of an estate for said rivals to plunder at the time of his death - between commissioning a massive theatrical tribute to Joan of Arc, his occult research, and his love of high living, he was pretty much bankrupt. The only reason he still had lands at the time of his death was because the King of France refused to let him sell any more of them to fend off his creditors.
* [[The Sociopath]]
* [[Squishy Wizard]] - An odd case in that, because he was in life a knight, his physical attributes are greater than a human (he can easily kill one with his bare hands) and he hasn't memorized any spells (he has to keep consulting the book whenever he wants to use one in it). However, compared to other Servants he's still quite weak and his spellbook gives him a separate source of power for spells, meaning while he doesn't quite fit the archetype he functions as if he did.
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]] - Certainly ''acts'' like one towards Saber.
* [[Summon Magic]]
* [[Tome of Eldritch Lore]] - Prelati's Spellbook.
Line 676:
* [[The Berserker]] - Duh.
** [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]] - Played with. Although his class dictates that he can't think of anything other than attacking, the Black Knight is more than capable of defending himself and performing complex maneuvers thanks to his instinctive mastery of every kind of weapon.
** [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]] - Like [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night|Hercules]], he gains a stat boost in exchange for his sanity. ''Unlike'' Hercules, an Individual Skill called Eternal Arms Mastership allows him to keep all of his combat prowess. This includes the ability to fight tactically and wield his greatest Noble Phantasm, {{spoiler|Arondight}}, without any loss in skill. And he does it all ''instinctively''.
*** [[Awesome but Impractical]] - Essentially one of the most powerful Servants in the game, but as a Berserker, his prana requirements are on average much higher than other Servants, which is pretty bad when you have a Master like Kariya, who barely qualifies as a magus. To make things worse, Berserker's primary Noble Phantasm, Knight of Honor, also has a higher-than-normal activation cost, which is added to the incredible burden needed to maintain a Berserker-class Servant in the first place.
** [[The Speechless]] - Mad Enhancement removed his ability to speak, or have complex thoughts. {{spoiler|Which is exactly how he wanted it to be.}} His consciousness is somewhat connected to his Master's, though, allowing them to "communicate".
Line 696:
* {{spoiler|[[Death Equals Redemption]]}} - {{spoiler|Eventually achieves this after deliberately seeking it out, right down to the person he wanted to be killed by}}.
* [[Death Seeker]] - {{spoiler|Just as he dies, his Mad Enhancement wears off and he tells Arturia that he "wanted to die by her sword" to atone for his sins}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Dying Asas Yourself]]}}
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]] - He's referred to as the "Black Knight" for the majority of the War -- while the other Servants' true names are revealed early on, his is kept secret until near the end of the story.
* [[The Faceless]] - His helmet hides his face {{spoiler|until the final day of the 4th Grail War}}.
Line 725:
* [[Say My Name]] - His helmet-muffled vocalizations are revealed to be this. {{spoiler|"[[King Arthur|AAAAAARTHUUUUUURRRRR!!!!]]"}}
* [[Secret Keeper]] - {{spoiler|He was a very close friend of Arturia and was one of the few whom knew of the King's true gender. Even during the civil war, he never considered revealing the truth to the people.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Suicide Byby Cop|Suicide by Arturia]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Too Powerful to Live]] - Came THIS close to killing Arturia, only to be stopped by Kariya's [[Heroic RROD]].}}
* [[Voice of the Legion]]: Rather subtly.
Line 743:
* [[Adjusting Your Glasses|Adjusting Your Mask]]: {{spoiler|Zayd}} in the Einzbern Consulation Room Specials.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: The first assassin killed {{spoiler|called Zayd}} in the Einzbern Consultation Room Specials.
* [[C -List Fodder]] - [[Memetic Mutation|Isn't it sad, Assassin?]]
* [[Conservation of Ninjutsu]] - Invoked by his Noble Phantasm, as every time Assassin splits off into a separate body, his already unimpressive stats are redistributed accordingly. This makes him an exceedingly weak Servant, especially since the Assassin class is pretty weak to start out with, but makes him a first rate Servant for gathering intelligence.
* [[Death Is Cheap]] - His Noble Phantasm allows his soul to be split into eighty separate entities, all of which have to be killed before Assassin is counted as [[Killed Off for Real]]. {{spoiler|Of course, he ended up fighting the guy who has a giant ARMY as a special ability. Should have kept a body at home.}}
* [[Face Death Withwith Dignity]] - In the anime, when faced with [[Badass Army|Ionion Hetairoi]], {{spoiler|all the Assassins either turn tail and flee or put up pathetically useless struggles...with the exception of the female personality, who resigns herself and simply allows Rider to decapitate her.}} Averted in the Drama CD, where, {{spoiler|upon Rider's taunting for her to show at least some resistance, she lunges at him, only to get slashed and killed ignominiously in return.}}
* [[Laser Hallway]] - Tokiomi's defenses around his house resemble this, causing Assassin to take the usual dodging and weaving methods necessary, plus a few thrown rocks. It's actually pretty impressive until Archer turns him into a pincushion.
* [[Lawful Evil]] - In-universe alignment.
* [[Legacy Character]] - There were 18 different Hassan-i-Sabbahs. Needless to say, this one is very different from ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'''s True Assassin.
* [[Mook]] - How they are considered and used by Tokiomi and Kirei.
* [[Rapunzel Hair]] - The female body.
Line 791:
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[Pretty in Mink]]
* [[Proper Tights Withwith a Skirt]]
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]] - Averted.
Line 820:
* [[Child Soldier]] - Part of her backstory, as revealed in Volume 4.
* {{spoiler|[[Died in Your Arms Tonight]]}} - {{spoiler|Played with in that she kept telling Kiritsugu to focus on his objective instead of grieving for her.}}
* [[Friends Withwith Benefits]] - With Kiritsugu in the past, and it's explicitly stated that there's no real emotion involved. Kiritsugu did it as a form of self-punishment, and as a "rehearsal" for {{spoiler|how he'll eventually have to betray Irisviel}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]}}
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]] - "Maiya Hisau" was the name on the first passport Kiritsugu made for her. She no longer remembers her real name.
* [[Rape Asas Backstory]] - Revealed in Volume 4 -- She was raped by soldiers in a war-torn battlefield before she was found by Kiritsugu.
* [[Shoot the Hostage]] - Part of a plan instigated by Kiritsugu. {{spoiler|Having crippled El-Melloi, Kiritsugu orders Maiya to kidnap El-Melloi's wife. Kiritsugu gives El-Melloi an offer; quit the War, and Kiritsugu will be magically bound from harming the pair of them. El-Melloi agrees and hurries to leave the city. Maiya guns the pair down.}}
* [[Sidekick]] - {{spoiler|And by extension, [[Dead Sidekick]].}}
Line 838:
{{spoiler|After having her arm cut off by Maiya to remove the Command Spells, she was held hostage and Kiritsugu forced Kayneth to quit the War. Just as Kayneth prepares to take Sola-Ui and leave the city, Maiya guns the pair down.}}
* {{spoiler|[[An Arm and Aa Leg]]}} - {{spoiler|Maiya cuts off her right arm in order to remove the Command Spells.}}
* [[Bodyguard Crush]] - To Diarmuid, and incredibly so, though he's technically not ''her'' bodyguard to start with.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]] - Resigned to being a pawn in magus politics, Sola became indifferent and cold early on. Lancer, being chivalrous and brave, melted Sola with incredible speed. {{spoiler|Accidentally and unfortunately for all involved.}}
Line 850:
* [[Overly Long Name]]
* {{spoiler|[[Shoot the Hostage]]}} - {{spoiler|Kiritsugu has her shot along with Kayneth.}}
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]] - Diarmuid has to ''force'' her to stay away out of combat after she takes over, pointing out that she doesn't have Kayneth's training; Sola only gives in because she doesn't want Lancer to think she lacks confidence in him, not out of any concession to her own safety.
=== Aoi Tohsaka ===
Line 882:
* [[Doting Parent]] - He thinks that he knows what makes his son tick very well. Unfortunately...
* [[Eyes Always Shut]]
* [[Horrible Judge of Character]] - Though it's a line from ''[[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night|Fate Stay Night]]'' Kotomine once reflects on how his father never really understood him, he only saw his exceptional capabilities and apparent piety. In ''[[Fate /Zero]],'' he has utter faith in Kotomine. However, he is not the only one to misunderstand what drives Kotomine, nor did he ever see Kotomine after he became the villain we know him as. Kotomine was genuinely distressed when Risei died {{spoiler|as he wanted to kill his father himself.}}
* [[Unusual Eyebrows]]
Line 891:
{{quote| ''"There were terrible cries for the first three days, but by the fourth day, she was silent. Today, she was thrown at dawn in the worm storage to test how well she would last, but, ho ho, she endured it for half a day and is still breathing. What do you know, the Tōsaka material isn't defective."'' }}
Head of the Matou/Makiri family, grandfather to [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Shinji Matou]], father to Kariya Matou, and adoptive grandfather of Sakura Matou. He is actually around two centuries old, having used parasitic worms to extend his life span. He has a minor role in ''[[Fate /Zero]]'' as the one who pushes Kariya to join the Grail War, as well as the one who fosters Sakura's "[[Rape Asas Backstory|training]]".
For his role in the fifth war, go [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night/Masters/Characters|here]].
* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Bigger Bad]] - Though he is a [[Big Bad]] in one of the routes of [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]], his presence is relegated to the background in ''[[Fate /Zero]]''.
* [[Black Eyes of Evil]]
* [[Evil Old Folks]]
Line 902:
* [[Genre Savvy]] - {{spoiler|When the demonic Caster was summoned, he immediately deduced that the Holy Grail system had erred, which caused the Grail's corruption and dismisses any chance of winning it, something Tokiomi and the Einzberns never realize through the whole war. He also discerns Kirei's true nature upon meeting him, and is very much aware of the stealth activities Kirei has been doing without Tokiomi's knowledge.}}
* [[Immortality Seeker]]
* [[Karma Houdini]] - Remember it isn't until ''Heaven's Feel'' in [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]] when [[Karmic Death|he gets what he deserves]].
* [[Older Than They Look]] - And considering how old he ''does'' look, that's an accomplishment.
* [[The Worm That Walks]] - How he extends his life span.
Line 911:
The eldest daughter of Tokiomi and Aoi. A spunky, outspoken girl who shows a lot of promise as a mage.
She's one of the main heroines of ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]''. For her role in the 5th Grail War, go [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night/Masters/Characters|here]].
* [[A Day in Thethe Limelight]] - Gets a short chapter from her POV in the book. Expanded into a full-fledged episode (fittingly titled ''Rin's Adventure'') in the anime adapatation.
* [[Aloof Big Brother|Aloof Big Sister]] - Totally ignores the fact that her younger sister was given to a family of evil mages.
** Although there's no indication that she's aware of the "evil" bit....
Line 929:
The younger daughter of Tokiomi and Aoi. Sakura was given away to the Matou family because the laws of the magus world prevented Tokiomi from training more than one of his daughters to carry on his family's tradition, and Tokiomi didn't want Sakura's potential to go to waste. Kariya made a deal with Zouken to win the Holy Grail in exchange for Sakura's freedom to return to the Tohsaka family.
She's one of the main heroines of ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]''. For her role in the 5th Grail War, go [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night/Masters/Characters|here]].
* [[Body Horror]]
Line 944:
The daughter of Kiritsugu and Irisviel.
She's a major character in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]''. For her role in the 5th Grail War, go [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night/Masters/Characters|here]].
* [[Artificial Human]]
Line 963:
* [[Posthumous Character]]
* [[Unwitting Instigator of Doom]] - She drank one of Noritaka's potions under development out of curiosity, which caused her transformation into a vampire and the destruction of her village.
* [[Wide -Eyed Idealist]]
=== Natalia Kaminski ===
Line 977:
* [[Bob Haircut]]
* [[Cynical Mentor]]
* [[Expy]] - Basically a gun-toting version of [[Kara noKarano Kyoukai|Aozaki Touko]], her design in the anime even resembles the original, novel-only design of Touko.
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]}}
* [[The Gunslinger]]
Line 983:
* [[Mage Killer]] - Kiritsugu learns all his gruesome trade from her, especially marksmanship.
* [[Mentor Archetype]]
* [[Only in It For Thethe Money]]
* [[Parental Substitute]] - To Kiritsugu.
* [[Posthumous Character]]
Line 1,001:
* [[Freudian Excuse]] - He has few magic circuits, his son is incapable of sorcery and he eventually learned that Sakura was going to be the successor, which is probably is what turned him into broken alcoholic man.
* [[Hot Dad]]
* [[Irony]]- Shinji [[Give Him a Normal Life|is out of the picture due to studying abroad at the time of the 4th Holy Grail War]], which means that Byakuya was probably hiding the fact that the Matou family was a family of Magus from Shinji. Too bad Shinji [[Go Mad From the Revelation|eventually not only found out]], but proceeded to [[Inferiority Superiority Complex|let it go to his head in a big way]], and when Byakuya finds out that Sakura will be the successor to the family in the [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Heaven's Feel route]] he starts neglecting Shinji.
* [[Parental Favoritism]] - In the [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Heaven's Feel route]], after (unsuccessfully) trying to hide the nature of the Matou family from Shinji Byakuya starts favoring Sakura.
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]] - With Kariya.
* [[The Unfavorite]] - Because he is weak as a Magus.
Line 1,014:
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Hot Mom]] - [[Fate/hollow Hollow Ataraxiaataraxia|Caren Ortensia]]'s mother.
* [[Ill Girl]]
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]] - To Kirei.