Fate stay night/Characters/Servants: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| ''"I ask of you. Are you my Master?"''}}
The main heroine of the ''Fate'' route. Saber is the Servant summoned by [[The Hero]], Shirou Emiya. Being a Saber class, she excels in many areas of fighting and has a very high magic resistance. She is often considered the best Servant type, but due to Shirou's shortcomings as a Master, she cannot reach her full potential.
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* {{spoiler|[[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: Saber Alter.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Big Eater]]: Still a big eater as Saber Alter, but manages to destroy Shirou's pride in his cooking with her attitude about it.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Saber Alter:''' Lunch. [[Gratuitous English|NOW]]! ''<munch>'' Like always, your food is terrible.}}}}
*** {{spoiler|In side material, it is mentioned that Saber Alter is the biggest eater of all, surpassing even Berserker.}}
** {{spoiler|[[The Corruption]]: Has been overcome.}}
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** {{spoiler|[[Perpetual Frowner]]: A super-powered evil version of her usual Poker Face.}}
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: In Fate. {{spoiler|After a rather serious monologue with Saber contemplating about protecting Shirou, and eventually having the brief thought of her feeling like a girl in love like in the story books, Rin walks by asking where Shirou is}}.
{{quote| '''Saber''': ''"R-Rin! What is it? I-It's not like I'm surrendering to Shirou!"''}}
* [[Theme Music Power-Up]]: Whenever ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q52bJ3E19DU "The Sword of Promised Victory"]'' plays, something is {{spoiler|getting [[Unusual Euphemism|Excalibur'd]].}}
* [[Time Travel Escape]]: An unusual example. It works like this: {{spoiler|Saber is destined to die on that hill. It has already happened from our standpoint, it just hasn't happened to her yet.<ref>Her personal timeline is separated from that of the world, so that no matter what happens to Saber, she goes back to that hilltop and dies as Arturia, but for her personally she has never died.</ref> Assuming that as a Servant she's still capable of aging, she could grow old and die and she would still end up at the battlefield immediately after that, where she would ''really'' die. However, ''Unlimited Blade Works'' [[Multiple Endings|Good End]] gets around this by the realization that it doesn't matter if she ends up on that hilltop on the end because she will still have been able to lead that normal life here.}}
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{{quote| ''"Well well... it appears I've been summoned by a strange little girl."''}}
Servant of Rin and one of the more popular characters in the show. Sarcastic but serious, he tends to look down on Shirou's ideals and usually dispenses either cryptic advice or [[Deadpan Snarker|razor-sharp putdowns]]. He is obedient to Rin, although to what extent nobody really knows; though he carries a semblance of loyalty, Rin has to use one of her three Command Spells shortly after summoning him in order to force Archer into submission.
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** [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]]: Once we learn {{spoiler|Archer's true identity, motives and back-story his stated wish for "World Peace" becomes all kinds of depressing.}}
* {{spoiler|1=[[Generation Xerox]]: His foster father, Kiritsugu Emiya, [[Fate/Zero|started out wanting to be a "hero of justice" but learned things the hard way, and ended up sacrificing the few to save the many in his actions]]. Like father, like son, so much that ''[[Fate/Zero]]'''s opening description of Kiritsugu exactly fits Archer as well.}}
{{quote| ''{{spoiler|Let us tell the story of a certain man. The tale of a man who, more than anyone else, [[Wide-Eyed Idealist|believed in his ideals]], [[Fatal Flaw|and by them was]] [[Despair Event Horizon|driven into despair]].}}''}}
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]: In ''Unlimited Blade Works''.}}
* [[Gratuitous English]]: [[Invocation|The activation speech]] for his Noble Phantasm. The Engrish is used in the [[Visual Novel]] as well but is also accompanied by a proper (and quite different) Japanese version that clarifies its meaning.
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* [[Image Song]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cSKxSBKxpE "Rise"]
* [[Ironic Hell]]
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Rin''' (narrating): The boy who stated that he just doesn't want to see anyone cry... could only see crying humans forever}}.}}
* [[It Got Worse]]: Practically his entire back-story. {{spoiler|His ideals keep getting trampled on over and over until he becomes bitter and cynical. He gets turned into a scapegoat by the very people whose lives he saved, and is executed for it. After death, The World forces him to betray his ideals again and again in his service as a Counter Guardian, which lasts for ''eternity''. No wonder he banks everything on a crazy plan to cause a time paradox.}}
* [[Jade-Colored Glasses]]
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* [[Throwing Your Sword Always Works]]: Completely and thoroughly [[Justified]]. He can make his sword-arrows ''explode'' and can create an essentially unlimited amount of them to [[Unusual Euphemism|mind-bullet at you]].
* [[Tragic Hero]]: This is a guy {{spoiler|whose original desire was to save everyone.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Archer:''' Conflicts come into my view as long as I'm alive. It was endless. I didn't dream of a world without conflicts. [[Despair Event Horizon|I just wanted people in my view to not cry]].}}<br />
{{spoiler|... That's right. This is wrong. ''This is not what I wished for''. '''''I did not become a Guardian for this!''''' }} }}
* [[Trick Arrow]]: He uses various legendary swords ([[Stuff Blowing Up|that EXPLODE]]) as arrows.
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{{quote| ''"It should be natural for you to drink until dawn with someone you get along with, even if he may be your enemy."''}}
{{spoiler|1=Formerly the Servant of Bazett Fraga McRemitz, she was abruptly killed by Kirei Kotomine, who in turn took her Command Spells to control Lancer.}} Lancer is a carefree, laid back Servant always eager to get into a good fight, and will never back down unless commanded. When not being an enemy, he shows a playful attitude and loves to tease. He is most often seen fighting Archer throughout the whole story. Although at first he was dismissed as a mediocre Servant, the release of an ''Unlimited Blade Works'' translation patch boosted his popularity, {{spoiler|thanks to his [[Dying Moment of Awesome]]}}.
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{{quote| ''"You appear to be a brave person, unlike my master. I shall kill you kindly."''}}
A [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo|tall, dark, silent, gorgeous]] Servant, controlled by [[Smug Snake|Shinji Matou]]. Rider is always seen with a blindfold and [[Rapunzel Hair|very long hair]]. Unlike Shinji, she is a little amiable; in fact, she dislikes him, {{spoiler|her loyalty instead lying with his sister and her true Master, Sakura}}. She wields a very long chain in battle, and these chains make sounds like slithering snakes.
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{{quote| ''"▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!"''}}
A very huge and very un-[[Gentle Giant]]. This is the Servant of Ilyasviel von Einzbern, and being a Berserker class, he is stripped of his sanity and ability to coherently speak in exchange for extreme boosts in all other stats. Despite his bouts of insanity and the Berserker class' reputation of killing their own Masters, Berserker is pretty dedicated to his Master, to the point it's almost heart-wrenching.
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[[File:caster_fsn.jpg|frame|[[Beautiful All Along|Yes, that's Caster without the hood]]]]
{{quote| ''"If the Holy Grail has infinite wealth, it should not run out no matter how much we split it. Then can you not share the Holy Grail with those you trust?"''}}
A mysterious wizard who is the Servant of {{spoiler|Kuzuki Soichiro}}. She had a previous Master, but due to his abuse she killed him and seized her own Command Spells. Starved of a source of mana, she was about to fade away when she was rescued by her current Master. She pledged a contract, and later fell in love with him.
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{{quote| ''"My role is to guard this gate. I won't let you through alive, nor shall I let you out alive."''}}
A Servant summoned by Caster to guard the gate of the Ryuudouji Temple. Assassin is a solemn character who delights nothing more than having a good fight. He was, however, an incomplete Servant, thus he is linked with the gate and cannot travel further than the areas in the vicinity of the gate.
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{{quote| ''"'All the evils in the world'? Bring thrice as much if you want to stain '''me'''!"'' }}
An Archer-class Servant from [[Fate/Zero|the previous Holy Grail War]] who doesn't bother to hide his identity as the famous Babylonian king. Overconfident and full of himself, he believes the world rests in the palm of his hand and is his to rule as he pleases. In the Fourth Holy Grail War, he was the Servant of Kirei Kotomine {{spoiler|(though he was originally the Servant of Rin's father, Tohsaka Tokiomi)}} and sought the Grail in order to cleanse the world of the "lowly, weak humans" that inhabited it, leaving only those strong enough to be worthy of his rule.
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{{quote| ''"It looks like your weapon is a projectile weapon as well. Would you like to try a match?"''}}
An Assassin-class Servant who was meant to be summoned for the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, but was denied because Caster broke the rules and called in her '''own''' Assassin. He is only summoned in ''Heaven's Feel'' by Shinji and Sakura's distant relative Zouken Matou in order to take the Holy Grail for themselves and grant their shared desire for eternal life. Because Assassin has the physical body meant for him, True Assassin's first order of business is to attack him and then eat him from the inside out, using Assassin's corpse to construct his own form.